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Beryl-0.2.1 for puppy 4.3 and lucid puppy 5

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011, 09:58
by akash_rawal
Note: Beryl works only on hardware supporting 3d acceleration. But there is no harm in trying it. All changes are reversible.

Installation instructions:

1. Switch to Xorg server if you are using Xvesa
Beryl works only in Xorg server. If you are using Xvesa you must switch to Xorg server by exiting X and then typing "xorgwizard".

2. Install related packages
If you are using puppy 430 or puppy 431 then: If you are using lucid puppy 5 then:
  • 1. Refer to "Drivers" tab in Quickpet to install add-on video drivers.
    2. Install to provide taskbar and fallback window manager.
    Note: Don't install it if you are not using JWM or IceWM as your window manager. Also, Lucid Puppy 525 users are not required to install it.

    3. Install which contains python dependencies for Beryl Settings Manager.
3. Restart X server.

4. Install Beryl.
Download and install and then follow on-screen instructions.

If everything went right, then after rebooting, beryl-manager tray icon (a red icon in system tray) will appear in the taskbar. You will be able to enjoy visual effects provided by Beryl and transparent window borders provided by Emerald.
You can change settings through Beryl Settings Manager (Menu>Desktop>Beryl Settings Manager). You can change window borders using Emerald Theme Manager (Menu>Desktop> Emerald Theme Manager).
Emerald themes (files with .emerald extension) can be installed easily by just clicking ( or double-clicking ) on the theme files.

Known issues
Puppy 430/431:
1. Restarting Beryl in puppy 430/431 hangs computer. Once beryl shuts down or crashes, restart X before starting Beryl again using Beryl manager tray icon.
2. Emerald theme manager hangs frequently.
3. Blur plugin doesn't work properly (but reflection part works).

Lucid puppy 5
1. Emerald theme manager crashes on changing theme(For convenience I have included a script which restarts the theme manager).
Files hosted by OpenDrive

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2011, 14:16
by p310don

I installed everything as in your instructions, and all works well, except for one thing. When playing a movie in 5.2, in fullscreen, the taskbar is always visible. Do you know how to fix that??


Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 07:02
by akash_rawal
p310don wrote: When playing a movie in 5.2, in fullscreen, the taskbar is always visible.
I do not encounter such problem with GNOME MPlayer, which is the only media player in my lucid puppy 511 installation. Which media player are you using, other than GNOME MPlayer?

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 07:23
by p310don
It happens to me with anything full screen. That is, so far, gnome mplayer and full screen Youtube videos

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 07:53
by akash_rawal
Try doing the following:
1. Start Beryl Settings Manager from Menu>Desktop>Beryl Settings Manager or by typing "beryl-settings" (without quotes) in terminal window.
2. There, in General Options, in Main tab, in Advanced group, uncheck "Enable workarounds for certain wine and legacy windows".
3. See whether the problem persists.

Also, copy and paste the contents of the file /tmp/debug-beryl.txt here, or attach it. It contains the terminal output of Beryl which may explain what is going wrong.

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2011, 13:12
by p310don
Ok, tried what you suggested, and it didn't do anything. I have found the issue lies with fbpanel. Not sure what the solution to that is though. For now, I am back to not using beryl, too tired to fiddle tonight. Will look again later and see what I come up with.


Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 04:43
by akash_rawal
p310don wrote: I have found the issue lies with fbpanel.
I cannot reproduce such problem even with fbpanel. Anyways, try using some other panel like lxpanel, or better still, xfce4-panel.

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 05:16
by p310don
I did a fresh install of lupu525 and installed beryl without changing anything, and it has the same issue with full screen video. I can go into task manager and turn off fbpanel, which leaves me with the beryl taskbar and start menu, but I don't like it as much. I am used to the default menu!

I'll check out some other panels when I get time.

Thanks for your help anyway

Paul :)

fbpanel is lost

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 14:07
by ineon03
After installing Beryl, my fbpanel is lost.

How can i revert it back / removing Beryl, i am so new to lucid, please help.

When i press fbpanel refresh menu and tray, tray is appear but disappear again in less than 1 second.

Please help, i can't monitor my battery level if no tray icons.

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 15:04
by dawg
Got screenshot(s)?

