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Pmusic- how do I delete the Album and Artist name?

Posted: Tue 10 Dec 2013, 21:45
Hello Forum, I listed my main question in another forum hopefully at this link: ... 780#742780

Someone answered and told me, that Pmusic is basically going online, and "guessing" at an album title or artist name, and sticking that onto my CD ( A CD I made of my own recording and am offended by having someone else name attached to).

The stupidity of such a concept boggles my mind, is this really how CD players like Pmusic do things? They just guess? My real question is, if I record a CD of myself say playing guitar, is it for sure NOT going to have some one elses name stuck on it, as the Artist ? In my case I created my own song, burned it on my own private hardware, then tried playing the CD on my Puppy computer with Pmusic, only to find it telling me the song Artist was someone named " Vitamin c" ( Is there such a band I never heard of it). If I make my own CD of my own compostition I darned well dont want some one else getting credit for it, how do I turn this highly annoying feature OFF in Pmusic?
I hope that makes sense, thank you , Kevin.

Posted: Wed 11 Dec 2013, 02:11
by Flash
Please copy your post and paste it in the thread you started on this subject.
Oh, and some unsolicited advice about asking for help on forums: try using more diplomatic language. After reading several times what you wrote above, I think I understand what you meant to say, but at first read it seems rude. :)