CD boots from internal drive but not from USB CDROM

Booting, installing, newbie
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Joined: Mon 30 Jan 2006, 01:00

CD boots from internal drive but not from USB CDROM

#1 Post by donde »

LiveCD boots OK to X using CDROM, no hard drive, and using option 4 (totally in RAM)
LiveCD does not boot to X using USB CDROM, no hard drive, using option 4. Just boots to a prompt. Lots of red line statements.

What I want to do is boot Puppy from USB flash stick, with no CDROM or HD. This works now. But, when I want to update to new version, I want to do it just using new liveCD in USB CDROM, choosing option 4. And then update USB flash stick, using USB Wizard.

Again, why does CDROM and USB CDROM act different?
Posts: 53
Joined: Fri 28 Oct 2005, 22:19
Location: Lakeside and Phoenix, Arizona

#2 Post by Takilla »

We need to know the specs on the computer that your are using and whether a laptop or desktop.

But you can check a few things.

1. Does your bios allow USB booting and is it set to boot from USB?
2. Which Puppy you using? Make sure it is 1.0.8
3. What are the jumper settings on the HD in your external case? Switch these settings to get different results. Most external HD are just regular HD in a case. Remember the original settings.
4. Download a copy Smart Boot Manager off the internet. I have often used this floppy to force a boot when it should not have been neccessary.

I am the least knowledgable on these matters but if you give us the specifics on your situation you may get some real help. Make sure that you review the Beginners help forum, that will help.
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