Wary Puppy 5.0.4 (5.1 RC)

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wary503 plus followup re last message

#41 Post by scsijon »

started the test box with a 503 cd

it said it wanted to do a 502 to 503 upgrade

I let it

it also wanted to copy the puppy.sfs over to the same location as the savefile and I said yes.

let it start up and was ok.

stopped my testing process here.

I wanted to find where the new puppy file was being placed :?:

Eventually found it. What it is doing is creating a new zxxxxxxx directory for 503, copying the 503's zdrv.sfs AND puppy.sfs here **NOT** as it says it's doing (copying to the same location as the savefile).

copied manually to the correct place and rebooted

everything came up ok on reboot.

so that is the problem :!:

shutdown for now.

Will go back to my testing processes later today, update this message if necessary.


ps zdrv hash is correct.

pps @BarryK for his pc problem, from a vague past memory, doesn't the default setting for memtest actually start testing at either 256K or 640K and work upwards, I seem to remember that you need to tell it to actually test below that, and different again for the bottom ram blocks, and this had to be done from a floppy start, it couldn't do these low areas from a hd start. Another thing to check is if the two "directories" on the hd have the same info, I do remember having a 214 install giving random problems when the second directory was out of sync to the first as linux will use the second copy in r/o mode if the first copy is "in use".
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#42 Post by CHLee »

For my three PC hardware, the kernel is better. At least, my two USB wifi work good(rtl8187 and zd1211rw).
In the kernel(wary500), these two USB wifi could not connect to my wireless router(WEP).
Thank very much!
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#43 Post by Sage »

The strange case of the disappearing icon has popped up. Heard about it before, but this is the first time I've seen it:
- liveCD, right click on Sr0, icon disappears
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#44 Post by 2byte »

Regarding my problem with the smartlink modem not being recognized after a reboot, /dev/pts/0 is not being recreated at boot. The /dev/modem symlink is there.

Still no luck dialing out.

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503 solves sticky cursor

#45 Post by peebee »

I reported earlier in the thread that I had problems with a sticky / jerky cursor under wary502 on my Thinkpad.

Pleased to report that this has gone away with 503 which runs AOK on both my ancient Thinkpad with just 196MB ram and also on my HP550 laptop. Haven't got sound on the Thinkpad yet but that is a common problem.

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#46 Post by tlchost »

This version finds my onoard sound chip (intel)...thanks!
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#47 Post by maddox »

booted the wary-503 live-cd, the md5sum of the live-cd zdrv.sfs is the same as you posted,
tried it 5 times in a row with umounting the cd in between, othewise is uses the cache.

I have fixed my problem of snd pcm levels muted/reduced after ~2-3 reboots on full-install of wary-503
have warm/cold rebooted the full-install 15 times eachway and all the snd levels are as required even if changed.
on my side, the problem is directly related to /etc/init.d/10alsa start)
..10alsa start) I split the single if into 2 if's

Code: Select all

case "$1" in
  if [ -f /tmp/rc_d_rc_services_alsa_ok ];then #101121 see rc.services.
  #if [ "`lsmod | grep '^snd_'`" != "" ];then
   rm -f /var/lock/subsys/alsasound 2> /dev/null #or alsa will not start.
   #sometimes these don't all load...
   modprobe snd-mixer-oss
   modprobe snd-seq-oss
   modprobe snd-pcm-oss
   for I in $(seq 4); do #110111 shinobar: for reliable sound detection on HP Compac nc4010.
    [ -c /dev/mixer ] && break #note, /dev/mixer is deleted in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.
    sleep 0.5 #110113 reduce 1 to 0.5.
  fi # <-- CHANGE HERE add fi ,close 1st 'if' statement
   if [ ! -f /etc/asound.state ];then
    #try and set all levels workable...
    #set_mixers #in functions4puppy4
    #101015 BK had to add ,0 after Front...
	amixer -s -q <<EOF
set Master 75% unmute
set Master -12dB
set 'Master Mono' 75% unmute
set 'Master Mono' -12dB
set Front,0 75% unmute
set Front,0 -12dB
set PCM 90% unmute
set PCM 0dB
set Synth 90% unmute
set Synth 0dB
set CD 90% unmute
set CD 0dB
set Mic 0% mute
set PCM,1 90% unmute
set PCM,1 0dB
set Wave 100% unmute
set Music 100% unmute
set AC97 100% unmute
set 'Master Digital' 75% unmute
set DAC 90% unmute
set DAC -12dB
set DAC,0 90% unmute
set DAC,0 -12dB
set DAC,1 90% unmute
set DAC,1 -12dB
set Headphone 75% unmute
set Headphone -12dB
set Playback 100% unmute
set "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
set "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
    alsactl -f /etc/asound.state restore #from /etc/asound.state.
#   fi  #CHANGE HERE comment line out, close 1st 'if' done above 
and for safety added 1 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown ,line 530
killall -9 retrovol > /dev/null 2>&1 #kill retrovol before 'alsa stop' , could be expanded for other mixers

