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egg WM

Posted: Sat 09 Apr 2011, 04:41
by scsijon
just a holding note

I'm going to have a go at getting the QT4 egg windowmanager up for puppy, will use playdayz 525 as a base as I'm hoping to use egg and jwm for qtpuppy.

will add/replace this note as I find it.


edit: not as easy as I thought it would be, but persevering

also will never remove jwm, both for size and abilities.

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2011, 05:22
by GustavoYz
Is this the official page of the project?
As, I like to see some caps:

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 11:52
by moonskin
This would be really great when it happens. I'm trying to produce a very specific puppy that has qjackctrl/jack, qsynth, Wine (with one windows app). and Jc_Gui/jconvolver as the only apps and minimal everything else but what is needed to script and remaster.

I've been looking at eggwm because of it's size and the fact that some of the other apps need Qt. It would be there for all of them, so saving space.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 21:50
by disciple

Code: Select all

so saving space. 
I doubt it. Have you seen how small JWM actually is?

Posted: Fri 06 May 2011, 16:43
by `f00
A useful wm is its own reward.

For instance, some of the features of Jemimah's flwm helped me to get dmenu properly working in wmx (and flwm).

..onwards (afterstep 2211 beckons, probably nothing radical but incremental steps of personal interest)

yup, jwm is a gem of proven worth in all of its various facets.

Posted: Thu 20 Oct 2011, 09:52
by scsijon
eggwm will be one of those i'm going to have available for qtpuppy

be warned though it's very minimalistic

it's menu ststem is different to what we have had in the past though, very easy to add manually, very hard (at present) to update as we do within a pet.

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 21:36
by scsijon
Well quite a suprise!

When built on Wary52 with jwm2-505 I can use most of jwm's bits to supply what eggwm can't and I can even use it's menus.

However I have a Right-Click-Function problem to resolve before I release a beta.

A lot faster than those we have used and only a 51k pet.

It does need qt 4.7.x though, I shall have a pet of that available.