Quirky 1.3 feedback and bug reports

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Save File

#21 Post by tlchost »

I sometimes hose things up big time...and if they're saved to the the Puppy Save file, then I kick myself twice for the mistake.

In Quirky 1.2 and various 4.3 puplets the code in http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 738#383738 had code that allowed one to say yes or no to saving by modifying /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown

Code: Select all

OR, get a dialog, asking you to save or not, at each shutdown. 
#the above are in unionfs at /. 
dialog --yesno "Save this session?" 0 0 >/dev/console 
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
echo "Saving session to $SAVEFILE (${SAVEPART})..." >/dev/console 
/usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy /initrd/pup_ro1 /initrd/pup_rw 
Then save the file.
In Quirky 1.3 the modification is ignored, with a message saying that the save file is in the top layer and already saved.

Is there an elegant way to NOT have the savefile saved?


Other than the above, I have experienced no problems at all with Quirky 1.3 on a bootable USB drive.

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#22 Post by DaveS »

Just like Lucid 5.1.1, I cant break it... DAMN! :)
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#23 Post by JMX »

My GNOME MPlayer does not play RealAudio files. For example:


(I am using Quirky 1.3, frugal install, with pfix=ram.)

Buffering starts okay, but everything halts after a second or so, even after tweaked buffer sizes.

In contrast, when I hand those .ra files to Pmusic they automatically play perfectly.

I am probably overlooking something simple because GNOME MPlayer plays those .ra files just fine in LUPU 5.1.1.
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trouble with R51 ThinkPad 852/855GM

#24 Post by gnomic »

Actually, now I think about it, what I have been using was quirky retro with Firefox browser and this was letting me opt for i810. So quirky is unlikely to let me use the 852/855GM in future? Or does this depend on the future evolution of intel drivers and Xorg? The great KMS experiment has been troublesome with this machine. Still waiting for the advantages to emerge.

Afraid Wary is sounding a bit arduous with the assembly required. That approach continues for 0.8? And it's all over for quirky retro?
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#25 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à tous,
Frugal install Quirky 1.3.
Same problems as tronkel and tlchost :
and pupsave not saved.
Otherwise everything is perfect as usual.
Cordialement ;)
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#26 Post by aragon »

To allow geany to run written / opened bash-scripts from menu / with F5, one has to change the terminal line in Preferences > Tools to

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/xterm -e bash -c
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Re: trouble with R51 ThinkPad 852/855GM

#27 Post by rjbrewer »

gnomic wrote:Actually, now I think about it, what I have been using was quirky retro with Firefox browser and this was letting me opt for i810. So quirky is unlikely to let me use the 852/855GM in future? Or does this depend on the future evolution of intel drivers and Xorg? The great KMS experiment has been troublesome with this machine. Still waiting for the advantages to emerge.

Afraid Wary is sounding a bit arduous with the assembly required. That approach continues for 0.8? And it's all over for quirky retro?
Future evolution of 855gme graphics? Wishfull thinking. :)

My Dell 700m has that graphics chip, and has various xorg
problems with all 4.xx and 5.xx new kernel versions.
The i915 modeset (kms) mod helped somewhat; but the best fix
I've found is:

Boot using xvesa, vesa, i810,; anything that works.
Do an install, reboot.
Find the intel_drv.so driver.
/usr/x11r7/lib/xorg/modules/drivers (depends on version)
Trash and delete it.
ctrl-alt-backspace. run xorgwizard.

It's worked on every Puppy version I've tried.
Maybe only for my particular laptop though?

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
Full installs
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#28 Post by linuxcbon »

Many empty directories :
How to show them : find -type d -empty
How to remove them : find -type d -empty -delete
Why are Xdialog and xarchive in /usr/local/bin ?
Why is Xdialog preferred to /bin/dialog ?
Why a link to dhcpcd in /usr/local/sbin ?
Why not use /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin ?
What about removing unused users and groups in /etc/group gshadow etc .
Why not having dhcpcd at startup ?
Why use nvidia drivers, they are big and not open-source ?
Missing xorg fonts directories : /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/OTF, 100dpi, 75dpi Solution : created directories and inside did mkfontdir

nVidia in Quirky on LiveDVD system

#29 Post by gcmartin »

I saw Barry's Blog on Quirky1.3
Barry's Blog on Quirky wrote:1.3 is built with the kernel and also has the commercial Nvidia Xorg driver. The .iso file is 111MB -- note, if I had built without the Nvidia driver it would have been 106MB.
My question: How can I get my LiveCD to "choose/probe" for the nVidia driver that this references when booting and running in LiveCD mode? I have booted several times, but its not apparent that the system is picking up nVidia drivers. So, what should I run to report back to you what's happening?

