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FatdogArm Alpha2 - 12 September 2013 [CLOSED]

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 07:10
by jamesbond
Image file: (or one of ibiblio's many mirrors).

Make sure you read the release notes first:

Superseded by alpha3 release: - note that alpha2 images have been removed.

Original alpha release announcement:

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 11:43
by 01micko
Still no luck for me with Seamonkey playing html5 sounds, but other than that it runs just fine.

I haven't had a lot of time but I did find a work around for my input woes. I need to plug in a powered USB hub before the mouse and then I can have a pointing device, of course this is Pandora specific so not an FD-Arm issue.

The works ok for me. At first boot it actually did connect to my wifi (kernel line method) but it died after a few minutes. Seems stable when connecting from the GUI so I'll drop the kernel line params from my setup, again device specific.

Also, my drive icon is partially off screen. This was in alpha 1 too. Res is 800x480, same as a eee-701.


Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 12:17
by mavrothal
I'm about to release an XO-build :lol: for development. fails to reconnect after suspend for me, so I included also the although "laborious" works consistently.
It also fails to work at all in XO-1.75 with "illegal instruction".
BTW Mick, what about your little command line connection tool. Ready for ARM? :wink:

On another matter, Seamonley-2.20 feels very slow both in starting and rendering. Is there any major advantage or security improvement over 2.19?
Have you implemented "faster seamonkey"?

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 16:08
by Ted Dog
faster seamoney trick should also be used in the next fatdog64, wondered why it was still slow to start even when the whole filesystem was decompressed using the expand2ram trick.

Also Barry talks about switching from xz compression to gz as an option when copying sfs to hard drive from cd, wonder if same could be done with ArmAlpha2, say a script to check size of SD and auto expand sfs as gz or flat uncompressed.

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 16:41
by jamesbond
01micko wrote:Still no luck for me with Seamonkey playing html5 sounds, but other than that it runs just fine.
That would be two of us. This time SM was compiled with all the codec libraries already available, so I'd expect to hear something (although it may be broken). Mav said the sound works for him. My guess at this time: since the CPU doesn't enough power to decode the video, SM decides to turn off sound to make the experience less annoying. Just a guess :)
The works ok for me.
Glad to hear that.
Also, my drive icon is partially off screen. This was in alpha 1 too. Res is 800x480, same as a eee-701.
FatdogArm using the new code used in Fatdog Next, where I have totally re-written the deskop icon placement. You're not the first one to report, kirk said the same thing as well but I can't reproduce it. Now that I know you have problems on 80x480, perhaps I can simulate that resolution in Qemu and get to the bottom of it.
I'm about to release an XO-build :lol: for development.
:) fails to reconnect after suspend for me.
I need to figure out what the XO does after resuming. In PC architecture with acpid, events will be sent to acpid which will execute certain scripts after resuming. Obviously there isn't acpid in XO (or ARM in general), but I'm sure there is some kind of userspace hook that the XO will call after resume. There, we can insert " -a" to restart the connection of some sort (may still need to hack to get it to work correctly). also the although "laborious" works consistently. works; the reason why I haven't included it is because I have used it on my slackbone32 setup and it doesn't always work (not its problem, mainly because of borked wireless and/or routers); plus it is a bit old and unsupported. What do you think of the SNS? I have never looked at the code but I have used in early versions of Wary and it looked good too.
That being the case, if the conclusion is that is still the best approach (aside from totally re-writing a new GUI from scratch ...) then I don't mind putting it in.
It also fails to work at all in XO-1.75 with "illegal instruction".
Could be the WPA supplicant. Encryption is something that can be greatly improved by NEON, so I won't be surprised if during the build wpa_supplicant automatically picked it. Will need to have rebuild wpa_supplicant to do run-time detection (or worse comes to worst, we will need to have two different versions)..
On another matter, Seamonley-2.20 feels very slow both in starting and rendering. Is there any major advantage or security improvement over 2.19?
Security improvement is always there --- (as in, they fix security-related bugs). Feature-wise, not so much.

