Wifi-TrayNet and Wifi-Scanner


#101 Post by stemsee »

This update has improved process control.

More use of bssid to connect and provide information of AP.

Clearer use of tooltips to indicate status and function use.

Regular updates of available APs in the menu and tooltip.

Indications in the menu AP item list which AP is currently connected.

Auto-connect to default profile if restart X or app.

Bluetooth and command execution function with feedback in the yad panel using cycle-read to feed the 12 fields.
This version tested on FatDog only.
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#102 Post by stemsee »

Bluetooth function updated for bluez5 'bluetoothctl' compatibility.

Main menu simplified to show APs and 4 options.

Extras Menu configured to show only connected AP, and all other functions/options.
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#103 Post by stemsee »

Optimised menu item arrangement.

Added 6 more fields to the bluetooth gui for displaying more devices/info.

removed 'Quit' item. Added --no-middle.
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#104 Post by stemsee »

The Wifi aspects of this app are working as desired. Only gettext left to do.

Bluetooth provides a gui for piecing together connection commands.
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#105 Post by stemsee »

Spent all day getting Wifi-HotSpot script working properly. I simplified the options a lot.

it was working great with one wifi card also functioning as hotspot host.

Script now deletes ap* ( iw dev ap1 del) on exit, and after closing the hotspot.

Wifi-ScannerM working properly too.
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#106 Post by stemsee »

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#107 Post by stemsee »

This update deals with the annoying menu or extramenu changing everytime the connection is tested. Now which ever menu is selected it will remain until manually changed.

Added some commands to the bluetooth section.
Revisited ScannerM for a checkup.

Tested on FatDogs, BionicDog, Upupbb acheives same functionality on all.
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#108 Post by stemsee »

Wifi-HotSpot : My script made the assumption that create_ap resided in /usr/sbin but on examining the makefile I see it is /usr/bin so I changed the script accordingly. But also simplified some things, namely only one hotspot can run at a time from the script, cli allows 4 if your hardware can handle it.

Hotspot tray notification closes reliably. lists clients in a properly sized and positioned gui.
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#109 Post by stemsee »

Wifi-TrayNet GUIs

and extras Menu
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#110 Post by stemsee »

What have I done

When editing some functions I simplified their names but forgot to reflect changes in menus and calls, so usb eth1 eth2 probably did not connect. Anyway i removed usb ethernet1 ethernet2 from extrasmenu and replaced with one option, wired. Which opens a gui and uses one function to connect whichever ethernet or usb is selected.

Added a menu entry for Wifi-ScannerM which gives an open gui on the desktop to compliment the tray menu.

I also found a typo for nameserver section.


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Last edited by stemsee on Sun 24 Mar 2019, 20:41, edited 1 time in total.


#111 Post by stemsee »

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#112 Post by stemsee »

This update is the most polished. So many bugs had crippled much of the smooth functionality, but I didn't have the clarity to deal with them....until now.

A couple of typos corrected. Changes to the trap on Exit function.
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#113 Post by stemsee »


I have changed the handling of ssid displayed in menu to allow all 32 characters if so named. Also ssid with '+' in the name can be handled correctly. Saving profiles by ssid with quotes.

Some work on the bluetooth section.

Quick connect is now in the mainmenu.
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#114 Post by stemsee »

I found the problem that stopped TrayNet working as expected on 'Dogs'n'Pups' (FatDog was fine).

I have also implemented an initial roaming function, which connects to open networks or profiled networks.
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#115 Post by stemsee »

The way I want the roaming function to work is quite simple.

First all open networks found during the scan are listed, then all profiled networks are added to the same list then each is connected in sequence until the first one that connects to the internet (external ip) then new connections stop.

If the connection is lost then the external ip test loop re-initiates the roaming function, starting off from the last AP on the list, or even from a refreshed list.

But 'I' can't get it to do what I want!!! Therefore after much effort, I concede. I am giving up on the roaming function for the foreseeable future. At least for Wifi-TrayNet, maybe easier to implement on Wifi-ScannerM.

So this next update is really the final feature set. Features which may be re-implemented in new sequences, such as auto-random-mac on scan, connection, and during connection at random intervals etc
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#116 Post by stemsee »

This update results from much tweaking, and a manual roaming function of sorts added, makes me feel this is the final of Wifi-TrayNet script.

Still work to be done on Wifi-ScannerM and Wifi-HotSpot scripts, but not much.
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#117 Post by greengeek »

Hi Stemsee - can you offer some advice please? What is the best way to use your scripts on a pristine (no savefile) version of either Slacko 5.6 or Bionic64 please?

(I always use pups as they come from the devs - without savefile mods).

Which of your scripts should I install in order to get my wifi running - is wifitraynet all i should need?


ps - this is the sort of thing i see in Slacko 5.6:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 833: /tmp/Wifi-Scanner/interfaces: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: yad: command not found
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 930: yad: command not found
cat: /root/.wifi-connect/geometry/Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 939: yad: command not found
cat: /tmp/Wifi-Scanner/net: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 833: /tmp/Wifi-Scanner/interfaces: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: yad: command not found
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 930: yad: command not found
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
xwininfo: error: No window with name "Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi" exists!
cat: /root/.wifi-connect/geometry/Wifi-Scanner-Multi-Wifi: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/Wifi-Scanner: line 939: yad: command not found


#118 Post by stemsee »

Hi greengeek

Wifi-TrayNet is only a script, or collection of scripts.

The usual neworking packages, which are usually already installed as part of most distros, are; wpasupplicant, wireless-tools, dnsmasq, hostapd (for hotspot), tcp-dump (for wps), tail, tee, yad, awk, either udhcpc (busybox) or dhcpcd.

For hostpot you will also need the devx loaded on first use, or every use if no savefile or remaster is used.

The relevant executables needed are checked by the script.

Give it a test run and please give feedback.



#119 Post by stemsee »

as per Greengeek's post I have updated the dependency checking to use xmessage to show missing deps at app startup.

Also changed ip testing code.
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#120 Post by stemsee »

I got around to learning how to properly configure network devices and connections using systemd-networkd. It's funny that my app works regardless of settings implemented by systemd-networkd. But I didn't realize that systemd-networkd (sydned going forward) has its own dhcp server builtin. I was wondering how peasywifi did it on BionicDog. So I will re-sculpt my scripts taking advantage of my new knowledge....before re-writing using wpa_cli instead of verbose statements...ha ha! It was fun though. Of course following the common path will be a massive security compromise as every snoop on the planet will know how your system is functioning. That is the advantage of my app, I suspect.

systemd also has miraclecast available which lets linux use wifidisplay and also allows other devices to cast their screens to a linux display. Control will be added to Wifi-TrayNet.

Another thing will be to include both bluetooth4 and bluetooth5 commands.

Bridging support should also be available as an option.

EDIT: bridgin is already implemented in the hotspot function... i forgot

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