
Booting, installing, newbie
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#1 Post by nrama »

Since becoming a fan of puppy linux two weeks ago I am coming to a better understanding of the workings of the system and being increasingly impressed.Having a masochistic delight in breaking things I have waded in so to speak.

Running the system from USB, I have lost the ever loving bark on boot up, which persist in the CD version. I would like to get my bark back, which the grand children, not to mention the other half,are tickled by. A good thing surely.

The second thing is that when I select "exit to prompt" from the shutdown menu the screen goes blank and a little sign saying "input not supported" does a slow waltz around the screen. Once again this does not occur when booting from CD.

The third thing is that I cannot seem to save changes made on the CD on shut down.

I have managed to install kcheckers(bordering on addiction) and qcad, a brilliant program, but for the life of me, I have not got flpsed to work . I prefer this simple and elegant program,in the ilk of puppy linux, to pdfedit which is beyond my threshold of patience.

These minor quirks I am sure can be solved by those with savvy whose help would be most certainly appreciated.All this tinkering around helps in the learning process.

I am thoroughly enjoying the little puppy. :D

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#2 Post by starhawk »

Hello! Welcome, as we say, to the Kennels.

Go to the link below for a package called "pStartupShutdownSound" which puts the barks back where they belong ;) Don't know if it'll work (should, but no guarantees whatsoever -- it's for a much older version of Puppy).

You have to do something special when you make the CD in order to record back to it. I've never been able to do that right myself. FWIW, the special thing is to burn it in "multisession mode" which I can't seem to do with my Windows program (imgburn, highly recommended 'till you get over to Puppy altogether).

Regarding the monitor issue: is this a laptop or a desktop? LCD or CRT monitor (huge lunking box or thin and elegant flat panel)? My guess is that it's LCD on a desktop. There should be an "auto-resize" button on that LCD somewhere, and that works wonders for that particular issue.

Let us know if you have any further trouble.

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#3 Post by davids45 »

G'day nrama,

Your 'exit to prompt' or 'restartx' black screen sounds like the problem I have with my new desktop using some Pups including 5.2.5.

The desktop has an ATI graphics card but the default radeon driver seems to stop working if I either 'exit to prompt' or 'restartx' but the computer keeps going. The computer doesn't freeze, I just lose graphics.

If you do 'exit to prompt' and get the black screen, have you tried typing in 'xwin' and <Enter> to see if the graphics start up again?

Losing the graphics when hitting the 'reboot' prevents me being able to see the screen that allows the making of a Save file. It's there but of course, but with no graphics working, I can't see it. My fix is to manually make an empty Save file which I copy to the subdirectory that has the three files Puppy uses to run the computer. Once the empty Save file is in place, Puppy will use it the next time he boots and now can store personal settings, etc.

You could post your computer specs to help others see where or what things may be tried or changed?

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#4 Post by bigpup »

How did you install Puppy to the USB drive?
What kind of USB drive?
Where did you get the programs you talk about?
What program did you use to burn the Puppy CD?
Give details. You are our eyes.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#5 Post by nrama »

I had not expected this many responses. I am overwhelmed.


Thank you for your suggestions, one of which I have acted on. The bark is back and I am like a puppy with two tails! I shall try the multisession method soon. BTW, I DO NOT have a vestige of Windows and has been so for at least 9 years. I do however have an ME rescue floppy from old that has got me out of trouble in the early years of linux learning.The number of times I have formatted the hard drive and MBR must surely be a candidate for the Guinness book!

Re the query on monitor, it is an AL1916W. The problem is not with the monitor but rather the manner in which the USB version behaves. Booting with the CD version allows "exit to prompt" perfectly and typing xwin puts me back in session.


G'day to you.

The problem, as I mentioned above,relates to only the USB version. The CD version works as I think it should.

The saving of sessions does not seem to be a problem as I had invoked the save every 5 mins mode. An icon is now pride of place on the desktop if I need to use it. I have not, as a message flashes "saving ram to puppy files" every 5 mins.


After booting into live CD session you will find an icon captioned "install".That leads to a number of options, one of which allows you to run the Universal Installer. There is a good howto on the forums. My initial install USB was 8Gigs but subsequent attempts with a 1gig USB stick have not worked too well.BTW the USB is a SanDisk.

By the programs you refer to did you mean kcheckers, qcad and flsped? These were available in Mandriva and Ubuntu. Because the puppy environment, in its basic form, does not allow the compiling of these packages I used mainly Ubuntu. Lack in Ubuntu was redressed by using alien to convert .rpm to .deb. I have not had much success with unrpm in puppy. If you need any of the first two mentioned packages let me know. think you will be intrigued by the fertile experimental environment here and attempt the cobbling.

