Makulu linux 7 xfce

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Makulu linux 7 xfce

#1 Post by stemsee »

Makulu Linux previously based on debian now on ubuntu.

This release is much much faster. Much smaller from 1.7 to 1.3gb. More software with better integration. The developer claims it is the best linux distro ever released. I knew that Makulu was THE Windows killer the first time I used it. The only thing I didn't like was not being root by default.

I installed on my new Acer Ei-470p touchscreen laptop. Everything working! And working well. For the general user it could well be the best linux distro ever released, for a given purpose Operating system.

It is fast and beautiful. If you have a spare partition, this is well worth having.

Thanks to RamerJacque (SA) the sole developer
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#2 Post by Hotdog »


I second your opinion of Makulu Linux 7 xfce. If it had the forum support that Puppy has we would be in trouble. It is now #48 on Distrowatch and climbing. I boot its live CD occasionally just to admire it.
[i]Puppy, Full Install[/i]

#3 Post by stemsee »

It is beautiful, fast and fully accessible. I tried installing jwm and rox, but the configuration dirs seem quite different from what I am used to.

It is, I think, ideal for windows refugess looking for a full featured linux. I am adapting my scripts to work with it.

I never tried the live cd but full install is very fast. The only thing for my touch screen latop is right click menu activation, which of course I can activate with mouse buttons.
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