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Odamex-test pet

Posted: Thu 26 May 2011, 04:50
by Ale
Odamex is the GPLed Doom source port for linux that also works online. Doom source ports are modifications of the original Doom engine that take the game data files called WAD and allow one to play the games again.

Odamex allows one to play Doom games that are close to tradition and also more advanced with modes like Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. It offers single player as well.

I have included with the package a frontend based on libagar. I picked this one over the default wxgtk one because libagar and libsdl_image together are much smaller. Additionally the libagar frontend allows for the multiple selection of PWADs which are the custom files created by users.

The default wad directory is /usr/local/share/doom. Here you will place your IWADS and your PWADS. To start off, I suggest downloading Freedoom at and downloading the freedm iwad. I would love to have a deathmatch with someone :D

The launcher program is under the fun section in the menu. I feel it is easy to use. It is assumed you know what doom is.

Uploaded with

When clicking the yellow 0 it opens up another dialog with options to load an IWAD and multiple PWADs. This is another reason why I enjoy this port this much.

It is assumed that you know how to play Doom. Enjoy this test pet. If it works out well maybe we can organize a Puppy Doom tourney:P

The files to play music are here


Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:23
by Ale
Ever get tired of pprocess or htop and wish you could graphically destroy that malfunctioning process? Maybe you just want to give it a push and renice it. I came across this when working on putting together an all in one doom puppy so I'd be able to take my doom habit with me on the go.

Uploaded with

It's actually a old version of xdoom reworked to show system processes. The monsters with text over their heads are PID monsters. You can see a couple of them above.

Shoot them once to renice, kill one to kill the process.

I have included the Doom 1 shareware wad in this package ready to go. It can be found in /usr/local/games/pdoom. There is also a quick gtkdialog frontend included. It takes advantage of the DOOMWADDIR environmental variable, so if you're like me and have it pre-set then the program will use either doomu.wad, doom1.wad, or doom2.wad.

I take no responsibility for what you do to your system with this program. Good luck and happy shooting^_^

Chocolate Doom

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:28
by Ale
Chocolate Doom is a source port that strives to be as close to vanilla or original doom executable as possible. As such it has few advanced features available to it. If you wanted to go back to 1995 or so then this port is perfect.

Chocolate doom requires SDL, SDL_Net, SDL_Mixer and an IWAD or main game file to function. An excerpt from the manual shows below how to apply the IWAD use it.: The third option for a DOOMWADDIR is the best one because it takes care of the annoying symlinking of all the doom game files.

Running the game

Chocolate Doom needs to know where to find your IWAD file. To do this,
do one of the following:

* Run Chocolate Doom from the Unix console with the '-iwad' command
line parameter to specify the IWAD file to use, eg.

chocolate-doom -iwad /root/doom2.wad

* Put the file into one of the following directories:


* Set the environment variable DOOMWADDIR to specify the path to a
directory containing your IWAD files.

* If you have multiple IWADs in different directories, set the
environment variable DOOMWADPATH to be a colon-separated list of
directories to search (similar to the Unix PATH environment

I included 2 menu entries under fun to allow for quick access. Be careful calling chocolate-doom from the console because the directory it is in receives priority over other directories.

Happy Shooting.

Doomsday Engine

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:29
by Ale
The Doomsday Engine is a popular Doom source port that provides an updated look to classic doom. With numerous resource packs, Doom becomes more modern in look and feel. I cannot offer the resource packs at this time because I lack the space on my dropbox. They can be found on the addons page on the official doomsday engine. In contrast to the other ports I have listed here, this one supports Hexen, Heretic, Chex Quest, and Strife
You will need SDL, SDL_Image, SDL_Net, SDL_Mixer, and a doom wad file. May I suggest freedoom?

There is no menu entry for this because I did not want to compile pygtk and all its trappings for a gui interface.

The way to use this is

Code: Select all

doomsday -g jdoom -file /path/to/wad
To use herectic or another game just change it to jhexen, jheretic, or jstrife. For Chex Quest use jdoom.

Because this port is OpenGl only, you will need to download one of the high xorg pets to get access to it. In Puppy 5.25 go to quickpet and look under drivers.

With addons use -file /path/to/addon.pk3. One may also use a directory in /usr/local/share/deng/jdoom/auto to load addons automatically.

I will be adding pictures later :wink: [/url]


Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:32
by Ale
Oblige is a gui level maker for Doom. It makes PWADS in a variety of sourceports and also in different themes. The version I am posting comes from the premade package at

it is a great tool to make up some games fast. If combined with freedoom it opens up many possibilities. I do not recommend using this with Chocolate Doom because the default settings are limit removing. Another port such as Prboom, Zdoom, Skulltag, etc. are more appropriate.

I decided on a roxapp to better keep the folders together.


Uploaded with
In the photo you can see the rather ugly interface and the game running in Skulltag, a source port that I've yet to upload here.

You can set variables such as level design, difficulty, number of maps. and enemy amounts.

This is perfect if you are like me and do not always have an internet connection to grab different wads to play.


Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:37
by Ale
An updated version of the prboom source port that features both a gl and software renderer. This spot is a placeholder:)


Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:38
by Ale
I love Doom, but some times get lost. I was naturally excited to discover this python program, but it was a bit cumbersome to use without a script. I grabbed it's required glbsp, node builder, and wrote a script that uses the case command to find your IWAD or main game file in your DOOMWADDIR and then do all the work for you. All PDFs will materialize as if by magic in the WADDIR.

The current version of the script is command line only and it just executes the defaults. The documents and the files can be found in /root/.wad2pdf and in /root/my-applications. The original python script can also be found in the latter. Maybe this will help out those who are using oblige and want to know what is in their maps.

Remember that the DOOMWADDIR is where you place your wads. All the programs I have posted thusfar respond to it except for the oblige tool.

To access it go to /etc/profile and add a line that says

Code: Select all

export DOOMWADDIR=/path/to/files;/another/path/separated/by/a/semicolon 
Feel free to open up the script and play with it. It is the first time I have used functions and I think it went rather well. I tried to guess your wad names, but the lower case ones are definitely best. PM me if you want a copy of one of the PDF's. I lack storage space right now.