The Art of selling Grand Ma

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The Art of selling Grand Ma

#1 Post by Lobster »

Got this from SnowDog
SnowDog wrote: What do you think about a contest, to create the best official puppy cd-label?
. . . I'll give the winner a $50 gift certificate for merchandise at my website. (shipping extra).
Shipping extra? Is that the small print? :oops:

Anyone want to create some artwork? The certificate has been reduced to $25 to include shipping costs . . .

Our first sponsorship deal?
Many thanks Snowdog :) wish you every success . . .

Any other sponsors out there? Printers willing to offer merchandise for sucessful work?

You provide the incentive, Puppys work for free - what will they do for a few $$

Anyone want to buy my granma - only $50 on ebay . . .

Thanks again to Snowdog, we need more little gifts like this. Remember SnowDog is promoting and doing his bit. Please take this in the generous spirit it is offered :)

I think this is to print on the CD itself - so the label could also be used by Barry.

I am getting out my crayons as we speak . . .

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#2 Post by SnowDog »

Thanks for taking up the cause, Lobster.
Yes this is the actual CD label I'm speaking of. (Lobster has already built two perfectly good case labels)

re: shipping extra. Sorry guys, yep I had to add some fine print, cuz I have some very heavy old (but Puppy capable) hardware that can be had for this kind of cash, but if I had to ship it to Australia for free?... Well lets just say that soon as I'm in a position to be that generous to puppy, I will be there, front & center with a good sized incentive. As for right now, reality dictates otherwise.

I've already had feedback from a few puppy's on irc who have offered up such services, without incentive so I just wanted to make it all more fun.

As for who can use it, I guess I should point out... This is not for me, per se'. I hope to use it, but I want it to be for the community, so to all those who want to submit, please understand that your creation is free to the world. GPL kinda like.

As for the spirit of this?
Well, I can't afford to give the OLPC millions of dollars, but I will afford to give some incentive to a cdlabel making puppy lover.
I would (and I'm sure the winner would) be honoured, if we actually come up with one that Barry sees fit to endorse as "the official" puppy cd label.

This idea was really just an extension of last nights meeting ideas. Credit goes to many for their participation and ferver for puppy, which generated the mood and spirit to do such things. If this flies, I will come up with some more similar fun activities for all the puppies to do and get treats for.

So... on with the show, shall we?

1. Make whatever you want (as long as it's a cd label for Puppy Linux)
2. Fetch it to the forum under the Puppy Power heading, as a reply to "Puppy CD Label Contest"
3. Tentative closing date: August 15th, 2006 (just bark if this sounds unreasonable)
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#3 Post by n8siv »

how much to ship granma ?
the fix is out thier :lol:
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#4 Post by SnowDog »

Good idea n8siv...
P.S. Lobster,
Does she still work? Does she come with a free Puppy? How many miles are on her? Any sort of warranty? Is she cute? Could you post a photo?
Thanks in advance,
Potential Gramma Customer
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