Pburn did yeoman service in the burning of disks.

I was quite tickled by your reference to my being your eyes as mine are failing through the ravages of glaucoma. That and my pig headeness.

To all:

Here is another mystery between the CD/USB hooha. Using the live CD I can boot into a working environment without any other hard disk connected. The USB version fails and requires at least one hard drive to be in the loop of the SATA configuration.

Once again thank you all for your inputs and interest.

Blessed be. :D

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#6 Post by infromthepound »

Hi All,
Starhawk, have you tried DeepBurner for windows? it does multisesions.
I have just tried to set up a USB key for my sisteri in law (Who has never used any Linux) using Mijnpup since she needs presenter.
I found if you followed the setup instructions it would get to "Loading pup files" and then keep loading foer ever.
The way I got round it was to install the boot loader from setup, exit out and then do an install to a USB. It works OK on the 2 computers I have used it on.
The only thing I found a bit odd was the CD shows a Lupu desk top (WITH barks), while the USB shows a Mijnpup desktop.

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#7 Post by bigpup »

Here is another mystery between the CD/USB hooha. Using the live CD I can boot into a working environment without any other hard disk connected. The USB version fails and requires at least one hard drive to be in the loop of the SATA configuration.
This is a known bug that is being corrected with an updated version of Lupu 5.2.6. In final stages of testing.

Best, if you can, to get programs for Puppy from the Puppy package manager or from the Additional Software (Pets & Stuff) section of this forum.
Puppy has it's own way of doing stuff and sometimes need special compiling of programs for them to work.
Also prevents them from causing other problems, because they are not totally compatible with Puppy.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#8 Post by Artie »

I am running 5.2.5 on a Freecom pendrive and it works perfectly. Earlier I used the Kingston DataTraveler but for some reason once in a while it stopped working or files got corrupted. Just a tip if you experience any trouble with your current pendrive.

This way of installing has always worked for me:
Insert pendrive in USB port await icon
Mark USB drive->OKAY->Mark partition->Delete->Mark partition->Apply->Apply->Close
Mark partition->New->Filesystem: ext3->Add->Mark partition->Apply->Apply->Close
Mark partition->Rightclick->Manage flags->Mark boot->Close->Close GParted
Menu->Setup->Puppy universal installer->Flash drive->OK->Mark drive->OK
Install Puppy to sdb1->CONTINUE->OK->CD->OK->Mark mbr.bin->OK->ENTER->y->ENTER->y->ENTER->Finished->ENTER
Remove CD->Menu->Shutdown->Reboot->SAVE TO FILE->OK->Choose pendrive->OK->OK->NORMAL->8 1.25GB->OK->YES, SAVE

You are also saying that you are saving ram every five minutes. Pendrives can only be written to a limited amount of times before they go bad. I recommend you check how many times your drive can be written to. Puppy default is every thirty minutes I think. I always write substantial stuff on for example Google Docs or Zoho anyway because I once experienced a power cut at a very inopportune moment.


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#9 Post by nrama »

I had a minor setback whilst attempting to get flpsed working. Short of it "kernel Panic". Reinstalling 525 and leaving everything at default settings, I can now "exit to prompt" and restart perfectly.In the previous install I had used the nvidia driver.

I attempted to download a 1.3gig file which terminated half way. There was insufficient space. Everything was going to ram. That was perplexing as there were 2gigs ram for one and I thought that the download would gravitate to the Download folder. Ram was flushed by a reboot and now I have gone to a five minute saving!. I wonder if that will mitigate the problem.

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#10 Post by Lobster »

All this tinkering around helps in the learning process.
Tinker on 8)
the bug fixed 525 (aka Lucid 526) is presently in release candidate

As soon as Larry (playdayz) has had a kit kat (break)
we may begin tinkering some new woofery . . .

Two weeks is a long time in Puppy time
you are ready to move into beta testing and beyond :D
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#11 Post by nrama »

Hello Lobster,

Tinkering on. Ihave Pburned 5.2.6 to USB (SanDisk)micro 1gG achieving success on the second try. The first led to kernel panic. The second worked flawlessly.BTW this was the truant USB under 525.

My favorite distractions kcheckers,qcad and lo! flpsed have all been installed with ease.Right now the USB is running sans any hard drive.

In other words everything is working as desired. This is taking all the fun out of tinkering that was giving our ancient grey cells a little exercise that keeps at bay those ailments associated with the second childhood!

My heartiest congratulations to the developers. :D

Blessed be

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