A Christian version of Puppy?

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A Christian version of Puppy?

#1 Post by LOF »

As a Christian I am always wondering how I can bring my faith into things. Some of you may be aware of Ubuntu Christian Edition, an Ubuntu OS crafted with ethical christian programs and added features.
My question is: What would be the Puppy Communiy's opinion if I decided to create a "Christian" Puppy?

Just a thought.
Last edited by LOF on Sun 21 Jan 2007, 06:56, edited 1 time in total.

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#2 Post by MU »

I'm christian, moslem and (mainly) agnostic.

This forum has users of different religions.
Indians, red indians, moslems, christians, hindi, atheists (I think) and others.

Many Moslems might have a problem with the representation of a dog, but some (those who write here) don't see it that critical.

Some christians created dotpups of bible-software.
There also once was a KDE-Puppy with a christian splash-screen.

It is up to you, to create a christian puplett, as long as it does not give the impression, Puppy itself is limited only to christian users.
Though that might be legal, it would not result in getting many friends ;)

Puppy by default is a non-religious system that may be used regardless of religious background.

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Re: A Christian version of Puppy?

#3 Post by WhoDo »

LOF wrote:My question is what would be the Puppy communities opinion if I decided to create a "Christian" Puppy?
I won't pretend to speak for the community, but speaking on my own behalf I don't see why that wouldn't be a welcome addition, LOF.

We already have EduPuppy, GrafPup, Pizzapup, Meanpup, Litepup, etc. I would be equally supportive of a Muslim Puppy, Buddhist Puppy and any other SIG that wants to develop their own breed of Puplet, so long as that is what it remains - a Puplet.

OTOH, I wouldn't support any of these as a separate distro. IMHO we aren't big enough as a community to fragment the development effort in such a way. Besides, we want to continue to enjoy and celebrate the diversity in our community while it is still small enough to remain homogeneous and friendly - for the most part.

Just my $0.02c worth.
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#4 Post by LOF »

In response to the opinions of other religions:

A Christian Puppy would not be segregating. It would merely bring Puppy to a wider audience (ie the Christian users). WHy not then have a Islam edition? Or a Jewish edition? The possibilities are already there.

[EDIT: It would not be a seperate distro, just a derivative.]

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#5 Post by MU »

I would see no problem.
Search the forum for "bible" please, that should give you a good start. :)

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#6 Post by LOF »

MU wrote:Search the forum for "bible" please, that should give you a good start. :)
three hits: two on the linux bible, one on a brief passing comment

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#7 Post by MU »

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#8 Post by Lobster »

As a non practicing atheist and heretic, I would love to have a Christian Puppy

Might I suggest "Rex" as a name.

Here is my web page on Christianity

. . . and here the heresy


Did you wish to encompass Gnostic Christianity?

Good luck whatever you decide . . .
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#9 Post by amish »

churches have served as meeting places for many civil rights demonstrators in the past. as a non-christian that appreciates this fact, i find it particularly appropriate for churches to join in breaking out from under microsoft's looming thumb.

welcome to the gathering, lof. it would be good to see churches embracing linux, and puppy is one of the easier ways to do so.
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#10 Post by klhrevolutionist »

There is a pkg for Jsword if interested in putting it into your christian puppy.
http://revolutionnetwork.dyndns.org:808 ... ord.tar.gz
as long as it does not give the impression, Puppy itself is limited only to christian users. Though that might be legal, it would not result in getting many friends
It would not result in getting many friends....
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#11 Post by Gekko »

Just making a puplet wouldnt hurt the community at all (says the agnostic :P(me)) It's a good idea, my friend tried to add a bible to the zenwalk repo and that caused a massive argument about ethics and what not. All I have to say: it's a free world, free religion. Allow people to do what they think is right and don't go out of your way to sway them.
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#12 Post by EZ4arabs »

MU wrote:
Many Moslems might have a problem with the representation of a dog, but some (those who write here) don't see it that critical.
when I found puppy linux it was love at first sight but it took me many hours to remove anything that has the word puppy\dog.....etc,not for me but for any muslim that might use my computer after I had an unpleasant hostile encounter (to say the least).
MU wrote: Puppy by default is a non-religious system that may be used regardless of religious background.
you are a wise man Mak.religion is not "" show and tell"" its implementing the teachings to every aspect of our lives in this messed up world where pepole use religion to do unspeakable acts.

btw time to confess :oops: and i hope puppy linux creator Mr.BarryK would understand becasue my puppyLinux is renamed to BKL (Barry Kauler Linux) :mrgreen:
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#13 Post by mbutts »

not speaking for the group, just for myself i dont see a problem. maybe customize it with links in the browser that might be interesting and helpful to others. chat set up to go to several chat rooms for christians. linux bible. widgets or extensions for opera and firefox that might be useful. rss feeds to christian news services. christian desktop background. and a cheap way for those low on funds to get on line. perhaps Tor for places that percecute christians so they can surf through filtered networks. not sure if there are any christian games in linux. but maybe include card games and other games that would fit that type of version. puppy might work well for christian schools that are working with tight budgets. ie buy cheap old puters or use donated equip and run puppy on it. cheers! martin
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Not keen myself, although a "card-carrying" Christian

#14 Post by nic2109 »

Not keen myself, although a "card-carrying" Christian. Since "God was in the world..... " all endeavour can be part of that process. This is basically an incarnational view of the world as we have it now.

