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Background wallpaper slideshow

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 09:59
by Namm
Hello! First of all, I'm a complete and utter newbie when it comes to Linux, and woho, Puppy is awesome! Quick, effective... Finally I can start up my computer in under a minute and just get to work - well, I could anyway, if I weren't fiddling around with all the fun stuff and settings... :)

One of those things is 'zufall' that I downloaded with PPM. I added this to a script file under /root/Startup/:

Code: Select all

exec zufall /mnt/home/prettypics/
Amazingly, I actually think it works (it changes the background picture every 900 sec, randomly picking a picture from the dir and sub dirs), the problem is I can't see it. Except for the fraction of a second when I reboot/quit. It would nice to see my pictures a little bit longer though... I'm guessing something is "on top" of the stuff that zufall does, until that something closes down.

If it helps, I'm using the latest Slacko (hi-mem) with JVM and Rox-Filer. Oh, and Nathan Wallpaper Setter in the menu rarely launches when I click it.

rwall wallpaper changer

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 15:13
by norsiwel
Hello, the forum search is a very handy item, try searching for rwall, a small script written by forum member Bruce B, it works fine for me in the 5.25 and 5.28.

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 18:37
by Namm
I did search. :) The hits on zufall were mostly in German...

But yeah thanks for the tip about rwall. I can safely say that I've depleted all my mental energy for tonight though... I've had to copy all my pictures (photos actually, ordered in dirs after date) to a single dir. Now I only have to figure out how to rename them from *.JPG to *.jpg. Uhm, and rwall doesn't seem to be able to fit or stretch the pics? Or am I missing something?

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 19:26
by postfs1
An internet page about the program :arrow:
An internet page about the program :arrow:
More information about the program :arrow:
Can be in the system: a page for the "man-pages reader" program :arrow:
Command from the "/usr/share/doc/zufall-0.2.1/zufall-gnome.desktop" file :arrow:
zufall-gnome --minsize 300 /home/username/graphik/bilder

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 14:36
by Namm
Thanks, but I've read all that. Neither zufall or zufall-gnome (with GConf) seem to work in Slacko, and rwall don't stretch.

Anyway, Nathan Wallpaper Setter GUI wasn't kind to me, but this little command wallslide /insert/your/dir did the trick after editing the config files at /root/.config/wallpaper/, which I added to a startup script. Easy, even for me. :shock: For some reason it makes backup copies of all the files it encounters, but I guess I can live with that.

EDIT: Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but wallslide doesn't randomize its selection, so forget about wallslide. I googled together this Frankensteinishly script to use instead, oh well... :)

Code: Select all


while [ 1 = 1 ] #End script with "killall random_wallpaper" in console


	killall wallslide #Just in case...

	killall wallpaper #This is probably not needed.

	find /mnt/home/your_folder -name *'.JPG' -o -name *'.JPEG' -o -name *'.jpg' -o -name *'.jpeg' | sort -R > /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper; #Finds all kinds of JPG pictures, in subdirs too, and randomly sorts them and prints to file.

	awk '{print $0 "\""}' /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper > /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper_temp; #Adds a quotation mark to the end of each line (so that "wallpaper" will be able to handle spaces)...[/i]

	awk '{sub(/^/, "\"");print}' /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper_temp > /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper; #Adds a quotation mark to the beginning of each line.

	head -1 /root/.config/wallpaper/random_wallpaper | xargs wallpaper #Starts "wallpaper" with first line from file as argument.

	sleep 1200; #Time between changes.

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 23:44
by zufall
Hi Namm,

you could use zufall like this

Code: Select all

zufall /usr/share/backgrounds -n -c "wallpaper '%i'" -d 1200
If "wallpaper" is able to also set the background color around unscaled images (I couldn't find documentation), you can throw %c in.

You were right in your first post: most desktop environments hide the X root window, which is where zufall paints its images.

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2012, 06:32
by Eathray
This thread has a number of pet packages that turn your desktop background into a slideshow. Some for normal Puppy and some for Puppies with XFCE:

I'm using it. I have my screen set to change every 10 seconds.