on a side note,
noticed the screen is cleared on live-cd to display 'rc.sysinit' relevant boot messages
this is not carried over to full-installs, I added a 'clear >/dev/console' in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
could this be used universally, as rc.sysinit is executed on all type of installs, just 1 line fit's all situations ?
clear > /dev/console
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#48 Post by charlie6 »

Hi 2byte!
2byte wrote:... Smartlink 56k PCI modem ...
Ran Efax:

Code: Select all

Print job received on socket
efax-0.9a: 12:37:44 opened /dev/ttySL0
Suggestions please?
You have a PCI modem, don't you; efax tells opened /dev/ttySL0.
Here using efax-gtk (on wary-500) + a PCTel PCI modem, I have set the 'modem' setting 'serial device' to /dev/modem' : it works; efax tells then

Code: Select all

efax-0.9a: 05:12:36 opened /dev/modem
Hope this helps
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Alsa still broken on Toughbook CF-T2

#49 Post by zekebaby »

I've been test driving 5.0.3 beta and sadly report that alsa is still broken for me. It works well on a clean frugal install with no warysave (sound H/W is detected and not muted) and remains that way for about 5 reboots, after which it disappears and cannot be brought back without removing warysave and starting over. This never happens in Puppy 4.3.1.

I did some regression testing and found that wary 030 works perfectly as well; but all warys since 051 have the disappearing sound problem above, so something happened between 030 and 051.

Here are the errors I get when running alsaconf

Code: Select all

Getting started...
Building card database, please wait...
Setting default volumes...
amixer: Mixer attach default error: Input/output error
/usr/sbin/alsaconf: line 696: 10441 Aborted                 nohup /root/Startup/retrovol_tray >/dev/
ALSA lib confmisc.c:674:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0
ALSA lib conf.c:3286:(snd_config_hooks_call) function snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards returned error
ALSA lib confmisc.c:674:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0                    
ALSA lib conf.c:4154:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: Input/output
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4154:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: Input/output error
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4154:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: Input/output error
ALSA lib conf.c:4633:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: Input/output error
ALSA lib pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.default
aplay: main:608: audio open error: Input/output error
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#50 Post by Karl Godt »

I don't know the actual configuration but I made the experience that enabling one or both first features for the intel sound card
> Build hwdep interface for HD-audio driver ( debugging )
> Support digital beep via input layer ( generate digital beeps )

caused the retrovol and alsa saying no soundcard found, though the drivers were loaded .
modinfo snd* got me vague informations for modprobe parms but i could not figure the right ones and after several tries and quit it .