System is
nVidia 250 SLI w/1GB menory onboard

Thanks in advance....
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#30 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à tous,
I guess in the System menu, you will find Pupscan and click on PCI Interfaces button will give you this information.
Cordialement ;)
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unsquash puppy.sfs then mksquashfs squashfs-root

#31 Post by upnorth »

when i unsquashed the puppy.sfs file, then resquashed, all from another running system, the file puppy.sfs is then no longer seen by the initrd during bootup. It drops out right away. Is there a trick to this for the new signature system?
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Bug in Nathan wallpaper setter

#32 Post by zygo »

I want a certain image for the desktop wallpaper. It is not shown in the wallpaper setter. I shut it down then copy my image to the directory. I restart the wallpaper setter select my image and click view. Everything is fine until I click apply. The wallpaper does not change. I click view and the default wallpaper is now shown. I look in ROX and yes my file has been overwritten with the default -- only the name remains.
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#33 Post by James C »

Still running on my test box......nothing wrong that hasn't been mentioned previously.Nice release. :)
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#34 Post by Michalis »

There is a bug in puppy for long time, since puppy 4 at least and infects quirky also of course, which nobody could reproduce it and thous I thought that was some kind of my mistake. Accidentally I found what is causing it.

The bug is that I can't copy and paste from the terminal "rxvt" to Geany using the middle mouse key. When I try, it copies [null] and the reason is the language selected. If I select Greek (and I suppose any non western character language) it doesn't work, but when I select English it does copy paste fine.

Generally puppy has problems with foreign languages and it doesn't look nice. I hope to move to a more international puppy sometime.
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#35 Post by mjaksen »

Quirky 1.30 shutdown without creating a save file. This happened twice.

Compaq Presario/R3000 (Athlon XP 3000+) Frugal install booted from hard disk via grub.

Shame because everything else worked nicely.
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#36 Post by rcrsn51 »

Quirky 1.30 shutdown without creating a save file. This happened twice.
Try this: select Menu > Shutdown > Exit to Prompt
Then type: reboot
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#37 Post by maddox »

Noticed In Quirky/Wary that pmount has an incorrect translation variable at lines 72 & 75-> $m_34 it should refer to m_31="KILL"
line 72-> m_35="If you press the \"$m_34\" button, Puppy will attempt to
kill the offending programs for you. Only do this as a
last resort. "
line 75-> m_36="Firstly you should try to close the programs
manually, so do not press \"$m_34\"."

pmount still contains 2 buttons that are not taken into account, lines 419-420, it's an easy fix
the OK variable is already present (m_38), just missing the CANCEL for it to be complete.
There are spare variable numbers 40-49, which i think pertain to the relevant part of the script,
so I added a new translation variable : m_40="CANCEL" #your choice of nber here
then changed lines 419-420 in pmount
<button ok></button> ... <button><input file stock=\"gtk-ok\"></input><label>$m_38</label></button>
<button cancel></button> ... <button><input file stock=\"gtk-cancel\"></input><label>$m_40</label></button>
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Re: unsquash puppy.sfs then mksquashfs squashfs-root

#38 Post by Terryphi »

upnorth wrote:when i unsquashed the puppy.sfs file, then resquashed, all from another running system, the file puppy.sfs is then no longer seen by the initrd during bootup. It drops out right away. Is there a trick to this for the new signature system?
It is described in Barry's blog here:


It appears it can only be done using the appropriate version of Puppy/Quirky. The necessary DISTRO_IDSTRING is read from /etc/DISTRO_SPECS .
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echo -n "$DISTRO_IDSTRING" >> pup-431.sfs

#39 Post by upnorth »

:D Thanks!

Thats the part I missed:
echo -n "$DISTRO_IDSTRING" >> pup-431.sfs

so I used from:

#echo -n "q130100920100026" >> puppy.sfs

and it booted 8)
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#40 Post by BarryK »

tronkel wrote:BarryK wrote:
So, you would have got that 5 second pause before, but without the "pause" message.
This "pausing" message is displayed in red as a single word on my system. I have no nested Puppy folders on this system. So this message may well have existed within the start-up script for ages, but has never before appeared - maybe because it was never needed.

I'll have to eliminate the possibility of a bad ISO burn to CD. A gut-feeling tells me that this is a boot problem as such and may not necessarily related to the new method that has been implemented in order to search for Puppy files within nested folders. The MD5SUM for the ISO was OK.

I'll re-burn the ISO to CD using Puppy instead of Debian Squeeze this time and report back what I find.
I should put some extra info echo'ed to screen, that will show up if you boot with "loglevel=7" boot param -- well, perhaps that boot param will give you the info you seek anyway. What you need to know is what partition/drive is being attempted to mount and failing.

Ok, I have added extra echo statements in the init script to report failure to mount. The next Wary will have this, and if you boot with "loglevel=7" the message will appear on screen.
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