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#1 Post by aragon »

version: 2.3.3
Abcde is a frontend command-line utility (actually, a shell script) that grabs tracks off a CD, encodes them to ogg or mp3 format, and tags them, all in one go.
NOTE: This is no longer maintained but i have it and so i made a pet.

Tested in Puppy 4.00

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#2 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

It's always nice to walk in aragon's footsteps! :) I didn't think that any
Puppy-ist would've been interested in a CLI ripper, but I'm happy to stand

The reason I got interested in such a beast in the first place is that, towards
the end of the ripping session -- or even the middle--, asunder produced
bizarre transparent lines on VividPup and PuppyPrecise 5.4.3. The only
Puppy it behaved properly on is dpup-4.87. (Hats off to dejan555!)

I noticed that this abcde ripper is very efficient. Of course, since it's a CLI app,
you are asked questions as you go, and you have to type and not click.

Minor inconvenience. If you ask me, it's certainly better than asunder's
assault on my monitor and graphics card...
Be that as it may. Without other reports to the same, it's probably just
another orphan condition on my Puppies, as French member pelo would
put it.

Included below,
Puppy has almost all the requirements for abcde to run, save for those three
additional utilities. If you wish to double-check the complete list of
requirements, please read abcde's README file. The requirements listing is
at the end of its README, -- which will be in /usr/share/doc/abcde after
you've installed the pet archive. But as I said, Puppies already come with
cdparanoia, oggenc, lame, and most other tools abcde needs to run.

This 2.7 version also has the capacity to fetch album art, if you have glyrc
installed. A nice feature. However, glyrc requires SQLite as a dependency,
so it's too big to provide it in this forum. Moral of the story: you're on your
on if you want glyrc. Also, since some players or jukeboxes have their own
function to fetch it, I felt including glyrc here wasn't a must.

A couple of remarks about using abcde:
  • -- To avoid cramming your /root directory (the default), start abcde in
    an outside folder such as /mnt/sda1/Music/<Artist>

    -- For best results, do not use command line options, only the command

    Code: Select all

    In my experience, for whatever reason, using command line options
    prevent abcde from getting online to the CDDB database. It does the
    ripping and encoding but you have to rename the files manually, which is
    a chore.

    -- Instead of using the command line parms, if you want to edit abcde's
    settings, the thing to do is to copy abcde.conf from /etc to
    /root/.abcde.conf and rework the latter. This site offers
    some templates for .abcde.conf settings.

    For example, if you like to listen to good quality ogg files, you should
    definitely un-comment the OGGENCOPTS line and edit it to read
    abcde's default quality setting for oggvorbis is -q 3, if I remember correctly,
    which produces only so-so listening. Listening to an ogg file encoded at -q 3
    or -q 4, I always feel the sound is missing some depth. So I like to encode
    my oggvorbis files at -q 6 at least.
Enjoy! :)

A tagger. (This archive is actually a deb archive in a zip wrapper, so the forum
would accept it. Simply unzip before double-clicking on it to do the install.)
(10.15 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
Another tagger
(121.55 KiB) Downloaded 378 times
Fetches CDDB info
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The main app
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