Other than that, the only difference in build-time configuratio between 2.19 and 2.20 is that:
a) 2.19 is en_GB, and that will automatically disable spell checker (2.20 is en_US and that comes with spell checker)
b) 2.20 is built with --disable-elf-hack (this was the source of my 10+ failed builds). This parameter may make SM slower to launch, but it shouldn't affect run-time at all.
c) 2.20 comes with Calendar extension for the mail component (2.19's calendar didn't work so I didn't include it).

You can actually install SM 2.19 and SM 2.20 side-by-side; the only thing to watch out is that /usr/bin/seamonkey and /usr/lib/seamonkey will be overwritten (but you don't need /usr/lib/seamonkey and for /usr/bin/seamonkey you can always make a new symlink that points to the right location --- either /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.19/seamonkey or /usr/lib/seamonkey-2.20/seamonkey).

From my totally unscientific testing, SM 2.20 feels just about the same as SM 2.19.
Have you implemented "faster seamonkey"?
No, because omni.ja can't be unzipped by busybox's unzip. I may have to install the full unzip to do so.
faster seamoney trick should also be used in the next fatdog64, wondered why it was still slow to start even when the whole filesystem was decompressed using the expand2ram trick.
Yes, will do that in next release.
Also Barry talks about switching from xz compression to gz as an option when copying sfs to hard drive from cd, wonder if same could be done with ArmAlpha2, say a script to check size of SD and auto expand sfs as gz or flat uncompressed.
FatdogArm SFS is already compressed with gzip. It is quite straight-forward too to expand the SFS and run it as semi-full-install, but then you'll lose the benefit of easy backup and easy "factory reset" ...


Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 19:11
by mavrothal
jamesbond wrote:
I'm about to release an XO-build :lol: for development.
alpha ot not is out :D
jamesbond wrote: fails to reconnect after suspend for me.

I need to figure out what the XO does after resuming. In PC architecture with acpid, events will be sent to acpid which will execute certain scripts after resuming. Obviously there isn't acpid in XO (or ARM in general), but I'm sure there is some kind of userspace hook that the XO will call after resume. There, we can insert " -a" to restart the connection of some sort (may still need to hack to get it to work correctly).
Actually the entire PM of XO (and OLPC) is a bash script! and the wake up calls are the same. Still net-setup behaves and results in iwconfig and iwlist crash.
jamesbond wrote: think of the SNS? I have never looked at the code but I have used in early versions of Wary and it looked good too.
Earlier versions were very bad on the XO. Lately got better but I still do not trust it :shock:

On another matter, I get a kernel panic when I boot from an vfat device but the same files in ext2/3 work file. Didn't look at the init carefully (in x86 puppies I always add modprobe vfat in the init) or might be the kernel. But If anything comes to your mind, let me know

Posted: Fri 13 Sep 2013, 03:58
by Ted Dog ... B008BFXOZE

Would this work, the price is right...

Mini MK802 Android 4.0 Google TV Box HD IPTV Player PC Allwinner A10 1G DDR3

Posted: Fri 13 Sep 2013, 20:53
by starhawk
Not 100% sure but that reeeeeeeeaaaaallllly looks to me like a counterfeit MK802 ;) Chinese co's are NOT above that sort of trickery...

Posted: Fri 13 Sep 2013, 21:55
by Ted Dog
working good seamonkey loads faster, and a nice touch to know when to put in HDMI cable wait for the LEDs on the ethernet port to flash. on my 60hz HDTV issue.

Wifi doo-hicky works with simple script nice

Attempted windows.exe file found in /tmp

Posted: Sat 14 Sep 2013, 09:12
by Ted Dog
Seamonkey bogged down, so I killed it, and found a part file for a Dot.exe in my tmp folder... odd behavoir in xArchive with a bz2 launching SeaMonkey...