Posted: Mon 11 Apr 2011, 14:35
by akash_rawal
p310don wrote:I can go into task manager and turn off fbpanel, which leaves me with the beryl taskbar and start menu, but I don't like it as much. I am used to the default menu!
Beryl doesn't have its own taskbar, the other panel you see is lxpanel, provided
Also try xfce4-panel, it has decent menus and I have no complaints with it.
Sorry for forgetting the link from where I got XFCE. I found it at Lucid Puppy News page, but now link is removed.
ineon03 wrote: After installing Beryl, my fbpanel is lost.

How can i revert it back / removing Beryl, i am so new to lucid, please help.

When i press fbpanel refresh menu and tray, tray is appear but disappear again in less than 1 second.

Please help, i can't monitor my battery level if no tray icons.
The problem is that fbpanel starts before lxpanel, so lxpanel cannot show any tray icons.
The solution is to stop fbpanel from starting at the first place.
Run the following command in terminal:

Code: Select all

sed -i -e "s/\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/fbpanel \] \&\& fbpanel \&/#\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/fbpanel \] \&\& fbpanel \&/g" /root/.xinitrc
Then restart X.

If you don't like lxpanel you can switch to fbpanel by typing the following commands in terminal:

Code: Select all

sed -i -e "s/\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/lxpanel \] \&\& lxpanel \&/#\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/lxpanel \] \&\& lxpanel \&/g" /root/.xinitrc
sed -i -e "s/#\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/fbpanel \] \&\& fbpanel \&/\[ -f \/usr\/bin\/fbpanel \] \&\& fbpanel \&/g" /root/.xinitrc
Remember to restart X after that.
dawg wrote:Got screenshot(s)?
See attachments.

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2011, 00:29
by KusaNoKaito
The download link for Beryl seems to be broken.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2011, 06:25
by p310don
The download link for Beryl seems to be broken.
Try this file, extract the torrent and download.

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2011, 01:11
by KusaNoKaito
I have tried using both frostwire and PCTorrent to download the data.

I have my firewall and web server turned off, but I still can't seem to download the data.

Any ideas?

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2011, 01:34
by p310don
not sure, I noticed that only one person has downloaded it, and that was me to my phone to test it works...

PM me your email if you like, and I can email it to you

Posted: Sat 08 Oct 2011, 06:00
by akash_rawal
KusaNoKaito wrote:The download link for Beryl seems to be broken.
OpenDrive was down recently, and the broken link must be its consequence.

I have re-uploaded the file. There should not be any issues now.

Posted: Sun 09 Oct 2011, 08:08
by JSonic
Beryl is working fine for me, no problems with download.
I like the themes.
Thanks for making this available!
EDIT: Forgot to mention I have Lucid 528.


Posted: Tue 13 Dec 2011, 23:28
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
D/L the pet and will give it a go..
Does Beryl require GL like Compiz??
And arent they merged in Compiz/Fusion..
I thought Beryl was unsupported since then...
Sure is a lot smaller than Compiz...

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 00:57
by p310don
I found to get this to work nicely, and not have issues with lxpanel, I just installed the xorg package, and the python package, and then beryl, and it works like a treat.

The only issue, which isn't major for me, is I can no longer right click on the desktop to bring up the menu.

Posted: Wed 21 Dec 2011, 20:42
by `f00
non-lucid 5xx

Tried the dotpets (python & beryl-219) on w514 (wary), got the 'gears' anim on beryl install.. Major issue for me is that all window/bar/panel interiors are blank white areas, no decor either (afaict) in beryl - basically the only bindings that work for me are Ctrl+Alt+bs (exit to prompt) and midclick+drag (seems to change the bg solid->gradient and 'move the cube' with some other blank white areas?)

Had to do any beryl settings from another wm (with the vast variety of settings, it's all too easy to fubar the oem .. and I never did find how to make window/bar/panels display usefully). The beryl-manager would only load in the systray with " --no-force-window-manager" option (in a useful-for-me wm). Yep, theme preview page looks nice (in blackbox, anyhow).

Other - generally I only load a roxpin 'on-demand' and the composite extension (xcompmgr) works fine in other wms like jwm for translucency/opacity. Wbar, conky, appbar, lxpanel .. they're all blanks - wbar will launch apps as usual (guess-click since no display), but only so much to be done with blank windows. Oh well.