K-Office, Bugs & libs for Xenialpup & Pupjibaro

Word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, translation, etc.
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K-Office, Bugs & libs for Xenialpup & Pupjibaro

#1 Post by mikeslr »

Started as a link to K-Office threads which somehow got posted to "Unsorted":

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 328#203328

Look for latest version at end of thread,

Then tried to run it from Pupjibaro-Synaptic which thru-up a lot of errors via terminal and wouldn't open. Opened in Tahrpup (with complaints), but not xenialpup.

I eventually tracked down that:

(1) The first time K-Office is run --that is after after it is SFS-Loaded and you're offered a bunch of applications to choose-- choose the one named K-Office. My guess is this sets up an environment the other applications expect. You need only do this the first time and I'm not sure that not doing it has any effect other than reporting inconsequential problems when an application is opened via terminal.

(2) Pupjibaro and xenialpup aren't published with a lib named liblcms.so.1 which all k-office applications need just to open. That absence can be solved by creating a symlink to liblcms.so.2.x.x and naming it liblcms.so.1, But that won't satisfy krita, which will toss up an error and not open. So I flinched the necessary lib and symlinks from tahrpup and packaged them in the attached pet.

(3) Despite the above, opening any application via terminal will produce some variation of the following error:

"...WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not found".

Apparently, that problem was endemic to K-Office and never solved. The solution, as far as I could find out, involves compiling some plugin for each of K-Office's modules. I don't do compiling. :P

The absence of thumbnails in K-Offices many graphics oriented applications --karbon, krita, kpresenter to name a couple-- may be a deterrent to some. But, even just having a robust office suite --wordprocessor, spreadsheet and presentation-- which can read-write Libreoffice and microsoft office files all within a mere 47 Mbs still makes K-Office worth having.

libs required by xenialpup and pupjibaro
(100.52 KiB) Downloaded 179 times


Mikeslr, i am running Xenialpup

#2 Post by Pelo »

Mikeslr, i am running Xenialpup, i give a glance to that..
Pay attention : most of current apps in our Puppies are a better choice, most, but not all.
Erratum : read LXpup.

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