Jarte in Pupeee Linux?

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Jarte in Pupeee Linux?

#1 Post by adwmil »

I just registered at this forum, and, since I'm a novice, and there seems to have been, re. Pupeee, little activity there of late, I thought I might raise my question here.
Here's my story: I recently started using Pupeee and love it -- it's runs so much faster than Windows XP on my Asus Eee 701SD.
For me, though, it has pretty significant problem -- I find that Abiword, whether in Pupeee or as a stand-alone, is very unstable, and as a result, I end up often losing to it copy into which I put a lot of time.
In contrast, I really like Jarte as a word-processing program -- it's simple and stable and it's also very small freeware.
Now here's rub -- despite my pretty pathetic ignorance regarding the assembly of something like Pupeee -- I'm wondering if there is a way to, in my Pupeee, replace Abiword with Jarte.
And, if so -- and it's not a forbiddingly complex process -- whether someone out there might be willing, and be so altruistic, generous, and kind-hearted, as to take the time (quite I request from an unknown netizen, I know) to provide, for this semi-know-nothing, a step-by-step guide for doing so?
Well, hope to hear back from you, despite, I fear, this pretty forbidding message and request, but regardless, all best and thanks.
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#2 Post by Galbi »

Jarte is specific of the Windows platform.
If in your Pupeee you have Geany (I'm not sure, but Geany comes with most Puppies) you don't need Jarte.

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#3 Post by bigpup »

Yes Abiword has issues! :cry: :x

Welcome to the kennels.
Jarte seems to be a Windows only program. I guess you could try to install it and run by using Wine.
Read a little about Wine before trying to use it.

LibreOffice would be a good program to try. It is an open source replacement for Windows Office.
GUI to download LibreOffice
(Do not be concerned about beta tag, this is a stable download program)
Not sure how well LibreOffice will work on Pupeee?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#4 Post by Nym1 »


Jarte 4.5 will run on Wine 1.5.9 if one uses the "native" libraries specified at:

http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.p ... &iId=16091

(see the "howto" section near the bottom third of the page).

Alternatively, one may install VirtualBox and set-up a Windows XP virtual machine on which to run Jarte.

Both routes work on Puppeee 4.4RC2 and Dpup exprimo 5.x.12.

If you have a Gb of RAM in your 701sd, the virtual machine route would probably be preferred because there may be other windows-specific programs that you may want to install/run easily.

Good Luck
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permanent download of wp program to SD card w/ PuppEee

#5 Post by adwmil »

Thanks to all for their help. Another related question, which will once again betray my ignorance: I am running from an SD Card PuppEee, the version of which I have, as I mentioned, contains only Abiword.
Is there any way I could download one of the word-processing programs previously suggested permanently into PuppEee (on the SD Card), such that the word-processing program would always load with PuppEee as Abiword now does?
There are unfortunately no word-processing program other than Abiword on my version of PuppEee.
Alternatively, is any aware of a version of PuppEee that comes with a word-processing program other than Abiword.
Thanks for any guidance anyone can offer re. this.
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#6 Post by Puppyt »

Hi adwmil,
I also love using Jarte and its "click less" (mouseover) operation. I've strongly considered purchasing the pro version http://www.jarte.com/. But since migrating fully to Puppy (LH64) I find that Geany is a great replacement - it has the resident memory of files-in-current-use like Jarte has, plus loads of other features for coding purposes. I'm just an accidental user, using it only for editing txt files so I wouldn't know about any word processing-specific features it might have, to ever be a full replacement to Jarte, but you could always make an enquiry over at http://www.geany.org/.
I can't speak for PuppEee as I've never used it, but jemimah's Fluppy and Saluki have preference dialogs in the setup menu (Default Programs Chooser) where you can select your choice of already-installed Word processor to be the new default, not AbiWord. I can't seem to find any pupeee-specifc WP pet or sfs file that you could download and install - essentially permanently - into your PuppEee. Why not consider Saluki as an alternative Puppy base? I'm sure Geoffrey and Elroy would be happy to help with any installation questions or software/pet requests while jemimah is away from the forums.
You might have to explore various WP pets in the repositories to match up with your puppy base (PuppEee, Fluppy etc). Can I recommend TextMaker as an alternative to AbiWord, to get you started from here http://puppylinux.org/wikka/TextMaker?
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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#7 Post by ally »

hey adwmil

can you confirm if you have 'pupeee' or 'puppeee'?

if you have the former I've been trying to find a copy of the pupeee4.2.iso so if you have it could I have a copy........

if it's puppeee you have there is an openoffice suite sfs available via the wayback machine (I have downloaded a copy if you get stuck) from here:

http://web.archive.org/web/201011281219 ... store/p_3/

there is a copy of wine on there too

if you get stuck get in touch

ally :)
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It's PuPPeee; and sorry 'bout delayed reply

#8 Post by adwmill »

Didn't notice your inquiry until now -- my apologies for the delayed reply. And even worse, I have puppeee w/ two "p"'s, so I can't help you as to what you're looking for. Regardless, all best.
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#9 Post by ally »

no worries......

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