Woof CE Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Based Development

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Woof CE Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Based Development

#1 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well Guys a few of us are working on the same project So I figured why not combine efforts in one group, Then we can post updates/fixes/packages all in one location.
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Tue 28 Feb 2017, 22:27, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Great idea, ttuuxxx! Thanks. TWYL.
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#3 Post by belham2 »

musher0 wrote:Great idea, ttuuxxx! Thanks. TWYL.
Hi all,

@Musher....notecase installs ok, but then goes wonky (as you suggest) soon as I start writing and then saving. I got the error msgs piling up too. I rarely use it, but I'm willing to give it a compiling go :wink:

@Billtoo, thanks for the "htop" fix in .desktop. Have you found any others? I haven't had a chance to go through every menu item and check it against its .desktop.

@Oscar, well, that settles it....your .jwmrc-tray looks waaayyyyyy better than the mash-up job I did. Spill the beans, I am gonna have to re-read what you did exactly. I hate mine now after looking at yours :D Wish I could just download something from you and...haha...it would all just be taken care of by installing whatever.

@ttuuxxx & all-----any of you still not seeing and/or having any goofy interactions between PPM (install any simple thing) and then see what happens to ROX & stuff like .jwmrc & .jwmrc-tray files. Is it because I forced installed a 2nd .jwmrc-tray that I am getting this weird behavior?

-----one bit of silly thing, anyone gonna make us our own sharp, cool looking desktop backgrounds that we can put in /usr/share/backgrounds that maybe has dpup-stretch or whatever written on it or within the background image? I tried a few when I needed a break, and my attempts are embarrassing, In other words, I stink at it :oops:

The more I use this dpup-stretch, the more i like it. It is growing on me :)

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#4 Post by musher0 »

Hi belham2.

Members nilsonmorales and futwerk do great Puppy backgrounds -- if we
can get a hold of them.

FWIW, here are my htop.desktop and htop.sh files. I never had a problem
with them on any Puppy. If anyone wants to use them or just mull over

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name[fr]=Afficher les processus actifs Htop
Name=Htop System Process Viewer
Comment=Htop System Process Viewer
#/usr/bin/urxvt -e htop
GenericName=Htop System Process Viewer
This desktop file can be called directly from the command line because it
has a "crunch bang line" for rox at the top. That's a briliant trick I saw
implemented on an archlinux thread a while back. Can be handy.

As you can see I replaced the default Exec line with calling the script
below. I do that every time there are spaces in the orig. line, because
spaces can make writing menu scripts for wmx, for example, quite

Also with a bash script you're not limited to one line, so you have better
control over the display and program parameters.

I suppose someone could counter each of those arguments, so I'll just
say that I like it better that way!

Code: Select all

# htop-transparent.sh
# Le même bouton sert à ouvrir et fermer le programme.
Geom="g 120x32+168+188" # Ok avec Monaco-13; trop large avec Monaco-14.
CoLR="bg sienna4 -fg cornsilk -bd firebrick4 -cr firebrick4"
TRNSP="tr -tint AntiqueWhite3 -sh 57" # transparence
FNT="fn xft:Monaco:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:autohint=true"

kill "`pidof -s htop`" >/dev/null 2>&1 || urxvt -sh 39 -$Geom -$CoLR -$TRNSP +sb -$FNT &>/dev/null -e htop -d 20
This script allows transparency, but only if you have a recent urxvt
installed, such as urxvt-9.22. It also runs htop in its own window.

Plus it acts as a on-off switch: run it once, htop opens; run it a 2nd time,
htop closes. Simple as pie -- once you discovered the trick! ;)

Sexy htop! Why not?! ;)
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#5 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, belham2 and all.

Best of luck trying to re-compile notecase. I hope 6592coder's remark
about potentially having to modernize the code is wrong!

As for me, I started looking for another outliner. A couple of interesting
ones are in Python, but the python package is not complete in Puppy?

For ex., RedNoteBook would be a good candidate to upgrade from
notecase, because it reads the notecase format. But for the life of me, I
can't get it to install and run, because Puppy doesn't have the python
bindings or something. Anybody could guide us here? TIA.

I'm NOT suggesting an upgrade to NotecasePro because it costs USD $82.
It's no joke, look it up on its site! :(

About jwm... let's forget jwm and its darn bugs !!! There are about 20
good small replacement WM's to choose from! :twisted: For a tray bar,
one can use the excellent bmpanel2 if the WM doesn't provide one. Or
fbpanel, or lxpanel, etc.