Code: Select all

rm /root/my-documents/modifo-snd.txt
modprobe snd-card-0
lsmod > /tmp/lsmod-snd-0.txt
LSMOD="`cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-0.txt`"
echo "$LSMOD"
LSMOD1="`echo "$LSMOD" | tr ',' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' "\n"`" # why there is a last ' ' and an empty newline between the blocks is a riddle to me
echo "$LSMOD1"
LSMODSND="`echo "$LSMOD1" | grep snd | sort -u`" # works without -OPTION(s) to filter all "snd*"
echo "$LSMODSND"
echo "$LSMODSND" > /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt
cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt # output is exactly like echo "$LSMODSND"
NR1="`cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt | head -n 1`" # cat -n works, -n 1 not
#NR1= "`cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt | head -n 1`" # here echo would execute 
echo "$NR1"
NRLAST="`cat -n /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt | tail -n 1`"
echo "$NRLAST"
NRLAST1="`cat -n /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt | tail -n 1 | tr -s " " | cut -f 2 -d " "`"
echo $NRLAST1 > /tmp/lsmod-snd-nrlast1.txt # echo "$NRLAST1# > /tmp/lsmod-snd-nrlast1.txt seems to put a TAB "\t" later into the " ", the " " in the file is still one " " but slightly larger ... echo $VAR leaves the " " in place ... dunno why :(
echo "$NRLAST1"
cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-nrlast1.txt
NRLAST2="`cat /tmp/lsmod-snd-nrlast1.txt | cut -f 1 -d " "`"
echo "$NRLAST2"
# for loop
#j=0													# prints only one "1" first and last 'n' : treats it as only one "i" and \n doesn't work either
#for i in "$LSMODSND"; do ((j++)) ; echo $j $i "\n"
for (( j=1;j<=$NRLAST2;j++ )); do RMMOD="`cat -n /tmp/lsmod-snd-1.txt | grep -w $j | tr -s " " |cut -f 2 -d " "`"
echo $RMMOD
echo $RMMOD > /tmp/rmmod$j.txt
RMMOD2="`cat /tmp/rmmod$j.txt | cut -f 2 -d " "`"
echo $RMMOD2
modinfo $RMMOD2 | grep -v alias >> /root/my-documents/modifo-snd.txt
echo >> /root/my-documents/modifo-snd.txt
rmmod $RMMOD2 2> /tmp/rmmod-errs$j.txt 

defaulttexteditor /root/my-documents/modifo-snd.txt
filename: /lib/modules/
license: GPL
description: Intel 82801AA,82901AB,i810,i820,i830,i840,i845,MX440; SiS 7012; Ali 5455
author: Jaroslav Kysela <perex@perex.cz>
depends: snd-ac97-codec,snd-pcm,snd,snd-page-alloc
vermagic: SMP mod_unload 586
parm: index:Index value for Intel i8x0 soundcard. (int)
parm: id:ID string for Intel i8x0 soundcard. (charp)
parm: ac97_clock:AC'97 codec clock (0 = whitelist + auto-detect, 1 = force autodetect). (int)
parm: ac97_quirk:AC'97 workaround for strange hardware. (charp)
parm: buggy_semaphore:Enable workaround for hardwares with problematic codec semaphores. (bool)
parm: buggy_irq:Enable workaround for buggy interrupts on some motherboards. (bool)
parm: xbox:Set to 1 for Xbox, if you have problems with the AC'97 codec detection. (bool)
parm: spdif_aclink:S/PDIF over AC-link. (int)
parm: enable:bool
parm: joystick:int
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Problems with pwidgets-2.0.8

#51 Post by MochiMoppel »

Booted live-CD Wary Puppy 5.0.3-beta, installed pwidgets-2.0.8 (from Puppy4 repository).

Same strange bug as with Wary 5.0:
When I click and drag the mouse somewhere in the calendar or Puppy Space widget, one of the icons in the upper left corner gets the focus and I can drag the icon from behind the widget. No such behaviour in Puppy 4.2 and 5.

Though this seems more than an annoyance, I periodically experienced reshuffled or lost desktop icons when I rebooted Wary 5.0, so pwidgets and the lost icon may be related...

The reshuffled and lost icons are caused by a different bug. I'll see if this was already reported and may post a fix request.
Last edited by MochiMoppel on Sun 13 Feb 2011, 03:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Wary Puppy 503-beta

#52 Post by rodin.s »

I don't know why this happens. But it hangs up when I plug in usb-flash or 3G-modem. Everything just freezes and I have to reset PC. Same thing with LuPu and Quirky with 2.6.33 and with Insidius Puppy on 2.6.32. Wary-5.0 works OK. So it's good for me to have mix-and-match so I could choose 2.6.31 kernel.
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#53 Post by bigpup »

This looks like something you need to deal with about booting with Wary live CD.
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#54 Post by bigpup »

Wary (Puppy Linux) in early stage of desktop development.
puppy kid.jpg
Desktop design
(58.77 KiB) Downloaded 1669 times
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#55 Post by BarryK »

2byte wrote:With my Smartlink 56k PCI modem I can set it up with the connection wizard but it will not dial out, and the modem will not be recognized on the next boot.


