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torrenting Puppy is now possible

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 14:53
by labbe5 ... 05#torrent

Bittorrent is a great way to transfer large files, particularly open source operating system images, from one place to another. Most bittorrent clients recover from dropped connections automatically, check the integrity of files and can re-download corrupted bits of data without starting a download over from scratch. These characteristics make bittorrent well suited for distributing open source operating systems, particularly to regions where Internet connections are slow or unstable.

Many Linux and BSD projects offer bittorrent as a download option, partly for the reasons listed above and partly because bittorrent's peer-to-peer nature takes some of the strain off the project's servers. However, some projects do not offer bittorrent as a download option. There can be several reasons for excluding bittorrent as an option. Some projects do not have enough time or volunteers, some may be restricted by their web host provider's terms of service. Whatever the reason, the lack of a bittorrent option puts more strain on a distribution's bandwidth and may prevent some people from downloading their preferred open source operating system.

With this in mind, DistroWatch plans to give back to the open source community by hosting and seeding bittorrent files for distributions that do not offer a bittorrent option themselves. This is a feature we are experimenting with and we are open to feedback on how to improve upon the idea.

For now, we are hosting a small number of distribution torrents, listed below. The list of torrents offered will be updated each week and we invite readers to e-mail us with suggestions as to which distributions we should be hosting. When you message us, please place the word "Torrent" in the subject line and please make sure the project you are recommending does not already host its own torrents. We want to primarily help distributions and users who do not already have a torrent option. To help us maintain and grow this free service, please consider making a donation.

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 15:24
by bark_bark_bark
linuxtracker has a lot of linux distros you can download.

Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 15:32
by wboz
In no way can I speak for the community so this is just my comment -- I think this could be useful but we would probably need to elect more than 1 version of Puppy to be available this way. Unlike many distros there is perhaps not just "one most recent" version, I instead might say 2-3. I have my short-list of what those would be in my head but I'll not presume I can dictate what they are :)

Granted, the benefit to a torrent might be smaller for most pups vs other mainline Linux distributions, because the Ubuntus and Mints of the world are far larger in size. Buy my view would be, this is one way to promote Puppy and worth taking advantage of.

Posted: Sat 31 Jan 2015, 04:01
by p310don

Posted: Sat 31 Jan 2015, 13:50
by Fossil
I cannot see the necessity. I've tried this torrent lark - the download's proved very slow. Not impressed. A simple download using a well-known Puppy Linux based repository or direct FTP has always proved far speedier and successful.
Just my tuppence-worth.

Posted: Sun 01 Feb 2015, 01:34
by ally
the files at the puppy channel have torrents on most of them

useful if you want a full repository download


Posted: Tue 24 Feb 2015, 05:46
by scsijon
Not against another pointer, but for those like me that connect via satellite, torrent is not the way to go as the satellite cache calls up the full package for EACH request and only then sends what blocks each users link asks for. Bit expensive!

Should cover the range though, not just one or two!