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#6 Post by OscarTalks »

Looking good here considering we are at an early stage.
I seem to recall Pemasu releasing Wheezy Puppies before Debian Wheezy became the stable release and I still make tweaks to my Dpup Wheezy even now, so good to get things going with Stretch/Ascii.

Missing icons (and a DBus file) for HexChat can be found in the hexchat-common package which was not included.

@ belham2
Actually the only edit I did to .jwmrc_tray was to copy and paste in the couple of lines of Swallow code for xload. I took the ones from Slacko 5.7 to give me blue curves on dark background. The other tray apps like firewallstatus and netmon_wce seem to take care of inserting icons into the tray by themselves.

Regarding the firewall and firewallstatus (tray app) if you look up the package "iptables" in packages.debian.org there is a list of deps as usual and some are missing. One was flagged up by Billtoo in his list of missings in the WoofCE thread but there are others, libip4tc0, libip6tc0, libiptc0, libnetfilter-conntrack3, libnfnetlink0 and libxtables12. They may not all be missing but some are.
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#7 Post by ally »

not sure if anybody would have seen but there are two minimal devuan builds ~250mb, cli only but may be a good base?

http://archive.org/download/Devuan_Linu ... devel5.iso


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#8 Post by musher0 »

ally wrote:not sure if anybody would have seen but there are two minimal devuan builds ~250mb, cli only but may be a good base?

http://archive.org/download/Devuan_Linu ... devel5.iso

Grrrreat for loot and plunderrrr! :lol: Thanks ally!
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#9 Post by OscarTalks »

Regarding Notecase,
I know there are some fans of it but I have never used it.
I did try creating a couple of test documents and it seemed to be working for me in Stretch on my machine. Obviously it is very old, compiled in Puppy 4.

Looking at the notecase website there are some other linux binary builds. I tried the PCLinuxOS one which is "without gnome_vfs dependency" and that was also working so it might be worth trying that or some of the others if the Puppy 4 build is giving errors.

As for compiling the source in Stretch or even Wheezy I had no luck. I can get past the gtksourceview being too old error. This is obviously nonsense and I think it is looking for version 2.8.x or 2.9.x and when it sees 2.10.x it is reading the 1 instead of the 10. If I tell it a great big lie by editing the version number in the gtksourceview pkgconfig file (change from 2.10.5 to 2.9.5) the error goes away and the compilation starts. Problem is it goes on to give another error which looks like a library mismatch (probably no surprise).
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#10 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

osmo installs fine from the PPM with required libraries on Dpup Stretch-7
-- PPM will say Dpup Stretch-7 already has it, which is not true, because
clicking on the calendar icon on the desktop doesn't launch it. So you have
to make PPM install osmo anyway.
[~/.packages]>ls -Algot | head -n 10
total 17175
drwxr-xr-x 2 9188 fév 22 23:23 builtin_files/
-rw-r--r-- 1 6327 fév 28 12:15 user-installed-packages
-rw-r--r-- 1 340867 fév 28 12:13 layers-installed-packages
-rw-r--r-- 1 4405 fév 28 12:07 osmo_0.2.14-4+b1.files
-rw-r--r-- 1 5881 fév 28 12:07 libwebkitgtk-1.0-0_2.4.11-3.files
-rw-r--r-- 1 5205 fév 28 12:06 libsecret-common_0.18.5-2.files
-rw-r--r-- 1 315 fév 28 12:06 libsecret-1-0_0.18.5-2.files
-rw-r--r-- 1 395 fév 28 12:06 libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0_2.4.11-3.files
-rw-r--r-- 1 339 fév 28 12:06 libharfbuzz-icu0_1.4.2-1.files
If we inform the user of the above, we can let him/her decide whether to
install osmo or not. That way, we can leave the Dpup Stretch-7 template
as is and continue saving some space in its iso. Just a thought.

Other thoughts:

-- Perhaps provide URLs for the patches you discover? TIA.

-- Is anyone going to finalize -- I mean redo the main sfs with all the
updates, patches, programs, etc., that the group will find? Or are we
expected to all be lone commandos here and do our own resquashing ?

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#11 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, all.

One thing that I think should be included and not be left to user's choice is
the fields.awk simple but efficient flat file database by Ian Forsyth.

