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Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2015, 19:32
by musher0
Hello, all.

I thought I'd regroup here a few posts about the little known but useful
and beautiful bmpanel2 tray/panel, that are lying around here and there
in this forum.

You're of course welcome to join in and add your own inputs! :)

First a snapshot of bmpanel2 (top) running with jwm (bottom).




Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2015, 19:34
by musher0
From ... 7be#840973
torm wrote:Hello!

A question: can JWM [be] used with bmpanel?
(as if keeping all else the same and just add bmpanel?)

Or it will mess up something?
Hello, torm.

I don't know about the old bmpanel, but bmpanel2 won't mess up
anything in jwm. I've tried it.

However, make sure to place bmpanel2 on the opposite side of the jwm
panel: somehow bmpanel2 has "screen precedence" over the jwm panel,
and if bmpanel2 loads on the same side of the screen as the jwm panel,
the bmpanel2 will hide the jwm panel.

Another thing: you can have only one icon tray at a time on your system.
The icon tray will only show on the panel that loads first, i.e. jwm panel.
Comment it out in .jwmrc-tray if you want your icon tray to appear in
bmpanel2. Conversely, comment out the "systray" part in your bmpanel2
theme at /usr/share/bmpanel2/themes/<some-theme> if you want the
icon tray to be in the jwm panel. Otherwise, you'll get an error message
when the second panel wants to load its tray icon.

For the windows pager and the clock, it doesn't matter, you can have two,
one in each panel.

Anyway, if you're asking the question, you probably know how to
customize those panels, so I'll stop here.

bmpanel2 and jwm panel can be a nice combination. bmpanel2 has a
couple of fabulous themes that blend in so well with the background.
E.g. : ... ent=139354

I hope this helps. BFN.


Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2015, 19:51
by musher0
Hello, all.

From 666philb, some bmpanel2 files for tahpup:

Sources are now at
There is also a vertical mode at: (source only)

You can download my pet for slacko-6b and PuppyPrecise 5.4.3 from: ...

Enjoy! :) BFN.


Posted: Wed 26 Aug 2015, 13:17
by torm
Looks great with IceWM and MyGtkMenu (IceWM original desktop-menu can be modified for desktop related stuff-only, like change background, etc.). Retrovol tray icon may need a simple script placed in Startup, to appear.
Easy to configure, works as expected

Posted: Sat 23 Dec 2017, 08:41
by musher0
Hello all.

You will find a 64-bit version of bmpanel2 at the bottom of this post. It has been
split in iwo parts. Follow the instructions indicated there to reassemble the pet
archive -- and then install as usual.
