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How to install Lilypond in Puppy after 2.13.42?

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011, 07:25
by guitar
Because of the faster lilypond compilation I prefer puppy-linux.
But since the version 2.13.42 I cannot install lilypond anymore.
As far as version 2.13.41 everything worked perfectly.
Message in terminal:
bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Regards guitar

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011, 07:36
by GustavoYz
I doesn't knew that LilyPond was already on 2.13.xx series...
I were using 2.12.3!
Going to check it out to see what happens...

Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2011, 11:55
by charlie6
Hi guitar and gustavoYz !

did you have got further results on lilypond install on Puppy?
did one of you post to the lilypond-users forum?

Here, I got a try on a fresh Dpup-Squeeze-4.99.2 and:
- the last stable lilypond-2.14.1-sh does not install properly:
got the same message error

Code: Select all

bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors.
I also tried to
#sh lilypond-2.14.1-sh --tarball
to get its tar.bz2 archive; but Xarchiver shows it as empty and
#tar -xvjf lilypond-2.14.1.tar.bz2
returns also

Code: Select all

tar: Child died with signal 4
#bzrecover lilypond-2.14.1.tar.bz2
does not bringt anything worth.

- the 2.13.41 version gets installed OK without adding any extra-dependency! ; but the 2.13.42 and following returns the above message error.

Note that 2.13.41 is well that usable (I come from 2.10.33 ...!).

Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2011, 13:37
by Karl Godt
Puppy may still have bzip2 --version
bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.5, 10-Dec-2007.

But since
6 Sept 2010 (bzip2, version 1.0.6)
does exists .

And according to the page 03-Sep-2010 11-Sep-2010

Seems to need a newer bzip2 ??

The 2-15.2-1.tar.gz src extracted still .

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 04:38
by GustavoYz
I've totally forgotten of this issue...:oops:
I've packed the 'static' version time ago (can't remember the exact number) on Quirky 1.2, which is the one that i'm using.
I'll upload it tomorrow if you want to test it (not at home now).

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 04:57
by charlie6
#@Karl Godt
thanks for replying !
Again on a fresh install of Dpup Squeezed 4.99:
I downloaded the 1.0.6 version of here

Result:: got the same error message

Posted: Tue 28 Jun 2011, 10:42
by Karl Godt
Dl'ed the src ,
compiled fine ,

Code: Select all

bunzip2 -t -v /COMPILE/Lilypond/lilypond-2.15.2-1.linux-x86.tar.bz2
/COMPILE/Lilypond/lilypond-2.15.2-1.linux-x86.tar.bz2: bad magic number (file not created by bzip2)
You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.

I also looked inside the .pet :

Code: Select all

is in there .

I ran bzip2recover ../ lilypond-2.15.2-1.linux-x86.tar.bz2

and that created


66 single .tar.bz2 files .

The first one extracted apparently ok by xarchive with message "Wrapper exited with an error" , but this happens also sometimes after renaming .pet to .tar.gz .

Have not had time to launch a

Code: Select all

for i in * ; do bunzip -v $i ; done
for i in * ; do tar -xf $i ; done

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 03:36
by charlie6
Hallo Karl Godt,!

still trying to install lilypond- browsing the lilypond-users archive shows that only Puppy users have this .sh install problem; and version works OK for other users. So I wonder why it does not install on Puppy.
I tried the .sh install on Dpup Squeezed 4.99 as also on puppy4.20: same results on both distros.

I also used
#sh --tarball
to get the lilypond- archive; and afterwards
# bzip2recover lilypond-
here got indeed 66 files among them the rec0001-lilypond- which is not empty: Xarchiver shows files in it - licences copies files and binary ones such as, lilypond, etc... whith their respective sizes (about 3,9 MB for lilypond file);

The other rec0002- to rec0066-lilypond- are shown as empty by Xarchiver.

Xarchiver extracts the binary files in /usr/bin ...! whereas the sh installer would normaly extratcs them into /usr/local/bin ; and the /usr/bin/lilypond binary is not 3.9MB but now much less than 3.9MB (ca. 300K ...!), and off course is not working;

So what?

Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 07:24
by Karl Godt
Yes , trying to bunzip2 -v all others worked to leave a .tar and all these following 65 .tar have their relative size , but won't tar -xf .

This is what I got extracting the first .tar by cmdline :

tar -xf /Lilypond/rec00001lilypond-2.15.2-1.linux-x86.tar
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

The lilypond is packaged with 'gub' , that would be the next to google for .

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2011, 18:46
by charlie6
I went to get a try on installing on Mageia see Barry Kauler's blog

just did in a terminal
#sh installed like a charm ...
...but the compile of a file is not that fast as with Puppy ! (referring to using lilypond-2.13.41 which sh install OK on Puppy) ... ;-)

What could cause that the very same lilypond- version does install OK on another linux distro than Puppy; and that lilypond version prior to 2.13.42 also sh install OK; and later don't ...?

( If I good remeber, it was also the case on puppy3.0.1 with lilypond 2.10.33: no sh install; but well on Puppy 4 and later till 2.13.41).


Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2011, 11:01
by charlie6
continuing to try to install 2.14.1 on Puppy Dpup-Squeezed-4.99.2:
I got a try doing this: getting the tar.bz2 archive from another distro
1st trial
- downloaded on another distro than Puppy, i.e. mageia
and there did in a terminal

Code: Select all

#sh --tarball
and so got lilypond-x86-2.14.1.tar.bz2 20MB;
- copy this lilypond-x86-2.14.1.tar.bz2 to (pfix-ram) a live-cd session of puppy: freespace = 1,7 GB;
- there opened it with Xarchiver: all the files were shown; then extracted them to / ; I then intended to get a try on the testfile documented on the download page of Lilypond;
from here Puppy got frozen: no longer possible to open Seamonkey nor rox ...nothing! Here tried Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to restart X black screen; then pushed on start button till power down.
2d trial:
- copied the lilypond-x86-2.14.1.tar.bz2 as on 1st trial steps 1 to 2 above;
- in a terminal did

Code: Select all

tar -xf lilypond-x86-2.14.1.tar.bz2
- results: Puppy got froozen as above

3st trial
- installing later version (pets compiled in wary and downloadable from and so on )
of tar, grep, bzip2 on Dpup;
- did in a terminal

Code: Select all

results: as above posts

Code: Select all

... not a tar.bz2 file
Any idea is welcome,
cheers, Charlie

How to install Lilypond in Puppy after 2.13.42?

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 08:54
by guitar
Problem is solved with Wary Puppy and Racy Puppy 5.2.2.
Thanks to BarryK !

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2012, 16:09
by charlie6
the proposed lilypond 2.14.2 slackware archive (last stable at now 08 feb 2012) - see link below.
This get installed like a charm on slacko5.3.1 (without need of extra dependency).
download here the slackware archive ... 6-1jsc.txz

Install it (click on it and answer "yes"),
Now let's run an example (for those who do not know Lilypond - runs only from command line !!) open a terminal and type:

Code: Select all

# cd /usr/share/lilypond/2.14.2/ly/
# lilypond     <--- here press Enter
This produces a Welcome_to_LilyPond.pdf file in the same directory.

Files with .ly extensions are text encoded scores.
Go to the website to find more about how to produce music scores !

Also version 2.12.3 debian and ubuntu available archives on the same download page.
So might also run on lupu528 (not tested).

Enjoy !

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 04:36
by charlie6
Result of further tests on Lupu528 and Slacko5.3.1:
1. trying to install the later fails; same error message as mentionned above in this thread.

2. trying to install the ubuntu and debian archives proposed on the lilypond download page:
both need extra dependencies, so I gave up. Moreover, those archives seem being stripped out of some file (I did not found the example for instance)

Only the proposed slackware works OOTB on slacko as reported in previous post. As also the lilypond sh installer on war and racy (according to forum member guitar -see above - and tested here on last racy).

Cheers, Charlie