Grafpup-1.0.2 is released

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Nathan F
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Grafpup-1.0.2 is released

#1 Post by Nathan F »

See the release announcement on the main Grafpup news page at, or download it from


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#2 Post by edr4d »

currently on the front page of distrowatch
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It is good

#3 Post by Lobster »

If you have used the development release delete pup001 before
running grafpup

This is not really fair on Nathan because this is a fantastic puplet and I highly recommend it :lol:

BUT I will address issues - sorry Nathan to start in such a way
for the rest - check this out - brill

When booting up I can not see the boot options on my screen - I have the settings low
A more serious issue is when I clicked on KDE (OK I do not have it installed but I needed to know what would happen)
Of course it would not load and ended at the prompt
so I typed xwin jwm
xwin fvwm

OK that is my lot . . .

I could not get back into Grafpup?

Rox is slow to open. Anyone else find this?
Also xvesa is the default?

Is it possible I am getting conflicts with Puppy and grafpup? Grafpup also tried to load the Puppy user.sfs (sorry forgot the name) from my hard disk - then went a little mad and had to be rebooted - the next boot it was OK and I was able to set up Grafpup

We need more testers - Barry is releasing Alpha and possibly 1.0.8
but please support Nathan - this really is a great Puplet and I am diving right back in . . .

How are others getting on? :wink:
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#4 Post by Guest »

so I typed xwin jwm
xwin fvwm
not 'xwin icewm'? That one would have worked. I've been planning to move the KDE script out of the iso and into the squashfile where it belongs, which would keep others from doing this. I'll try to have it done for 103. Small details get lost sometimes.

Xorg versus Xvesa was a hard choice but five extra megabytes was more than I wanted to spare. Xorg is available as an unleashed package and works fine once installed, while for the vast majority Xvesa has always been fine.

Not sure what the problem might have been with ROX. I have had this problem once or twice myself so I believe you, but I haven't tracked down the culprit yet. Most of the time there is no problem for me and it's only happened a couple of times.

I may also rename the squashfiles to prevent having a Puppy version load, since Grafpup is getting to be it's own beast in so many ways there are more conflicts than the system can deal with sometimes. And of course you got me on the readability issue yet again, just like with the old forum.

I definately can tell you that 103 is going to be more of a milestone release than this one so look for lots of news coming soon. 102 was mainly a maintainance release but 103 will have some significant reworking in it's innards including a complete upgrade of GTK and all it's related libraries plus a serious push into multimedia applications like audio recorders and video editors in a usr_multimedia.sfs, which is already partway into development. This file will contain a lot of the Gnome libs as well (in order to get Kino to work) so I will be in a good position to get more Gnome applications running. It may also be the last release based on the current architechture, assuming I can wrap my head around Puppy2 enough to create a Grafpup iso based on it.

Thanks for the feedback Lobster,
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#5 Post by Lobster »

not 'xwin icewm'? That one would have worked.
Of course it would ;)
Good thing I am stupid enough to forget you are using icewm
- that prompt script confused me - that and lack of medication . . .
(or possibly too much)
I've been planning to move the KDE script out of the iso and into the squashfile where it belongs, which would keep others from doing this. I'll try to have it done for 103. Small details get lost sometimes.
Yes I am really sorry for focussing on the detail and not speaking of the broad strokes that make Graphpup so good.
Xorg versus Xvesa was a hard choice but five extra megabytes was more than I wanted to spare. Xorg is available as an unleashed package and works fine once installed, while for the vast majority Xvesa has always been fine.
Makes perfect sense

Not sure what the problem might have been with ROX. I have had this problem once or twice myself so I believe you, but I haven't tracked down the culprit yet. Most of the time there is no problem for me and it's only happened a couple of times.
Apart from my outragious tales (or im case tails) of how I am a wer-lobster I tend to veer towards truth - it is a weakness . . . I am pleased to exhibit
Maybe a smart pup will figure it out . . .
I definately can tell you that 103 is going to be more of a milestone release than this one so look for lots of news coming soon. 102 was mainly a maintainance release but 103 will have some significant reworking in it's innards including a complete upgrade of GTK and all it's related libraries plus a serious push into multimedia applications like audio recorders and video editors in a usr_multimedia.sfs, which is already partway into development.
Sorry I just fainted . . . can hardly wait. This version is rather brilliant - really.
This file will contain a lot of the Gnome libs as well (in order to get Kino to work) so I will be in a good position to get more Gnome applications running. It may also be the last release based on the current architechture, assuming I can wrap my head around Puppy2 enough to create a Grafpup iso based on it.
Kenny is working on a Gnome Pup as you probably know so maybe you can help each other . . .

Still can not believe I did not type in
xwin icewm

I liked the pink paint logo :)
I once saw a comment that Puppy was a "Gay name"
So? Pink? So?
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#6 Post by MU »

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Re: Grafpup-1.0.2 is released

#7 Post by champted »

See the release announcement on the main Grafpup news page at, or download it from

Is there a mirror for the release notes or other information about Grafpup? When I try to access, all I get is a 509 bandwidth exceeded error.

Or do I just have to wait for the first of next month when the bandwidth quota is reset?
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mirror of files

#8 Post by Ted Dog »

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#9 Post by babbs »

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still not working

#10 Post by pagz »

grafpup was working fine, after using fluxbox (about two times) I got kicked out to the still new to linux and I've been reading the forum for a week now trying to work this out. I've type every command that I found trying to log back in. But every time I get the same thing, x server not found and kicks me out. This is the second time it has done it to me. The first was with the first release of grafpup, I was trying to see what kde is and it simply kicked me out. After messing around for a couple of days I reinstalled grafpup and didn't mess with kde at all and everything worked. After upgrading to the second release of grafpup everything was working fine. I even got fluxbox to work for a couple of days and then in the middle of tying to change the window manager back to ice I got kicked out again. I'm really trying to figure this out and any help would be greatly appreciated. But my lack of knowledge with linux puts me in a disadvantage. I guess I will have to do another reinstall to my hard drive. BTW trying xwin didn't work...trying xwin icewn didn't work, trying xwin icewn-session2 didn't work. I can however get in mc and look at everything that's installed, but without some help as to what needs to be changed I can't do anything. So for now I'm using xp. Thanks.

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#11 Post by MU »

xwin icewn didn't work, trying xwin icewn-session2 didn't work
icewm ,not icewn ?
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#12 Post by pagz »

I tried icewm didn't work for some reason. But I did get it resolved without having to do a reinstall. I loaded up the cd version, went into my home directory/etc and changed the window manager to icewm, rebooted of the hd this time and everything worked! I'm really happy, after a week of trying to get it to work all I had to do was change one line in the window manager page. For now I will stay away from the other window managers until I learn more on linux. Thanks!

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#13 Post by babbs »


Good questions are always welcomed here. Posting them, along with what you've tried, allows others to search for solutions that have already been answered.

Welcome to the boards.
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