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Reborn Puppy v0.44

Posted: Tue 26 Apr 2011, 22:56
by alexandrion
While checking puppy out i discovered the remaster live-cd tool and i thought i'd share my puppy configuration with others (if they are interested of course).
There's not much to say really, it's a remaster of lupu-525

Image Image Image Image Image Image

So, what's different from the default lupu525 other than the wallpaper?

what i installed:

Code: Select all

	tint2 - a highly customizable panel
	gmrun - a run dialog
	thunar - a nicer-looking file manager
	conky - a nice system monitor
	lxappearance - to change the gtk themes and icons 
	chromium 10 
	sakura - a lightweight terminal which supports copy-pasting
	scrot - a SCReenshOT tool
	nitrogen - wallpaper changer
	file-roller - archive manager
	ntpdate - to sync the time
	new theme
	new icons
what i removed:

Code: Select all

abiword | gcolor2 | gexec | gmeasures | gnumeric | gdmap | gtkam | inkscapelite | jwmthememaker | jwmconfig2 | jwm2 | osmo | mtpaint  | picpuz | pictureviewer | pclock | retrovol | rubix | sylpheed | tile | uget | xemeraldia | xinvaders | xsane | asunder | axel | dillo | fpm2 | gfnrename | gpptp | grub4dos | guvcview | gwhere | homebank | mhwaveedit | midori-cups | mtr | notecase  | didiwiki | pbackup  | pcd  | pdvdrsab | pfind | pmetatagger  | pmirror | pmirrorget | pmusic  | pplog | prename | psip  | ptiming  | pupradio | pure-ftpd  | pwsget | searchmonkey | puppy_podcast_grabber | ssh-gui  | superscan  | xclipboard  | xdelta3 | xfdiff-cut | fbpanel | gtk-chtheme | wallpaper_lupu
a big thank you to, russoodle who offered to host the distribution
to download you will need to input
pass = linux

download reborn puppy with chromium (161.1 MB)
download reborn puppy without chromium (132.7 MB)

(p.s. the links probably won't work forever)

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 00:56
by puppyiso
I like the clean and simple ui but why is it bigger than the standard when you deleted so much? Is the added chrom that big?

The iso name is alipup and it's a reborn puppy... Is your name Ali?

I tried shinobar's language sfs but seems like they don't like each other.

Have you ever tried it?

Just curious.

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 03:17
by Lobster
Thanks for sharing :)

Chromium and Python are big programs

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 07:23
by alexandrion
puppyiso wrote:I like the clean and simple ui but why is it bigger than the standard when you deleted so much? Is the added chrom that big?

The iso name is alipup and it's a reborn puppy... Is your name Ali?

I tried shinobar's language sfs but seems like they don't like each other.

Have you ever tried it?

Just curious.
actually puppy with those packages removed has 119.4 mb, and everything without chromium has 138.4 mb

the iso name is alipup because i initially made this remastering for myself only and later on i decided to release it since i haven't seen many people configure their puppy that way
and even tho my name is not ali, that's how the neighbour kid pronounces my name and i take on that nickname
i haven't tried shinobar's language sfs but if it's compatible with lupu 525 it should be compatible with this one as well

new version available :D

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 15:32
by lithpr
Wow! :D

This is awesome! I really like the tint2 setup, with the single large icon. Beautiful, very cutting-edge contemporary look.

I like how you handled an issue i had with thunar vs rox w/ the Pmount keyboard shortcut. Excellent idea!

May I ask, what are you using that has python as a dependency? Did you have any issues installing deb files that use python? Or did you install them through the pythonic tools? I've been having constant pains with python, esp when installed via the lucid debs. If you know how to get this to work well **PLEASE** let me know how you did it.

Also, if i read you right, you said that you were able to build this with just the "Remaster Puppy Live CD" and "Remove Builtin Packages"? There were settings i just couldn't for the life of me figure out how to keep set!
After i would remaster, a bunch of stuff would still be there, or changed to what which was originally on 5.2.5 before i changed it (well, that was with the luci25X stuff before 5.2.5 went final, actially). Did you have this problem? If so, how did you overcome it?

Again, awesome, just an amazingly cool setup. Definitely provides an out-of-the-box experience so substantially different than a stock 5.2.5 i truly hope you keep it available. If you need hosting, i would be happy to provide it free of charge, or there are definitely people on the #irc channel that would be willing to help with that.

