Simpler than a database

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Simpler than a database

#1 Post by Lobster »

In the olden days . . .

My students quite often wanted to set up databases
They did not need them (too few entries to be worth the hassle)

What they needed was a text file in a text editor
and the ability to use search

======== eg ===============

Name: Bob, bob, Uncle, Unc, Bobby, Bobo
Add: NFA, No fixed abode
Tel: (kiosk) 098-7865

Name: Celia Seal, Cee,
Address: Seaweed place, Atlantic Suburbs
Tel: 98765-9876 (Ask for Neptune)
Email: Installing broadband soon

Name: Olli Octo, Olli Octopus
Address: Nice rock, somewhere Oceanic
Tel: 98765-899967 (8 lines available)
Email: Olli@gmail.ocean


now use search Celia or Olli or . . .

. . . and often just scrolling is sufficient

wanna a few fields (you :twisted: you!)
try tuxcards (in PupGet)


and your tips here . . .
Bruce B

#2 Post by Bruce B »

It's true.

A few year ago I used Daytimer PIM - problems when I changed platforms to Linux.

In order to make it compatible, I simply exported the Daytimer database to flat text and that's what I've been using ever since. Works fine - actually easier in some regards.

PS I don't think it had an export to flat text option - I think what I did was print it to a file using Window's generic text only print driver. Great trick for programs that won't export to flat text.

#3 Post by Guest »

Try this little application ( A console based flat file database) binary cuts at about 20K. ... .3L.tar.gz
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