It is available from this post. The various posts about it on that page are
worth a read, as well as member Pete's dedicated thread about fields.awk.

I say that fields.awk should NOT be left to choice, because Puppy has
always been deficient in its default database offerings, in the sense that by
default we usually offer none! :( This would be a nice way to make up for
past oversights.

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#12 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, people.

gnumeric is not included -- as shown by

Code: Select all

whereis gnumeric
but I was successful in installing it through the PPM.

As in the case of osmo, PPM thinks it is installed, but it's not: you have to
insist and have the PPM install it anyway.

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#13 Post by musher0 »


abiword is another matter. The PPM fails at installing it.

I would suggest we use shinobar's excellent "sfs as a ROX app", available
here, and which is still current. It contains all the plug-ins, which in effect
are abiword's strength.

The thread about it is here.

I just tried shinobar's abiword-3 on the Stretch-7 and it works fine.

-- download the archive from shinobar's site

-- unpack it in /usr/local/apps

-- replace file /usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor with this one

Code: Select all

# defaultwordprocessor
rox /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop "$@"
# exec abiword "$@"
and make executable if need be.

-- unzip the attached desktop file in /usr/share/applications and
make executable

-- click on abiword.desktop.

Voilà! You can start writing.

Please note that, to call back an abiword document by clicking on it, you
will need to change the MIME type from < abiword "$1" > to
< /usr/local/apps/abiword-portable-3.0.0/AppRun "$1" >.
(Please see illustration.)

&quot;Crunch-banged&quot; for rox. Please make executable once unzipped. This
means that you can call &lt; abiword.desktop &gt; from a terminal and
shinobar's abiword sfs will run.
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#14 Post by anikin »

ttuuxxx et al,

There's some ambiguity in the thread title. *Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Development* is one thing. Building Puppies based on Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii is a totally different ball of wax.

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#15 Post by ttuuxxx »

anikin wrote:ttuuxxx et al,

There's some ambiguity in the thread title. *Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Development* is one thing. Building Puppies based on Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii is a totally different ball of wax.
I added 'Woof CE' No room to added any more to title.
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#16 Post by OscarTalks »

Does anybody understand about these stock gtk icons because one of the things I would like to resolve is the 2 missing icons (for Save All and Build) in the toolbar in Geany? This gets reported as errors in the log and Geany is a program which gets used a lot by many folks I am sure.

EDIT:- OK I tried compiling from source and that seems to fix it but now that I see the package structure it looks like the icons may be missing because they are in the package geany-common which is not installed.
Last edited by OscarTalks on Tue 28 Feb 2017, 22:16, edited 1 time in total.
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#17 Post by ttuuxxx »

OscarTalks wrote:Does anybody understand about these stock gtk icons because one of the things I would like to resolve is the 2 missing icons (for Save All and Build) in the toolbar in Geany? This gets reported as errors in the log and Geany is a program which gets used a lot by many folks I am sure.
here you go :)
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#18 Post by musher0 »

ttuuxxx wrote:
anikin wrote:ttuuxxx et al,

There's some ambiguity in the thread title. *Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Development* is one thing. Building Puppies based on Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii is a totally different ball of wax.
I added 'Woof CE' No room to added any more to title.
Hi, ttuuxxx.

Euh... Perhaps you did not notice: there is a line for a sub-title
if you need or wish to use it.

Also xerrs.log has asked me to thank you warmly for the geany icons!
Much appreciated. :)

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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

musher0 wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:
anikin wrote:ttuuxxx et al,

There's some ambiguity in the thread title. *Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii Development* is one thing. Building Puppies based on Debian Stretch and Devuan Ascii is a totally different ball of wax.
I added 'Woof CE' No room to added any more to title.
Hi, ttuuxxx.

Euh... Perhaps you did not notice: there is a line for a sub-title
if you need or wish to use it.

Also xerrs.log has asked me to thank you warmly for the geany icons!
Much appreciated. :)

Your welcome :)
I was going to work out the icon issues later on, once we get a bit further down the road, but since there was a request figured why not :)
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#20 Post by OscarTalks »

Thanks for the fix. You posted while I was editing my post above. At least I have now compiled Geany for the first time even though it turns out I didn't need to.

I have also compiled GTK hash as well as installing pupMD5sum. I added pProcess from Zigbert as I always like to have that in there. Upgraded sfs_load to 3.0.3 as there may have been some fixes or improvements.
Oscar in England

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