Boot from flash drive.

What works, and doesn't, for you. Be specific, and please include Puppy version.
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Boot from flash drive.

#1 Post by ajgreeny »

I am very linux competent, having been using it exclusively since 2005, though my main OS is Xubuntu 12.04 at the moment, soon to be Xubuntu 14.04.

I also have an older netbook, also with Xubuntu 12.04 32bit on it, but I have been looking at Puppy 5.7.1 which I installed on a fat32 USB flash drive as a live system with unetbootin. The install to USB went fine but the netbook refuses to boot from it even though I choose the USB drive from its boot priority menu, and goes straight to the hard disk install of Xubuntu.

Just as a trial, but not anticipating success, I formatted the USB to ext2 and installed the same puppy .iso file to the USB again using unetbootin. The netbook will now boot to the Puppy OS very fast with no problems at all, which seems very strange to me.

Can anyone tell me if this is unusual, or if it is to be expected sometimes because of particular hardware specifications. I am certain that the same USB drive formatted to fat32 booted fine in the past with earlier versions of Puppy, so this seems very weird to me.

Any thought anyone? I am very happy to have the 5.7.1 version working for me in this way but simply wonder why a fat32 USB would not work this time. I thought a flash drive would boot only if formatted to fat32 when using a live system this way
Les Kerf
Posts: 317
Joined: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 13:30

#2 Post by Les Kerf »

I have booted numerous varieties of Puppy from USB Fat 32, ext2, and ext 3 formats.

I too am surprised that yours did not boot from Fat 32.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat 01 Mar 2014, 22:16

#3 Post by ajgreeny »

Thanks Les.

After a pm answer from Jasper I am about to try ext4 instead of ext2.

He was also surprised that fat32 did not work.

Curiouser and curiouser !
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