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What sort of forum answers do you prefer?

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 10:08
by mikeb
Just curious...

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 10:12
by bark_bark_bark
There is no need to write 5 large paragraphs when a problem could be solved in one small paragraph.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 10:39
by Keef
All five please. As long as they can be packed into an SFS to save space. Closely followed by a lecture from gcmartin on why space is not an issue any more.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 10:41
by tlchost
Keef wrote:Closely followed by a lecture from gcmartin on why space is not an issue any more.
How could space be an issue with GC's posts...and also band width should also not be a concern.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 10:53
by cthisbear
Just curious..


Seeing this is Off Topic...I need more options mate.


Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 11:17
by mikeb
Seeing this is Off Topic...I need more options mate.
oh i am sure there are more...suggestions on a postcard...or just add them to this thread :)


Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 11:24
by Keef
I'm partial to answers that begin:
"When I were a lad we had to make do with an abacus made from sheep's eyeballs and discarded knitting needles... and then work down t'pit for eighteen hours" etc etc

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 11:35
by mikeb
Ah yes...well its related to the stretching of time whereby 5 years renders something as ancient or prehistoric .
How could you possibly survive using THAT crap.... ageism is soooo sweet yet pathetic plus of course ridicule awaits the ridiculer in a relatively short period of time. :D

Actually if we just gzipped the waffle that would help...turn it into latin.

My curiosity is when a one sentence solution is ignored yet the exact same answer buried in 3 long paragraphs five posts later is taken notice of.
I guess size does matter after all.... anyone remember how CB radios sold by weight as that obviously correlates to the quality of the electronics and design.

History is not always bunk ... I believe mr ford realised that one before the end. Funny he should say that since he actually created some with global consequences and i suppose he had little history himself to refer to when he was formulating his actions.

Ah the past.... handy stuff for avoiding pain in the present. Why else have a memory?



Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 11:50
by Keef
Like I said, I'm partial to that type of answer.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 12:27
by mikeb
Indeedy... well its not like you can learn from the future .....

Sunday needed a fun thread so thought I would make one...


My answer

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 20:50
by rokytnji
I like it when some one goes off on a tanget and takes me on a imagination adventure. I do it all the time.

I usually have no questions though. So I am just here, for the beer.

Edit: and customizing my 2 POS 10 dollar bicycles so they are road worthy for my 6' 7" frame.

Posted: Sun 31 May 2015, 21:39
by Sylvander
I like answers that aren't so long as to put me off even attempting to read them...

...And not so short as to be almost devoid of anything interesting.

Usually, it's when you stray from the previously well-trodden path of thought and ideas that things begin to get interesting.
Barry Kauler did that, I imagine, to create Puppy Linux.

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2015, 03:48
by rokytnji
I like answers that aren't so long as to put me off even attempting to read them...
Thats why God invented paragraphs. Anyone that writes a non stop block of text in one big blob with bad punctuation and expects me to highlight/copy/paste to text file/ then break it up to read it.

Gee, I guess I just busted myself. :roll:

But yeah, those kind of opening posts irk the hell out of me. I like spacing for effect.

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2015, 09:34
by mikeb
Drifting off topic is the law when the main topic is left in mid air when the op disappears or finished with but something interesting comes out of it... its what makes puppy NOT ubuntu.

Barry...well drawing on such as DSL, slax and knoppix must have been great sources of inspiration. The multisession CD/DVD is definitly one of creative thinking.... inspired me to make sfs saves.

Secretive goings on that are totally money driven are not the homes of such creativity and ideas....though the windows platform DID produce some amazing software... seems to have bogged devs down in the wranglings of constant updates and system hoops to jump through more recently.

Aww look off topic in the off topic and all in neat paragraphs. :)


Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2015, 09:57
by nic007
Include the ability to change topics within....oh, wait we already have that. :D In any case one thing normally leads to another,as long as it's useful information (mostly).

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 02:51
by polekat
I want to be talked down to , with a good dose of profanity. Like when I go to reddit.

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 12:42
by bark_bark_bark
There are a lot of decent sub-Reddits out there.

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 17:15
by amigo
I think my favorite posting-style was that of Nooby, although postfs1 ran a close second there for a while...

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 22:02
by nitehawk
amigo wrote:I think my favorite posting-style was that of Nooby, although postfs1 ran a close second there for a while...
...ahhh yes. I always liked Nooby's threads. But does that run in ram, with a save file? :)

And I miss Lobster's posts. Nice and poetic, with a bit of ramblings. And most of all,
...I miss the shear entertainment value of the old "thrash-it-out" massive word fights of the past. (The kennels were pretty lively at times).

But as far as answers to questions,...nice and short and to the point
are the most helpful IMO.

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 22:55
by Burn_IT
My favourite post in reply to truly naive (by which I mean "I can't be arsed to engage my brain so I will ask the Forum") posts is: