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Puppy Promo to IDG Communications

Posted: Tue 04 Apr 2006, 09:29
by cthisbear
A bit of a leg up for Barry
IDG Communications is Australia's foremost IT industry publisher.

Our mission is to make our customers more successful by giving them independent, timely information.


You are right. It is worth a story.
I will CC my colleague Dahna McConnachie and she can hit you with a few questions about why you are lapping up this puppy. And she will also get in touch with the distro writers in WA.

----- Forwarded by Howard Dahdah/IDGAU on 04/04/2006 10:27 AM -----

Pascal Hakim <>

04/04/2006 10:13 AM


No review of this Linux genius

Why do I read this Australian site and yet when I do a search
for truly great free Australian software I come up with zilch.
Hello is any one awake here in Oz. Here is the tip:

Puppy Linux - from the boondocks of Western Australia.
Free bootable 63meg download CD that runs in memory,
writes back to CD, DVD or USB. Fast, safe great for internet banking
without the worries and dramas. Great for old computers.

No! I am not associated with Puppy. I am just a happy user for over a year.

Puppy Foundation - Puppy Linux review
Even the Poms know about it. Here's the review.

Regards Chris.
Hope thiese people give Barry an interview

I was not quite sure where to post this in the forum

Posted: Tue 04 Apr 2006, 14:36
by Flash
Awesome review, Barry. Congratulations.

Puppy Promo to IDG Communications

Posted: Mon 10 Apr 2006, 02:13
by cthisbear
An update from an email I sent previously to
IDG Online network to promote Barrys great efforts.

I have since phoned this lady to say that I do not want to be mentoned
in her article in any way whatsoever - it's all about Puppy
and the way that it can help everyone in general on the internet.

I hope Barry gets some local recognition here. Aussie banks and credit unions etc may see the benefits of using this software to give
to customers, for secure online transactions.
Surely the savings alone in fraud would be enough to let them open their purse strings and extend some donations to Barry and Puppy etc, towards Broadband - which I hope that he and everyone else in remote areas of Australia should be entitled to at a reasonable charge.
Even costs such as petrol alone must be a killer.

Sorry for the gushing bouts in my second email to Dahna McConnachie
as to why I love this distro. I have considerably shortened this for the forum, if any thing here looks out of sequence.

Hi Chris - great - thank you. Am I able to use your full name in the article? - it would give your opinions more credibility. The article focus will be on the distro though as I have spoken with Barry,


Dahna McConnachie
IDG Online network
Tel:+61 (02) 6262 4543
Mb: 0416 968 800

Hello Dahna;

If I am a little bit long-winded to your questions, please excuse me.
And please do not write up my details, keep anythng for this fantastic OS.
This is because I am so happy with Puppy linux, after tryng lesser mortals.

Ah! Then came poetry in motion, I must have read somewhere, an obscure mention of Puppy
or I came across the site over 18 months ago.
For a 60 meg download and a quick burn to CD how could I go wrong?
This version was probably 1.0. Amazing stuff. I downloaded all versions after this, the one problem I had was
Version 1.06, writing back to CD, but that was me and still use1.04 regularly because it is so quick.

Puppy Linux has come together so much. What many appreciate is the SPEED, the updates say every 6 weeks, the daily news from Barry, the goodwill and help, for the newbies and eveyone.

This bloke has to drive around 500 miles return to his server to update because he is still on dialup in Western Australia.

And I believe that he is a nice person and that is why so many people
in the last year have jumped onboard, because this is a work of ART in progress directed by an unpretentious Prince - who is probably unaware in my view, of what a genius he is.

So from a one man show we now have a collection of minds all advancing this OS. As in anything so diverse there may be one or two people who condescend to talk to the plebs, but basically it is a happy, well run, tolerant and knowledgeable travelling show.

Puppy Promo to IDG Communications

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 02:35
by cthisbear
Puppy Promo to IDG Communications #3

Linux grows among the Lupins in WA

A nice article about Barry as mentoned beforehand from IDG by
Dahna McConnachie, PC World ... ;16;fpid;0

I hope that it stirs up some interest

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 07:21
by MU
*rotf* :lol:
G2=BG :wink:

nice article 8)

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 07:56
by BarryK
The distro was named after Kauler's dog that went missing, "Probably off to teach kangaroos how to use Linux," he said.
Hey! it was Lobster who said that! :wink:

"Puppy is a work in progress. Many issues have been patched but when Puppy2 final is released it is going to hit everyone like a sledge-hammer," Kauler said.
Dear oh dear, it wasn't who said that either!

...ah, brings back memories of the old days, my experiences with editors doing whatever they please with my submitted articles! :)

Some words

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 09:23
by raffy
Yes, there were some bold words there that are so unlikely for the low-key guy.

Anyway, congrats - the home team has begun to appreciate its newfound player :)

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 12:40
by keenerd
They misstyped the link on the end, dropped the L in .html

It might be simpler/faster to put a redirect at than to ask them to correct it.

I am Sparticus

Posted: Wed 12 Apr 2006, 13:15
by Lobster
"I am Sparticus"
"I am Sparticus"

The rebellion of the MS Slaves.

I am quite happy to be mistaken for Barry. The sledgehammer comment is totally out of character . . .

The gist is correct and it is a good story. When I started the Wiki News in March of last year I would sometimes embellish a little . . . Good news is more or less right . . . next we need to be in mainstream news . . .

Congrats to Barry.