Wine - run Windows programs in Linux

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Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.47

#121 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.47 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | -> * _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | -> * ____ puppy 431 | -> * ____ racy puppy 5.5 | -> * _______ -> * _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors
* mirrors

If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Last edited by version2013 on Fri 07 Aug 2015, 01:59, edited 1 time in total.
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ASRI éducation
Posts: 3197
Joined: Sat 09 May 2009, 12:10
Location: France

Re: Wine 1.7.47

#122 Post by ASRI éducation »

version2013 wrote:wine-1.7.47
Thank you version2013.
Projet ASRI éducation => [url=]Association[/url] | [url=]Forum[/url] | [url=]Dépôt[/url] | [url=]Espace kids[/url]
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

wine 1.7.48

#123 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.48 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | -> * _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | -> * ____ puppy 431 | -> * ____ racy puppy 5.5 | -> * _______ -> * _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors
* mirrors

If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Last edited by version2013 on Tue 18 Aug 2015, 02:49, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 123
Joined: Mon 26 Jan 2015, 20:38
Location: Ohio

Re: wine 1.7.48

#124 Post by TecnoGuy458 »

version2013 wrote:my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.48 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | -> * _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | -> * ____ puppy 431 | -> * ____ racy puppy 5.5 | -> * _______ -> * _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors
* mirrors
the puppy 431 1.1 and dev packages work just fine in wary. i also got that extras packages and it works great too!

got this old windows/Macintosh star gazing program all set up. works better than it did under XP ! 8)
on the same computer no less.
my puppy machine used to run XP, and it was really irritating.
EX: trying every modern browser i could think of and none of them working. and when xp support dropped, i found puppy! i got wine running very easily under slacko 5.7 but i ended up switching to wary 5.5 and it (wary) worked better. and now i can use wine in wary as well! 8) thanks!
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.49

#125 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.49 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | -> * _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | -> * _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | -> * ____ puppy 431 | -> * ____ racy puppy 5.5 | -> * _______ -> * _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors
* mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Last edited by version2013 on Wed 02 Sep 2015, 03:10, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon 16 May 2011, 04:13

#126 Post by ahoppin »

V2013, thanks for all your hard work on this valuable utility.

Unfortunately I can't download from either of your mirrors. Tempshare says the file is private. Lilfile simply won't work for me, probably because I use Noscript and Adblock Edge. (I may try it later using a "naked" Puppy.)

Perhaps there are other mirrors?

Thanks again.
Posts: 328
Joined: Wed 25 Jun 2014, 20:31

#127 Post by mostly_lurking »

ahoppin wrote:V2013, thanks for all your hard work on this valuable utility.

Unfortunately I can't download from either of your mirrors. Tempshare says the file is private. Lilfile simply won't work for me, probably because I use Noscript and Adblock Edge. (I may try it later using a "naked" Puppy.)

Perhaps there are other mirrors?

Thanks again.
Same problem here with those download sites.

If you look closely to the left of the Yolasite page where it says "/wine/1.7.49/", there should be two ">" links to Mediafire and Solidfiles. My browser didn't do well with the Mediafire folder, but I could download from the Solidfiles page without problems.
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon 16 May 2011, 04:13

#128 Post by ahoppin »

"... to the left of ... "/wine/1.7.49/", there should be two ">" links to Mediafire and Solidfiles ... I could download from the Solidfiles page without

That was the answer. Thanks, the Solidfiles link worked fine, even without javascript!
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

#129 Post by version2013 »

The temp-share links should be fixed now.
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.50

#130 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.50 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | mirrors ____ puppy 431 | mirrors ____ racy puppy 5.5 | mirrors _______ mirrors _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Last edited by version2013 on Fri 18 Sep 2015, 03:39, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.51

#131 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.51 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | mirrors ____ puppy 431 | mirrors ____ racy puppy 5.5 | mirrors _______ mirrors _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Posts: 152
Joined: Tue 06 Oct 2015, 14:10
Location: on the inter-planet train

PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1

#133 Post by quirkian2new »

Is there any working WINE PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 ?

