Corrupted characters using ssh on Puppy 4.3.1

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Corrupted characters using ssh on Puppy 4.3.1

#1 Post by Volodya »

Hello dear co-puppers,

I downloaded and installed the open ssh server package from this post ... 8cd3cd486f

When I access from another computer to this Puppy machine, the special characters such as áéíóú show up as "�". My LANG was es_ES. I thought that changing it to UTF8 would help, so I did, now it is es_ES.utf8. And now they show up as "?".

What's going on? How can I solve this?

Thank you very much in advance
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#2 Post by darkcity »

where the settings for uft8 in SSH, what other option where there? :arrow:
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