Closest ever got to a windows virus when running linux... :twisted:

Posted: Sat 14 Sep 2013, 10:19
by DC
Hi All,
re:Mele A2000

problem with wifi
brief message "can not find wifi.db"
Select Wifi Network

ESSID Enc Qual Channel Type
1. ZZZZZZZZ on 101 9 WPA
2. ZZZZZZZZ on 101 7 WPA
3. BTWiFi off 100 9
4. BTWiFi-with-FON off 100 9
5. BTHomeHub2-8F5T on 29 6 WPA

Enter selection ( 1 - 5 ) or (q)uit:

Select Wifi Network

ESSID Enc Qual Channel Type
1. BTWiFi-with-FON off 101 9
2. BTHomeHub2-8F5T on 100 6 WPA
3. ZZZZZZZZ on 100 9 WPA
4. BTWiFi off 100 9
5. ZZZZZZZZ on 37 7 WPA

Enter selection ( 1 - 5 ) or (q)uit: 3
Enter password for ZZZZZZZZ (8 to 63 characters): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Sending credentials to requested access point ZZZZZZZZ...................
udhcpc (v1.22.0.git) started
Setting IP address on wlan0
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
No lease, failing
Failed to connect.
Press Enter to close window when done.
Also could some one help with steps / code / example for a wired connection

and a final question
would a dvb dongle eventually work?



Posted: Sat 14 Sep 2013, 10:51
by jamesbond
Ted Dog wrote:Seamonkey bogged down, so I killed it, and found a part file for a Dot.exe in my tmp folder ... Closest ever got to a windows virus when running linux... :twisted:
Dot.exe? :shock:
... odd behavoir in xArchive with a bz2 launching SeaMonkey...
I need to check this. The "pupzip" is relatively new (I re-wrote it), it seems to work on tgz and tar.gz but I haven't tested all the corner cases.
Mini MK802 Android 4.0 Google TV Box HD IPTV Player PC Allwinner A10 1G DDR3
The original MK802 didn't have HDMI protection circutis, any shorts (or perhaps statics) can easily burn the HDMI interface in the TV itself. The next generation from other manufacturers (Oval Elephant, etc) does have it. This is early year's info however and I'm sure there any many others nowadays.

DC wrote:problem with wifi
brief message "can not find wifi.db"
That's normal.

After you get terminal / console, please check:
"wpa_cli status" - what do you see?
"ifconfig -a" what do you see?

It is a known issue on certain routers udhcpc doesn't always work.
You can try to get the full dhcpcd package from the repo and edit to use
that instead of udhcpc.
Also could some one help with steps / code / example for a wired connection
Assuming you have network cable connected at boot time, it should go up by default.
But otherwise activating it is very simple, from terminal:
"ifconfig eth0 up"
"udhcpc -qi eth0"
and a final question
would a dvb dongle eventually work?
If a kernel module for your dvb is compiled for it. I can't remember whether
I compiled support for DVB on xine, but we can improve that later.
Try the dongle on your regular puppy first, find the driver that it uses, and I can get the driver compiled and then we'll see.


Posted: Sat 14 Sep 2013, 12:44
by DC
Thanks JB,
"ifconfig eth0 up"
"udhcpc -qi eth0"
eth0 working fine

NFS from NAS box working :D plays videos and music across the network

DVB = dvb_usb_rtl28xxu



Posted: Sun 15 Sep 2013, 04:32
by pedro
Just want to say big thanks, my mk802 II is now useful again, i never liked rikomagic android, performance was bad, but your fatdog works really well.
Just one question about 3d and cedarx, aren't they already working with the latest sources? That was the idea i had from browsing cubieforums from cubieboard.

Posted: Sun 15 Sep 2013, 18:44
by jamesbond
pedro wrote:Just want to say big thanks, my mk802 II is now useful again, i never liked rikomagic android, performance was bad, but your fatdog works really well.
Glad that you like it.
Just one question about 3d and cedarx, aren't they already working with the latest sources? That was the idea i had from browsing cubieforums from cubieboard.Thanks
3D - is more or less a solved problem, but:
a) It supports only OpenGLES, so if your app isn't OpenGLES compatible it won't work (and most desktop apps are OpenGL, not OpenGLES).
b) I have OpenGLES compatible Xorg driver but in my test it doesn't seem to work. I may need to upgrade glibc to do that (and trust me it is a pain to do so) - I can't fix it just by recompiling thanks to the proprietary nature of some parts of the driver. My motivation to fix this is low because of a) above.

As for Cedarx - see the status here: I am under the impression that CedarX is only working for a special forked version of VLC (which I haven't built yet), but may be I'm wrong. If you have any more info on this I'd like to know.

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 02:20
by pedro
3D - is more or less a solved problem, but:
a) It supports only OpenGLES, so if your app isn't OpenGLES compatible it won't work (and most desktop apps are OpenGL, not OpenGLES).
b) I have OpenGLES compatible Xorg driver but in my test it doesn't seem to work. I may need to upgrade glibc to do that (and trust me it is a pain to do so) - I can't fix it just by recompiling thanks to the proprietary nature of some parts of the driver. My motivation to fix this is low because of a) above.
i understand, no real reason for such work, i agree with you
As for Cedarx - see the status here: I am under the impression that CedarX is only working for a special forked version of VLC (which I haven't built yet), but may be I'm wrong. If you have any more info on this I'd like to know.
you're right, a special version of vlc has to be built. Cedarx support seems much more useful than 3d/mali, do you plan supporting cedarx in a future release?

Thank you

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 16:36
by jamesbond
pedro wrote:you're right, a special version of vlc has to be built. Cedarx support seems much more useful than 3d/mali, do you plan supporting cedarx in a future release?
Yes, I do plan to build cedarx-vlc at some time. When that happens you will hear it either here or on my blog :wink:

rikomagic mk 802 ii

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 20:34
by nancy reagan
pedro wrote:Just want to say big thanks, my mk802 II is now useful again, i never liked rikomagic android, performance was bad, but your fatdog works really well.
Just one question about 3d and cedarx, aren't they already working with the latest sources? That was the idea i had from browsing cubieforums from cubieboard.
They are "OVERPRICED" now with deal extreme ... ram-149382

Re: rikomagic mk 802 ii

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 00:33
by pedro
nancy reagan wrote:
pedro wrote:Just want to say big thanks, my mk802 II is now useful again, i never liked rikomagic android, performance was bad, but your fatdog works really well.
Just one question about 3d and cedarx, aren't they already working with the latest sources? That was the idea i had from browsing cubieforums from cubieboard.
They are "OVERPRICED" now with deal extreme ... ram-149382
My mk802II has a a10 cpu just like the one you show but you can find the new mk802II with a a20 cpu for the same price. Try searching aliexpress

Re: rikomagic mk 802 ii

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 13:23
by nancy reagan
pedro wrote:
nancy reagan wrote:
pedro wrote:Just want to say big thanks, my mk802 II is now useful again, i never liked rikomagic android, performance was bad, but your fatdog works really well.
Just one question about 3d and cedarx, aren't they already working with the latest sources? That was the idea i had from browsing cubieforums from cubieboard.
They are "OVERPRICED" now with deal extreme ... ram-149382
My mk802II has a a10 cpu just like the one you show but you can find the new mk802II with a a20 cpu for the same price. Try searching aliexpress
1. I did -not- type overpriced, but the -word I typed- constantly prompted O. Miracles happen, maybe DX nested themselves in my compu ? Even now, 1 day later, still does not -prompt- the word.

2. Sorry ordered already. Thought might get fatdog running which it might not in A20 ?