Surely we don't need texts popping up at us - or whatever you are imagining will make it specifically Christian? Or will you build in firewall settings that deny certain domains/addresses. I really cannot see the point.

There are loads and loads of ways that faith can prompt what you do, and inform and direct the way you do it, and I would think that the spirit of Open Source generosity can be one of them. Spending time on what is basically a branding exercise seems pointless to me. Why not get stuck in and work on the "Things to do list" and make Puppy better for us all. Then faith groups of all kinds, community projects, charities and a host of other bodies that have no money and are short of time and dependent on too few volunteers can make what they do go further.

And all to the glory of God, surely?
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Christian puppy?

#15 Post by Marcel »

Although I'm not a Christian, I guess I have a right to comment on the proposed Christian Puppy.

I really can't see the point of it. If a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Taoist etc wants a decent Linux, she/he will find Puppy.
Then she/he can download texts of Bibles, Korans, Torahs, Baghavad Gitas (spelling?),etc, or prayers, and XXX knows what else (replace XXX by your favourite deity).

OTOH, if someone thinks a Christian, Confucian, Zoroastrian or whatever Puppy is a good idea, what's the harm in it?

BTW - what brand of Christianity would it be - Catholic, Protestant, Unitarian, MelGibsonian, Creationist, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, or what?

Finally, how about a Sceptic's Puppy, an Agnostic's Puppy, an Atheist's Puppy, a Logical Positivist's Puppy ...and so on?
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#16 Post by MU »

well, puplets are made, if there is an interest by someone, to have everything for a special topic in one place.

An artist creates grafpup.
A teacher creates edupuppy.
A christian creates a cerberus with christian software and documents. Ok, the name might not be so good ;)

So he can give it to another christian (artist, teacher), and say:
here, look, I have a CD especially made for your profession :)
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#17 Post by Gn2 »

Oy vey - Neshika or neshica (Kiss or bite)
Torah..... is not TORRA TORRA

CERBERUS - is NOT synonomous to cerebral :

That Grecian beast was a DoG all right & like puppy.
had a few too many heads & tongues.

In that vein -why not propose the Gorgon ?
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#18 Post by Pizzasgood »

Yes, the point is that you then don't have to download the stuff. Anybody could cook their own Pizzapup with a little elbow grease and the right ingredients, but a pre-made "frozen pizza" is faster :P

If you have the time and energy, by all means go for it. If nothing else, it's good practice, and depending on your personality, great fun.
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#19 Post by LOF »

nic2109 wrote:There are loads and loads of ways that faith can prompt what you do, and inform and direct the way you do it, and I would think that the spirit of Open Source generosity can be one of them. Spending time on what is basically a branding exercise seems pointless to me. Why not get stuck in and work on the "Things to do list" and make Puppy better for us all. Then faith groups of all kinds, community projects, charities and a host of other bodies that have no money and are short of time and dependent on too few volunteers can make what they do go further.
Surely you're not suggesting that all of the community here drops any personal projects and works solely on the one final edition of Puppy? Even though I haven't been here long I already know that the versatility and variety of the community is what makes Puppy so special (other than the actual os itself!).
Marcel wrote:I really can't see the point of it. If a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Taoist etc wants a decent Linux, she/he will find Puppy.
Then she/he can download texts of Bibles, Korans, Torahs, Baghavad Gitas (spelling?),etc, or prayers, and XXX knows what else (replace XXX by your favourite deity)...

...BTW - what brand of Christianity would it be - Catholic, Protestant, Unitarian, MelGibsonian, Creationist, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, or what?

Finally, how about a Sceptic's Puppy, an Agnostic's Puppy, an Atheist's Puppy, a Logical Positivist's Puppy ...and so on?
A Christian Puppy would be able nto bring Linux to a whole new niche. Any Christian that finds it will eventually find Puppy just as a graphical designer finding Grafpup will find Puppy. It merely opens Puppy up yet further.
I've already stated that it would be great to have other religions' versions of Puppy. This would mean even more people come to Puppy while still keeping their beliefs.
As to the "brand"- there would be no need to segregate a Christian Puppy. It would completely inclusive. Afterall the Bible is the same, you just have different versions and languages.
Just to point out- "MelGibsonian"? Try to keep your replies from insulting people. Religion is a very personal thing, you shouldn't make fun of it.
Pizzasgood wrote:Yes, the point is that you then don't have to download the stuff. Anybody could cook their own Pizzapup with a little elbow grease and the right ingredients, but a pre-made "frozen pizza" is faster :P

If you have the time and energy, by all means go for it. If nothing else, it's good practice, and depending on your personality, great fun.
Thank you Pizzasgood. I'm only going to customise Puppy to my own (Christian) likings anyway. Why not make it official and attempt to do it properly.

Hope that answers a few peoples' questions. And thanks to all other positive feedback.

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#20 Post by Flash »

LOF wrote:... it would be great to have other religions' versions of Puppy. This would mean even more people come to Puppy while still keeping their beliefs.
I wasn't aware that anyone to change his beliefs coming to Puppy. :lol:
...Religion is a very personal thing, you shouldn't make fun of it.
If religion is so personal, why do so many people make a point of bringing up their religion in the forum? :? One of the most striking things about the bible is its complete lack of humor. I would also say the same about most of the religious people I've known, at least when it came to their religion. The reason it's called faith is that you choose to believe without any proof. You have to expect some ribbing.
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