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Service-Pack for 2.00 and 109CE

Posted: Tue 13 Jun 2006, 01:24
by MU
Some people reported, that the Backgroundsetter did not work correct with their graficscards.

I completely re-programmed the "internals" now. I hope, that fixes it, at least on my system it works more reliable.

Simply install the Dotpup for your system.

Puppy 109CE: ... cepack.pup

Puppy 2.00: ... cepack.pup

note if you use Rox 2.4.1
This version is not in Puppy by default, so this is just of interest, if you installed it manually.
The Backgroundsetter just works with Rox 2.4.1, if you do 2 things (only once):
1.) rename the file

2.) Set a new Background in the Backgroundsetter. Then Right-click an icon, choose "backdrop".
Now drag to the optionwindow

It works a bit slower than before.
Information for programmers only:
Only one binary changed: /usr/local/bin/Puppybackgroundsetter.

The Sourcecode is in the Dotpup, that I updated, too:

I changed the files in /source (not in the subfolders).
It now uses gdk_pixbuf instead of imlib1.
For Rox 2.4.1, this is a bit slower, as the backdrop now is saved as .png (before .jpg), as I had problems with the jpeg-library.


Posted: Tue 13 Jun 2006, 01:45
by Lobster
:) I am using Puppy 2
The previous version was OK on my computer. The new version is working OK. The real test for which Mark will need feedback is those who experienced difficulties . . . has this solved things?

Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 06:10
by toddyjoe
I was one of the guys having problems on a 1997 Thinkpad 310ED with the Chips & Technologies 65550 video chipset (which uses the "chips" driver for Linux). The Puppy Desktop Backgroundsetter that was once a dotpup for Puppy 1 and is now incorporated into Puppy 2 caused problems with my computer which I described in other threads.

I tried this Service Pack dotpup and can say it is an improvement, although the display is still not perfect on my Thinkpad. Unlike before, I can now manually configure Xorg to get 800x600x8 (the best resolution for this monitor) with full-colored, correct desktop icons AND proper color and resolution for desktop background images or solid color backgrounds. However, there is still a problem with the JWM95 menu appearances. The menus, taskbars and windows all have the proper default gray color and black text and the icons appear in the menus, taskbars and windows where appropriate. But the menu, taskbar and windows icons have incorrect colors, most commonly a dominant blue or green look. The taskbars have an unusual halo or border around them that is the same color. Every window that is opened has the same odd coloring for window's top title bar which is commonly a blue title bar under the default scheme.

These same problems with the menus, taskbars and windows were present before the Service Pack was applied, when the desktop appearance also had problems. The Service Pack dotpup corrects the problems with the desktop backgrounds and desktop icons, but the problems with the JWM menus, taskbars and windows remain. This could be a separate issue entirely, but it should be noted that these JWM problems are not present when the whole Puppy Desktop Backgroundsetter is removed/uninstalled from my computer.

Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 06:16
by MU
not shure then, it might be an issue of the low memory of the graficscard.

xli works correct?
If yes, I could add a seperate patch, that replaces the inbuilt backgroundsetter (the comandlinetool the whole program is based on) with a wrapper, that uses xli instead.
This would offer less options, so you might just be able to stretch a picture to fit the screen.

But if that would fix your display-problem, it would be better than nothing?

Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 06:47
by Nathan F
If yes, I could add a seperate patch, that replaces the inbuilt backgroundsetter (the comandlinetool the whole program is based on) with a wrapper, that uses xli instead.
Or another option possibly? The binary in question (Puppybackground) left jagged edges that were pretty noticable on a few images. I replaced it with wmsetbg for Grafpup-104, and it functions beautifully. A bit slower but images look just right and apps that use transparency (Fluxbox and Aterm) are a lot happier than when using xli.

Not to knock your binary, Mark, but to me the best part of the program was the interface. Simple, clean, but with a good view of the images to select from. I'll have to try the new binary to see if the images turn out nicer.


Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 06:55
by MU
Yes, try the new one please.
I used highest quality for interpolation here.

Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2006, 07:20
by Nathan F
Yes, jagged edges gone. Very nice improvement.


Posted: Sat 17 Jun 2006, 15:37
by MU
Here is another one, that helps with a problem in Puppy2, when you try to compile applications yourself:



Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2006, 06:11
by Kal
Hi, Mark

Your fixconfigure works great for me. I complied xine 1.1.1 and gxine 4.9 (Jwm doesn't seem to like anything higher). I find they preform a little better than the originals in Puppy. The only extras I had to do was to link files from /initrd/pup_ro3 to these locations /usr/X11R6/include and /usr/lib/pkgconfig. Smooth after that, fixconfigure, ./configure (--prefix=xxxxxx), make, make install. Both work well in Puppy2 for me.

Thanks, GREAT JOB, Kal

PS: The linking required above has been fixed in Puppy 2.01, Great!