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 16:40
by alexandrion
lithpr wrote: May I ask, what are you using that has python as a dependency?
the logout script uses python, i'd much rather press start+x than right click and search for the shutdown options, but that's not the main reason i installed it,
the main reason why i installed it is because i use a python script to check for my emails (see pic) :)

lithpr wrote: Did you have any issues installing deb files that use python? Or did you install them through the pythonic tools?
i didn't install any deb files requiring python and i'm not aware of the pythonic tools you're talking about
lithpr wrote: I've been having constant pains with python, esp when installed via the lucid debs. If you know how to get this to work well **PLEASE** let me know how you did it.
i'm not sure i understand what your problem is...
lithpr wrote: Also, if i read you right, you said that you were able to build this with just the "Remaster Puppy Live CD" and "Remove Builtin Packages"? There were settings i just couldn't for the life of me figure out how to keep set!
After i would remaster, a bunch of stuff would still be there, or changed to what which was originally on 5.2.5 before i changed it (well, that was with the luci25X stuff before 5.2.5 went final, actially). Did you have this problem? If so, how did you overcome it?
well, during the remastering dialog you are prompted several times to modify files if you are interested, the script pauses for modifications until you press ok, during that time you can do any customization you want, if you chose not to customize it, it will have the same configuration files as the current livecd (and what's the point of remastering it then?)
lithpr wrote: Again, awesome, just an amazingly cool setup. Definitely provides an out-of-the-box experience so substantially different than a stock 5.2.5 i truly hope you keep it available. If you need hosting, i would be happy to provide it free of charge, or there are definitely people on the #irc channel that would be willing to help with that.
thanks, it would be great if you'd mirror the file, just make sure you mirror the latest one

oh and i just finished another build :P, be sure to check it out

Re: reborn puppy v0.28

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 18:05
by mickee
double post! OOPS! :oops:

Re: reborn puppy v0.28

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 18:09
by mickee
alexandrion wrote:While checking puppy out i discovered the remaster live-cd tool and i thought i'd share my puppy configuration with others (if they are interested of course).
There's not much to say really, it's a remaster of lupu-525

I like the wallpaper for sure, do you have a link for it?

Re: reborn puppy v0.28

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 18:42
by alexandrion
mickee wrote: I like the wallpaper for sure, do you have a link for it?
i think it's in here

Re: reborn puppy v0.28

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 18:48
by mickee
alexandrion wrote: i think it's in here

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 21:22
by alexandrion
no problem

version 0.33 now available :)

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 22:10
by harii4
sharp contemporary looking puppy.
very nice :D

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 22:15
by alexandrion
thank you :)

Posted: Thu 28 Apr 2011, 00:51
by Ray MK
Hi alexandrion

Tried 011 and was good, missed 022 but just got 033
am playing with it now - very nice.

Running on my 9yr old Acer 243LC laptop.
256mb ram. 2.5Ghz celeron proc. 800mb swap partition.
manual frugal to ext3.

Like the presentation - luvly puppy - many thanks for sharing.

Very best regards - Ray

Posted: Thu 28 Apr 2011, 04:03
by alexandrion
Ray MK wrote:Hi alexandrion

Tried 011 and was good, missed 022 but just got 033
am playing with it now - very nice.

Running on my 9yr old Acer 243LC laptop.
256mb ram. 2.5Ghz celeron proc. 800mb swap partition.
manual frugal to ext3.

Like the presentation - luvly puppy - many thanks for sharing.

Very best regards - Ray
i'm glad you like it :)

p.s. v0.22 was a intermediate version, the only major builds i actually submitted were v0.11, v0.28 and this one

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 15:16
by TLM
Thanks for this pup-it is really nice!
I have added cursor themes, firefox and proprietary nvidia driver.

How do I configure the shortcuts? When I hit Start+W it still launches chrome, even tho i set firefox as default.

Also, is there a way to get the cpu temp readout in F instead of C?

And finally is there a way to have the desktop icons displayed at all times? everytime I boot up I have to go to desktop icon switcher and run it to see my icons. But if i can learn how to configure additional shortcuts, i can use those instead of clicking on icons. I am not familiar with what script or programs are being used to display all of the shortcuts and memory and cpu and other data on the desktop. However i am familiar with the linux filesystem layout and can usually edit text files and things.

I guess what i really want to know how to do is edit the script on the desktop so i can add more shortcuts. I like the idea of launching things this way, and it will give a nice clean desktop with no icons.


Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 18:36
by alexandrion
TLM wrote:Thanks for this pup-it is really nice!
I have added cursor themes, firefox and proprietary nvidia driver.
i'm happy to hear you're enjoying it :)
TLM wrote:How do I configure the shortcuts? When I hit Start+W it still launches chrome, even tho i set firefox as default.
the reason start+w launches chromium is because i made start+w launch chromium instead of the default browser :P (instead of calling a function [start+w] to call a function [default browser] who calls chromium, i thought i saved a function call and just launch choromium instead)
the shortcuts are handled by the openbox window manager
the whole openbox config is stored at /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml

before you read any further please back up your /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml so you can restore it in case something goes wrong

cp /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml.bak

the <keyboard> binding section should start at around line 156 in the original file (assuming you haven't changed any default settings)
scroll down until you get the end of the keyboard section (</keyboard>)
any new shortcuts should be above that line, check where the chromium combination is (W-w) and change the custom chromium launch command with the firefox launch command (i don't know it off the top of my head but if you attach your menu.xml i might be able to help you)

the keyboard bindings look like this

Code: Select all

    <keybind key="CUSTOM-KEYS">
      <action name="Execute">
obviously replace CUSTOM-KEYS with the desired key combination and LAUNCH-COMMAND with the custom launch command
accepted keys are A,C,S,W for alt,control,shift,start and the letters should be in lower case
the keys should be separated by -
for example Control + H is C-h, Control+Alt+q is C-A-q, you get the idea
there is a way to add custom keys (such as print screen, xf86audiolowervolume) but i won't go there unless you're really interested

once you're done open a terminal (very important to be in a terminal because if you mess it up [happens] you won't be able to do anything until the config file is repaired) and type

Code: Select all

openbox --reconfigure

and if you don't get any output from the terminal it means everything went great, if you get an error you'd better restore the backup file (assuming you made one) with

Code: Select all

mv /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml.bak /root/.config/openbox/rc.xml
TLM wrote:Also, is there a way to get the cpu temp readout in F instead of C?
sure, edit the conky configuration file located at /root/.config/conky/conkyrc
and just above the TEXT line add

Code: Select all

temperature_unit fahrenheit
TLM wrote:And finally is there a way to have the desktop icons displayed at all times? everytime I boot up I have to go to desktop icon switcher and run it to see my icons.
yes, there is a way but i wouldn't advise you to
one of the highlights of this version is that it doesn't use rox for the desktop (which renders the desktop openbox bindings useless) and it uses nitrogen instead
nitrogen not only allows openbox desktop bindings but it also works better with conky (the system monitor thing)
to enable rox at startup look in the .xinitrc file for the PuppyPin block of code and uncomment it (again i don't recommand this)
TLM wrote:But if i can learn how to configure additional shortcuts, i can use those instead of clicking on icons.
sweet, well i told you above how to edit them, if i wasn't clear enough please tell me and i will be happy to clarify what you don't understand
TLM wrote:I am not familiar with what script or programs are being used to display all of the shortcuts and memory and cpu and other data on the desktop. However i am familiar with the linux filesystem layout and can usually edit text files and things.
the thing in the right is conky
THE CONKY WEBPAGE wrote:Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD.
conky just displays whatever you tell it to so if you change the shortcut keys in conky nothing will happen to the system since conky just displays things
TLM wrote:I guess what i really want to know how to do is edit the script on the desktop so i can add more shortcuts. I like the idea of launching things this way, and it will give a nice clean desktop with no icons.
again, editing conky will not result in a change in bindings (those are done in the openbox file), conky just displays whatever you tell it to display
TLM wrote:Thanks!
no problem, and if i wasn't clear enough on any of my points don't hesitate to ask me to clarify

p.s. i rebuilt the image without chromium this time for guys like you (i really thought nobody used firefox anymore) but i didn't do any tests on it so there could bugged but chances are it isn't
with chromium - 168.6 mb - 1.7 gb (mounted) - 53706 files
without chromium - 140.5 mb - 1.6 gb (mounted) - 53343 files

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 19:56
by TLM
Thanks so much. I learn more from linux forums than anywhere else. I will try some configuring later following your excellent instructions. I have to wait until i get some time and a clear mind. Working on a bathroom right now! Again your last reply was very helpful and written in a manner easy to follow and understand. I really appreciate all those in the linux community who take the time to share knowledge. Thanks again! I will post back after i have tried it.

Posted: Fri 29 Apr 2011, 20:03
by alexandrion
sure, take your time :)

Posted: Sat 30 Apr 2011, 04:12
by TLM
Hi again--Things are working great. Changed the command in my rc.xml file to firefox. The command is:


Also got my cpu temp to display in farenheit. One other thing on this i found out it will still say C (example 100C) but I fixed this by changing line # 58 to:

Temperature $alignr$color1 ${acpitemp}F$color

The F just before the $color is a C by default.

This is good for now. Will try adding more shortcuts later for Kompozer and other programs i use. Thanks again for the great tutorial. I copied and saved it just in case anything happens to your post. :)