Can anyone help to give me some guidance & advice as how to run WINE in 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 as I need to run one windows application . I tried several pets of WINE but all failed . My windowsXP seems to be infected and I want to stop using winXP.
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Re: PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1

#134 Post by version2013 »

quirkian2new wrote:Is there any working WINE PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 ?

Can anyone help to give me some guidance & advice as how to run WINE in 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 as I need to run one windows application . I tried several pets of WINE but all failed . My windowsXP seems to be infected and I want to stop using winXP.
I do not have 64bit hardware. I have no experience with compiling for 64bit puppy linux. I am assuming I can not compile 64bit wine on 32bit hardware.
Here are some links to consider:
Shared WoW64
Running 32-bit Applications on 64-bit
Posts: 170
Joined: Wed 06 Aug 2014, 07:12

Re: PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1

#136 Post by Illutorium »

quirkian2new wrote:Is there any working WINE PET packages for 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 ?

Can anyone help to give me some guidance & advice as how to run WINE in 64bit Quirky7.0.4.1 as I need to run one windows application . I tried several pets of WINE but all failed . My windowsXP seems to be infected and I want to stop using winXP.
Whatever compile it's very easy. Same as this but instead at i686: "--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" (only devx it's a depend for compiles.)

So I don't have a 64bit OS too... (Hardware yes. I have a 64bit but I will prefer a PAE than a 64bit cause a max. to 64GB)
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.52

#137 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.52 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | mirrors ____ puppy 431 | mirrors ____ racy puppy 5.5 | mirrors _______ mirrors _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.53

#138 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.53 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | mirrors ____ puppy 431 | mirrors ____ racy puppy 5.5 | mirrors _______ mirrors _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Posts: 503
Joined: Mon 09 Sep 2013, 00:00
Location: Florida, USA

Wine 1.7.54

#140 Post by version2013 »

my attempt at compiling wine-1.7.54 _______ puppy 431 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ puppy 431 | stripped=false | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=true | mirrors _______ racy puppy 5.5 | stripped=false | mirrors ____ puppy 431 | mirrors ____ racy puppy 5.5 | mirrors _______ mirrors _____________ menu entries | mirrors
md5.txt and hashdeep.txt _________ mirrors

Notes for my webpage

The ">" character denotes a link to a mirror for either a directory or file.
ie. Look for the ">" adjacent to a
> /directory/
> /directory/file


If you are not going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=true'
If you are going to submit bug reports to WineHQ, I recommend packages that are 'stripped=false'
When submitting bug reports to WineHQ, it appears a 'stripped=false' Wine provides more information than a 'stripped=true' Wine.
[references: post | page]

The first post has links to:
pet to sfs scripts, menu entry utilities, and Wine usage tips.


puppy 431 ->

I compiled using puplet: Puppies 4.31.1 by forum member 'ttuuxxx'

mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/puppies-431.1-main-Xserver.iso
mirrors | /distro/4.3__1/devx_430.sfs

This puplet uses glibc 2.6.1
The Wine files listing 'puppy 431' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.6.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.7.1/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libgphoto2/2.5.0/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /libusb/1.0.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/
mirrors | /xorg/7.3/

When compiling, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- puppy 431


racy puppy 5.5 ->

I compiled using Racy 5.5

mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/racy-5.5.iso
mirrors | /distro/racy5.5/devx_racy_5.5.sfs

This puppy distro uses glibc 2.10.1
The Wine files listing 'racy5.5' will possibly not work with a glibc before 2.10.1
To see what glibc your puppy has.

Code: Select all

ldd --version
I installed these packages (as one sfs file) before compiling:

mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /fontconfig/2.8.0/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /gnutls/2.10.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /lcms2/2.5/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libelf/0.8.13/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgcrypt/1.4.6/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libgpg-error/1.10/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /libtasn1/2.9/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /mpg123/1.12.4/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openal-soft/1.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /openldap/2.4.13/
mirrors | /prelink/20130503/

When compiling in racy puppy 5.5, I used

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu --x-includes=/usr/X11R7/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R7/lib --with-x
<- racy puppy 5.5

Menu entries, Color Setter, and other stuff I got from the file 'winegoodies.tar.gz' [post | page] provided by forum member 'technosaurus'.
I only made a few changes to the contents of that file.


updated links at my homepage. see below.
Post Reply