Used the Connection wizard to set it up as ttySL0. Success

Ran Efax:

Code: Select all

Print job received on socket
efax-0.9a: 12:37:44 opened /dev/ttySL0
efax-0.9a: 12:37:46 using /dev/slamr0 in class 1
efax-0.9a: 12:37:46 dialing Txxxxxxxx
efax-0.9a: 12:37:46 Error: dial command failed
efax-0.9a: 12:37:46 Warning: unexpected response "ERROR"
Tried rebooting and running Efax again:

Code: Select all

Print job received on socket
efax-0.9a: 12:39:33 Error: can't open serial port /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
Ran the connection wizard and tested ttySL0. No modem detected. Chose Erase, then Exit.
Rebooted and ran the wizard again. Modem sets up as ttySL0 again.

Code: Select all

# modem-stats -c "ATZ" /dev/ttySL0

# modem-stats -c "ATZ &FE&D2S7=120 &C0 M1L0" /dev/ttySL0

Ran WvDial:

Code: Select all

--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.53
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0V1E1S0=0&C1&D2S11=55+FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATX3DTxxxxxxx
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> No Carrier!  Trying again.
--> Sending: ATX3DTxxxxxxx
--> Waiting for carrier.
etc. forever
Rebooted and tried Efax again

Code: Select all

Print job received on socket
efax-0.9a: 12:46:22 Error: can't open serial port /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
I went through this several times and even blacklisted the acm(?) module and unticked Check for Carrier with no luck at all.

Boot 4.12 on the same machine and faxing works.

Suggestions please?
Shouldn't there be an actual phone number there, instead of x's?

--> Sending: ATX3DTxxxxxxx
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Re: wary503 plus followup re last message

#56 Post by BarryK »

scsijon wrote:started the test box with a 503 cd

it said it wanted to do a 502 to 503 upgrade

I let it

it also wanted to copy the puppy.sfs over to the same location as the savefile and I said yes.

let it start up and was ok.

stopped my testing process here.

I wanted to find where the new puppy file was being placed :?:

Eventually found it. What it is doing is creating a new zxxxxxxx directory for 503, copying the 503's zdrv.sfs AND puppy.sfs here **NOT** as it says it's doing (copying to the same location as the savefile).

copied manually to the correct place and rebooted

everything came up ok on reboot.

so that is the problem :!:

shutdown for now.

Will go back to my testing processes later today, update this message if necessary.


ps zdrv hash is correct.

pps @BarryK for his pc problem, from a vague past memory, doesn't the default setting for memtest actually start testing at either 256K or 640K and work upwards, I seem to remember that you need to tell it to actually test below that, and different again for the bottom ram blocks, and this had to be done from a floppy start, it couldn't do these low areas from a hd start. Another thing to check is if the two "directories" on the hd have the same info, I do remember having a 214 install giving random problems when the second directory was out of sync to the first as linux will use the second copy in r/o mode if the first copy is "in use".
Ok, I have reworded the message, it now says this:

"Very slow! Type ENTER key only to copy it to the same partition as the save-file"

...using "partition" instead of "place".
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#57 Post by BarryK »

maddox wrote:booted the wary-503 live-cd, the md5sum of the live-cd zdrv.sfs is the same as you posted,
tried it 5 times in a row with umounting the cd in between, othewise is uses the cache.

I have fixed my problem of snd pcm levels muted/reduced after ~2-3 reboots on full-install of wary-503
have warm/cold rebooted the full-install 15 times eachway and all the snd levels are as required even if changed.
on my side, the problem is directly related to /etc/init.d/10alsa start)
..10alsa start) I split the single if into 2 if's

