Puppy saves the day again!

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Mr Doolie
Posts: 143
Joined: Tue 28 Jun 2005, 20:13

Puppy saves the day again!

#1 Post by Mr Doolie »

Playing with all these Linuxes I farkled the partiton table on my external drive.
Partition Tragic couldn't handle it.
Mandriva (installed on HDA) couldn't handle it.
Ubuntu (installed on HDA) couldn't handle it.
Puppy, (Live RAM-resident boot disk) COULD handle it. I had to redo the entire drive but it's OK now.
Details: cfdisk couldn't see the drive but fdisk could. Maybe fdisk was on the other Linuxes too (I didn't look) but I since I *knew* it was part of Puppy I say Puppy saved the day.

Now *there's* a reason for a Windows user to have and know Puppy, Even if he has no interest in Linux, Puppy makes a great (FREE!) rescue disk for Winblows. Where are you going to find a RAM-resident or even live-CD version of Winpoop? How would you make one without Microsquish suing you for zillions of dollars?
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