Which is the best Puppy for my needs?

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Which is the best Puppy for my needs?

#1 Post by Odilon »

I discovered Lucid Puppy 5.0.1 and I am very impressed by its speed.
Which version of Puppy should I install on an old computer with maximum 500 Mb of ram and knowing that :

1° Lucid Puppy 5.0.1 starts from the CD on this computer
2° the video driver has to be Vesa (xorg doesn't work)
3° one should be able to use Gimp, Digikam, Inkscape, eventually Kmail
and the recent Wacom Bamboo CTH-661 tablet ???
This last requirement is important as I want to offer this
tool to a handicaped person.

Thanks in advance !
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#2 Post by duck1dong »

Ian commented that multimedia puppy may be best for me since I want sbagen and audacity primarily. 5.2 is a no brainer though for noobs like me except for using the programs, which at this point seems difficult. Make sure the sound card you have works-mine doesnt at this point.
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#3 Post by raffy »

Searching for "wacom" should give you interesting results (sorry, I have not done it yet). See this as a promising discussion.
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#4 Post by racepres »

My son has one of those "tablets" ..We can check functionality for you. But, Won't be till he comes home from school..another week probably... Big Help huh??
Maybe someone in his dorm or class has a machine he can "use" because he already has puppy disks! Unfortunately he don't use a Pee Cee for school, or I would have him check it!
Again... Big help, but I will get ahold of him this Afternoon.
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#5 Post by Odilon »

Thanks and no ptoblem, I can wait :-)
I still spend a week trying to install it...
(but 5 minutes in XP pro)
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#6 Post by racepres »

If you can install XP Pro in 5 min... you ought to be able to do puppy in a blink!!!
BTW what are the rest of your target machine [500MB ram] specifications??
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#7 Post by sfeeley »

if you have a lucid puppy 5.01 disk already, why not give it a quick try to see if does all the things you need? It might be just as fast as waiting around for answers. (and I think 5.01 probably does all of the things you ask, excpet for the wacom which I am not familiar with)

Regarding 500mb Ram-- in my experience, that should be fine for virtually every puppy, especially if you put in a swap partitiion.
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