Code: Select all

case "$1" in
  if [ -f /tmp/rc_d_rc_services_alsa_ok ];then #101121 see rc.services.
  #if [ "`lsmod | grep '^snd_'`" != "" ];then
   rm -f /var/lock/subsys/alsasound 2> /dev/null #or alsa will not start.
   #sometimes these don't all load...
   modprobe snd-mixer-oss
   modprobe snd-seq-oss
   modprobe snd-pcm-oss
   for I in $(seq 4); do #110111 shinobar: for reliable sound detection on HP Compac nc4010.
    [ -c /dev/mixer ] && break #note, /dev/mixer is deleted in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.
    sleep 0.5 #110113 reduce 1 to 0.5.
  fi # <-- CHANGE HERE add fi ,close 1st 'if' statement
   if [ ! -f /etc/asound.state ];then
    #try and set all levels workable...
    #set_mixers #in functions4puppy4
    #101015 BK had to add ,0 after Front...
	amixer -s -q <<EOF
set Master 75% unmute
set Master -12dB
set 'Master Mono' 75% unmute
set 'Master Mono' -12dB
set Front,0 75% unmute
set Front,0 -12dB
set PCM 90% unmute
set PCM 0dB
set Synth 90% unmute
set Synth 0dB
set CD 90% unmute
set CD 0dB
set Mic 0% mute
set PCM,1 90% unmute
set PCM,1 0dB
set Wave 100% unmute
set Music 100% unmute
set AC97 100% unmute
set 'Master Digital' 75% unmute
set DAC 90% unmute
set DAC -12dB
set DAC,0 90% unmute
set DAC,0 -12dB
set DAC,1 90% unmute
set DAC,1 -12dB
set Headphone 75% unmute
set Headphone -12dB
set Playback 100% unmute
set "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
set "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack" off
    alsactl -f /etc/asound.state restore #from /etc/asound.state.
#   fi  #CHANGE HERE comment line out, close 1st 'if' done above 
and for safety added 1 line in /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown ,line 530
killall -9 retrovol > /dev/null 2>&1 #kill retrovol before 'alsa stop' , could be expanded for other mixers

on a side note,
noticed the screen is cleared on live-cd to display 'rc.sysinit' relevant boot messages
this is not carried over to full-installs, I added a 'clear >/dev/console' in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
could this be used universally, as rc.sysinit is executed on all type of installs, just 1 line fit's all situations ?
clear > /dev/console
I don't understand the reason for inserting the 'fi'. You will have to provide me with the justification, what is failing that is requiring that.

What I have done though is move the "sleep 0.5" above the "[ -c /dev/mixer ] && break" line, as perahps all that is needed is to have a minimum sleep time for the loop.

Regarding killing retrovol in rc.shutdown, I would have thought that would have already happened when X was killed.
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CHM Viewer

#58 Post by JMX »

On my computers (with 5.03, frugal, pfix=ram) the integral .chm file viewer does not display CHM files.

When I click on a CHM file, the Help Surfer mini-viewer opens promptly but the CHM file does not appear to be forwarded correctly because this Help Surfer always opens with a blank screen.

I know that Help Surfer is ultimately capable of displaying a simple chm file because I have seen it do so in a different Puppy.
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#59 Post by capoverde »

Downloaded and MD5-checked Wary 5.0.3-beta, upgraded to it from 5.0.2-beta.
Appeared to work, but the ethernet card had disappeared - neither the SNS nor the classic Network wizard could "see" it anymore (the same happened on upgrading the last Lupus): rebooting with pfix=ram all went fine -- but on the following boot the same thing happened again, and also the X-graphic settings did not work anymore. Nope, no older "puppy.sfs" or "wary.sfs" or "warysave.sfs" had been left on the HD.

No firewall icon appears after setting it up.

Despite the less techno look, the "classic" KB, timezone and X graphic configs seem to be way more reliable. JWM gets readily set to one's taste without manual tweaking, background pic sets up nicely with neat preview. Pmusic works regularly (did not on 5.0.2-beta without reconfiguring ALSA).

Now let's hope my eth0 connection will still be there at next boot...

(Edited): yes, it's still there after reboot now. So what have I done differently this time? As far as I remember, I only tried a different video card driver; will try to reproduce the problem...
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#60 Post by abushcrafter »

[url=http://www.adobe.com/flashplatform/]adobe flash is rubbish![/url]
My Quote:"Humans are stupid, though some are clever but stupid." http://www.dependent.de/media/audio/mp3/System_Syn_Heres_to_You.zip http://www.systemsyn.com/
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