Firefox 3.6.12

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Firefox 3.6.12

#1 Post by chrome307 »

This does not create a *.desktop file as it assumes that you already have Firefox installed.

It's approx 11mb:
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#2 Post by Geoffrey »

I don't see why a pet is needed, Firefox can be updated from it's check for updates tab, or if you need the latest version download the firefox-3.6.12.tar.bz2 extract it, then copy the firefox folder and paste it in /usr/lib and when it asks if you want to replace existing files, tell it all, thats the way I've always done it , works just as well as there is nothing to compile.

Here is the download ... lang=en-US


As you say, this is if you already have firefox installed, but if you don't and you wish it install it all manually then you will need to create a FireFox.desktop file in /usr/share/applications and create a system link to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox and place it in /usr/bin, this is my FireFox.desktop

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=FireFox web browser
Comment=FireFox web browser
GenericName=FireFox web browser
If you wish to change the icon edit the FireFox.desktop to either create a path [ Icon=/where/ever/the/icon/is/icon.png ] or [ Icon=icon.png ] and place the icon you wish to use in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/icon.png "

Who needs pets, this is more fun and you will get to know your file system.
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#3 Post by chrome307 »

Geoffrey the reason I have compiled a *.PET file was that I am using a cut down version of Puppy Linux which had Firefox 3.5.4 installed. When I attempted to update it, it failed to do so and informed me that I needed to download the application to install.
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#4 Post by Geoffrey »

I see, yes that version of firefox was quite old, I guess that the update for it is possibly no longer available.

I just thought it was a good opportunity to mention that there were other ways to update and create installations without the need to use a pet package, it could possibly help a little those who are new to linux get their heads around how some of the file system is constructed and functions.

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#5 Post by sc0ttman »

Geoffrey wrote:it could possibly help a little those who are new to linux get their heads around how some of the file system is constructed and functions.

plus it means people dont need an old firefox to get a new one, and this pet could go in a repo somewhere... also bonuses of pets..
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Firefox updater

#6 Post by Geoffrey »

I wrote a script that will update Firefox to Firefox en-US 3.6.13, this will work to update older versions.

Code: Select all

yaf-splash -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Downloading Firefox...Please Wait!" &
wget -P /tmp/firefox_install
killall yaf-splash
cd /tmp/firefox_install
tar xjf firefox-3.6.13.tar.bz2
yaf-splash -timeout 3 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Installing Firefox en-US 3.6.13"
rm -r /usr/lib/firefox
mv firefox /usr/lib/
yaf-splash -timeout 3 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Firefox is now Installed"
rm -r /tmp/firefox_install 
The script can be changed to suit any newer versions as they are released.

I tried making it as a pet with a menu entry as a full install, this does work but if uninstalled with the package manager it doesn't remove the firefox directory from /usr/lib, this is due to the file txt in .packages not having a full listing of firefox's files and sub directories, I can't seem to find a solution to that as it is expecting to find a empty directory, anyway someone might find this useful.


I had another look at this script, it will now download all firefox 3.6 en-US new releases as they are updated on the mozilla web site.

The new code for the script

Code: Select all

yaf-splash -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "  Downloading The Latest Firefox-3.6.xx Please Wait!" &
wget -P /tmp/firefox_install -r -l1 --no-parent -A.tar.bz2
killall yaf-splash
cd /tmp/firefox_install/
for i in *.tar.bz2; do tar -xvjf "$i"; 
yaf-splash -timeout 5 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Installing $i" ;done 
rm -r /usr/lib/firefox
mv firefox /usr/lib/
yaf-splash -timeout 3 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Firefox is now Updated"
rm -r /tmp/firefox_install 
This maybe more useful than the previous script as it only has a short life span before the next update.
updated see next post
(502 Bytes) Downloaded 514 times
Last edited by Geoffrey on Wed 05 Jan 2011, 14:02, edited 2 times in total.
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#7 Post by Geoffrey »

I have changed the script once again, just can't help myself, just needed to make it a little better in how the messaging performed, now tells which version is installing without the "tar.bz2" on the file name and confirms that it is the correct version that has been installed.

Code: Select all

yaf-splash -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "  Downloading The Latest Firefox-3.6.xx Please Wait!" &
wget -P /tmp/firefox_install -r -l1 --no-parent -A.tar.bz2
killall yaf-splash
cd /tmp/firefox_install/
for i in *.tar.bz2; do tar -xvjf "$i";
yaf-splash -timeout 5 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "Installing ${file%%.tar.bz2*}" ;done
rm -r /usr/lib/firefox
mv firefox /usr/lib/
version=`/usr/lib/firefox/firefox --version ` 
yaf-splash -timeout 5 -placement center -bg yellow -fontsize x-large -text "   Firefox is now updated to...    $version"
rm -r /tmp/firefox_install  
uploaded this version to previous post
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