New technology NAS for OUR USE

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New technology NAS for OUR USE

#1 Post by gcmartin »

Heres a NAS unit which will work OOTB with any Puppy Linux which has SAMBA version 3.6+ installed.

This NAS is wireless and incredibly-super CHEAP for a 4TB solution. And, it'll server to your xPhone, your xTab, and your xTV/xStereo. But Wait, there's more! Its mobile so you can take it or move it anywhere. you go.

This sounds the bugle for separating DATA from your PC and making storage (your data) available over-the-aire to everything in your LAN or home or car or wherever you are.

For those of us who would want to have data available locally versus the cloud, this is a really ideal local controlled data solution.

Remember, your PUP must have SAMBA V3.6+ to easily move data from your Puppy to this storage sharing device. Further, it has the proper modules to also access storage on this NAS in consistent up to date fashion.

Expect the price to remain consistent thru
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