Mozilla Borks old versions of Firefox in May 2019

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Mozilla Borks old versions of Firefox in May 2019

#1 Post by RetroTechGuy »

Yes, dear Puppians, although Mozilla didn't provide a new version of Firefox that will run under your old Puppy (e.g. 5.28 ), and has locked you into something version 45.9.0 ESR (that I'm running), they pushed changes which probably has broken a number of your plugins... They promise that if you load version 66, that it will be all better. You're screwed!...

So you presumably have a backup of an older working version.

1) Unplug your cable or turn off your internet.

2) Backup your bookmarks so you can restore them.

3) Copy the contents of your old working /root/.mozilla/firefox/nunzpnku.default (or whatever your folder is called on your machine). Just rename the current folder, in case you want to go back, and copy the old working version in (same name, right?).

4) Open Firefox (which has your old plugins again working), turn off all automatic updates, then follow the instructions here: ... ats-a-bug/

In particular do this:

Code: Select all


Nightly, Dev and Android users may be able to disable signing of extensions; some users reported that this resolved the issue temporarily on their end. You need to set the preference xpinstall.signatures.required to false on about:config to disable signing. You could change the system date to the previous day to resolve it temporarily as well, but that can lead to other issues.
While my Firefox is drastically out of date, I still use it to access some websites that don't play well with Pale least for a time, and for the moment...
[url=]Add swapfile[/url]
[url=]WellMinded Search[/url]
[url=]PuppyLinux.US Search[/url]

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