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Puppy Linux Links Page

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 02:41
by Bruce B
July 27, 2011
Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) table of contents finished!

July 28, 2011
Users ( For the regulars ) table of contents finished!

July 29, 2011
Truly off-topic conversations page finished!


Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 04:37
by GustavoYz
Amazing Work!!
Would be great make this post sticky.


Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 12:10
by raffy
Yes, really amazing. :)

Talk about a searchable database in one page.

Thanks a lot, Bruce B.

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 16:37
by nitehawk
Bruce B,...
You have my very grateful "thanks"....

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 17:24
by Jim1911
Great!! Thanks for your hard work.


Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 17:28
by lowrider
oh no!!!
another page to waste hours and hours of lifetime. 24 a day isn't enough :lol:

Great work Bruce B

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2011, 19:13
by sc0ttman
Holy crap. Good work.

Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2011, 09:04
by Bruce B
Thanks all for your compliments.

Announcing, another big page for the users forum Users ( For the regulars )


Note: I'm thinking about making a query engine after I've finished the indexing.

I'd like to put everything in one page, but there are simply too many topics in the forum.

So, my idea is to make a downloadable compressed data base. The users enters the search criteria, which will search all forums. Optionally, generate a webpage from the results of the search.


Posted: Fri 29 Jul 2011, 10:47
by tlchost
Bruce B wrote: So, my idea is to make a downloadable compressed data base. The users enters the search criteria, which will search all forums. Optionally, generate a webpage from the results of the search.
The pages you've done so far are very helpful....if you do get the option above working, the script might be very helpful for other uses.

Nice Job.


Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2011, 05:25
by Bruce B

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 08:43
by Bruce B
I continue working on the links pages. I’ve made some significant updates recently. This includes data and page layout.

I’ve moved the bulky forum link pages to secondary links. I’m working on making the primary a very useful index to many sites of interest.

One of the complaints I read from time to time is about how disorganized Puppy is in terms of finding things. Often this comes with recommendations that it should be organized or that some unknown and faceless person should organize it.

I could say - easier said than done. But actually, I don’t think it can be done. I’ll try and explain some of my reasons for thinking this.

First, I address complexities with the forum. Its layout is sub-forums, topics and posts. Many of the posts contain valuable information as well as software attachments. The problem with the forum design for us is we can only see the top pages. We can navigate to a sub-forum and click next, next and next while scanning topic titles for what we want.

I’ve done this and it is slow work and hard on the eye. Hopefully, by making tables of contents for sub-forums, as I am doing, this previously slow and laborious task of clicking on next, next will be a thing of the past.

Making tables of contents of course doesn’t modify the forum, it merely helps to find things.

Thus in support of my idea that many of Puppy’s parts cannot be organized, my idea is take the disorganization and come up with organized ways of finding what we are looking for.

Another very powerful way of finding things is using search engines such as Google because the search engines have all the contents in their databases.

I wonder how many people really know how to enter search criteria. Aitch obviously does. He might want to make a howto and train the rest of us.

About off site data. I think this is one of the things people complain about. It seems too ad hoc and disorderly. Puppy parts are in so many places.

But I think, that is just how it is. Anyone can compile software, build packages, puplets and host them on their own website. This is what actually happens and there is nothing wrong at all with them doing it.

But as result, we end up with more Puppy parts and they are in diverse places. I don’t think having Puppy’s parts spread around the universe is a bad thing. Each time someone puts up a website it enhances Puppy in ways.

The problem is people may not know about the websites or where they are. Even regular users have to discover websites and resources and bookmark them.

The new user might feel overwhelmed. At least I think they could. I often wonder how people find Puppy in the first place, let alone its pieces and parts.

As far as designing the web pages I'm doing, I think to use the first page as a resource for Puppy parts and the secondary pages for forum topics.

I’m starting including resources to Puppy, Linux in general, as well as other interesting resources which are not directly related to Puppy or Linux. Such things as online magazines and reference sites.

The forum link pages are among the most impressive because of the sheer volume of links. But actually, the really time consuming aspect is locating all good independent resources. I expect this to be a work in progress for some time.

That’s it for this post. I’ve uploaded new or modified pages on July 31, 2011


Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 09:08
by Terryphi
Great work, Bruce. It is very useful to index the many excellent packages that do not find their way into the official repos.

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 12:08
by Bruce B
Terryphi wrote:Great work, Bruce. It is very useful to index the many excellent packages that do not find their way into the official repos.
Come to think of it, I hadn't indexed the official repros yet. So, I just did the files.

4341 files and I still have wary and quirky to do. If you think that was work, imagine Barry and team having to build the files and upload them.

I still have some polishing to do on the page and link the main page to it, but for now, there you have it.

It is sort of fun being able to see what all is there at on one page rather than opening and closing directories on the server.


Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2011, 14:20
by nooby
Ooops sorry me so late to congratulate. I am known to be slow but this time I was incredibly way behind in time. But now the link is in my signature so better late than never. Hope others place it in their sigs too:)

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 03:02
by Bruce B
I added official repositories for Puppy, Quirky and Wary

on one page
Quirky and Wary on another page

We can now see what is in these repositories on a single page view.

So far we have pages for over 30,000 forum topics and official repository files.

All in less than a week part time work.

By next week pretty much all the forum topics should be linked.


Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 07:10
by Bruce B

Puppy Linux Links

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 08:23
by russoodle
Thank you, Bruce B, you're doing an amazing job and a great service for Puppy users :D

Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 11:18
by Bruce B
Thanks all for your compliments.

Primarily the web pages are meant for forum users. Primarily my idea is the web pages will make it easy to find many resources fast.

Big sites like russoodle's should have their sub-sites listed. I'll do that when the time seems right. For example below is just a portion of what russoodle's site offers. Compare now with future

Russoodle's PuppyLinux Stuff

How it should be
Russoodle's PuppyLinux Stuff
  • » abushcrafter's kde/graphic/internet/portable apps + more
    » alexandrion's Reborn Puppy, a remaster of Lupu 525, (168.6mb)
    » CatDude's tutorials/graphics/grub-stuff/drivers + numerous VINTAGE PUPS
    » JRB's Choicepup+Barebones+Broadcom-specific isos/PupServer435/jpack + more
    » vanchutr's Chu421Tex2008, a Vietnamese adaptation, (181.51mb)
    » DaveS Libre Office + java + browser pets and sfs files
    » DeltaPup 1.6, 119.34mb iso
    » swiatmar's Fafik 5.2 - Polish translation, (158.95mb)
    » Fat Games Pup 2.1.6 (450.71mb)
    » Alex's Flexxxpup 1.7 (249.91mb)
    » Starhawk's Greenpup (240mb)
    » Hacao-Linux Vietnamese/English, several versions
    » Dejan's KDPup-484beta 4 (425.5mb)
    » cakeordeath's KitchenPup Beta, designed for upside-down laptop screens in the Out house (121.88mb)
    » john biles' Legacy OS + the TEENpup series, great for ageing hardware
    » Macpup runtt21's elegant E17 puplets
    » MediaPup 1.0a (322.2mb), as its name implies
    » MU's NewYear'sPup 02-RC10 Midi (527.26mb)
    » Grey's NOP 4.3.1 Nearly Office Pup, (99.97mb)
    » The community's PET files -- gtk+, Quickpet, you2pup, ffmpeg, Firefox and many others...further additions over time but thanks to Sylvander for a start
    » PupGeek's ProducerPupV1.1 (264.9mb), multimedia-specific and a bug-fixed upgrade to ProducerPup 421
    » Pupeez 1.0 - an older puplet for older hardware (76.72mb)
    » Puppyluvr's PAW RC-2 (Puppy Artist's Workshop) + BuddaPup + Multi-Pup CD-Creator + Pets, Plugins and more
    » Puppy 5.0 - Lucid Puppy or "Lupu" (128.4mb)
    » Pizzasgood's Puppy 4.2.1 Multi-User R3 (101mb), for those who dislike running as root
    » Sc0ttman's Puppy Arcade v5 (109.21mb)
    » Puppy Fancy 1.2.11 7x bootable isos on 1x CD (658mb)
    » RevPup 2.13 (74.17mb), a retro puplet for retro systems
    » Barry Kauler's Quirky v.1.0, a sibling of Puppy's (106.03mb)
    » sPup 451 (124.18mb), Slackware-based
    » SucciLinux 1.0-R2 Brazilian Portuguese translation, (98.52mb)
    » Tipsy Puppy 4.1.3 R1, with Compiz, (212.32mb)
    » Zigbert's Puppy Stardust-013 (101.88mb) + many Pets
But it takes a little time.


Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 11:57
by Bruce B
I followed my own suggestion in the post above and added a table with all the sites at russoodle's site.


Posted: Tue 02 Aug 2011, 15:00
by darkcity
I've done a favicon you could use.