This is Puppy. He should use barks, not a human (even female) voice.greengeek wrote:Keen to hear how you set that up. Could be handy.MochiMoppel wrote:2) Let a femal voice do the count down. It's now "Five...Four...Three...Two...One...Katchan!!".
(Where's that tongue-in-cheek icon?!)

@Mochi: Here's your explanation:
Code: Select all
aplay 18.wav
aplay: test_wavefile:898: can't play WAVE-file format 0x0007 which is not PCM or FLOAT encoded
"18a.wav", and it played fine. Here's my proof:

Code: Select all
aplay 18a.wav
Playing WAVE '18a.wav' : Float 32 bit Little Endian, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono

I hope this helps. BFN.