Search found 273 matches

by urban soul
Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:04
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Tiny Core Linux
Replies: 15
Views: 7819

It shows some very interesting points: - omit unionfs and be happy. Use symlinks instead. - use an online repository as 'quasi system hd' - have an open community standard right from the beginning - use the power and speed of C++ - and have a GUI toolkit that is far from being rediculous (unlike ...
by urban soul
Mon 15 Dec 2008, 03:43
Forum: Für deutschsprachige Anhänger
Topic: Muppy startet nicht mit grub.exe unter DOS, wer kann helfen?
Replies: 4
Views: 3704

Du kannst am Prompt die Befehle von Hand eintippen: rootnoverify (hd0,0) kernel (hd0,0)/muppy008/vmlinuz initrd (hd0,0)/muppy008/initrd.gz boot <-nicht vergessen... nach jeder Zeile einmal Return drücken. [ am Ende liest Grub das config file vielleicht korrekt - daher auch keine Fehlermeldung - nur ...
by urban soul
Thu 11 Dec 2008, 07:45
Forum: Für deutschsprachige Anhänger
Topic: Muppy 008.4c erkennt Windows-Partitionen nicht
Replies: 8
Views: 5245

by urban soul
Thu 11 Dec 2008, 00:18
Forum: Für deutschsprachige Anhänger
Topic: Muppy 008.4c erkennt Windows-Partitionen nicht
Replies: 8
Views: 5245

Start -> System -> Gparted. Wird die Platte da erkannt? Und welche Partitionierungsinfos werden angezeigt? Du hast die Platte unter Windoze auf Fehler überprüft, oder? Für FAT musst du das original scandisk von W95/98 nehmen. Eine Oberfächenanalyse schadet bei alten Platten auch nichts. NTFS muss sau ...
by urban soul
Wed 10 Dec 2008, 18:34
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Password stealing malware masquerades as Firefox add-on
Replies: 12
Views: 2355

Scott, no offence here. It is the BitDefender site that bothered me. They try to withhold information about the malware in order to sell their software. This is UNTRUSTWORTHY style. Never trust anti-virus or anti-spyware companies anyway. (The ideal persons with the required knowledge are former ...
by urban soul
Wed 10 Dec 2008, 13:59
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Password stealing malware masquerades as Firefox add-on
Replies: 12
Views: 2355

Verrry useful, indeed. 8) ...sorry, couln't find any useful english documents. ger.) "Please let bitdefender do the job to clean your computer, your kitchen and your granny." Edit: -> that (or ...
by urban soul
Wed 10 Dec 2008, 11:55
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Password stealing malware masquerades as Firefox add-on
Replies: 12
Views: 2355

You know that you have it, because you - the user - has to download and install it. There is currently no known way to install FF plug-ins without user interaction. Uninstalling it removes everything according to . Solution: only download FF plug-ins from They try to ...
by urban soul
Wed 10 Dec 2008, 08:19
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Password stealing malware masquerades as Firefox add-on
Replies: 12
Views: 2355

Re: Password stealing malware masquerades as Firefox add-on

Flash wrote:Does this apply to Linux as well as Windows?
Answer: yes.

It logs the outgoing traffic to banking sites and logs the keys you pressed on your computer keyboard in a quite intelligent way.
by urban soul
Tue 09 Dec 2008, 21:43
Forum: Network
Topic: Pwireless-0.8.4
Replies: 66
Views: 82654

Re: Does Pwireless-0.8.3 handle WPA/PSK?

masinick wrote:...Please forgive my ignorance...
No, sorry. Would you mind reading the thread you are posting to?
by urban soul
Tue 09 Dec 2008, 09:57
Forum: Network
Topic: Pwireless-0.8.4
Replies: 66
Views: 82654

Sigmund, are you aware that 0.8.3 and 0.8.2 use the now obsolete../profile-conf as database? In 4.xx series Puppies the new network wizard should fill the gap - it uses a new database format. However version 0.8.1 uses its own profiles, somewhere in ~/.config/Pwireless if I recall right. In theory ...
by urban soul
Tue 09 Dec 2008, 00:54
Forum: Unsorted
Topic: Autoconnect 0.5
Replies: 16
Views: 24815

Autoconnect filled a little gap in the 2.xx and 3.xx series puppies. 4.xx has a new network wizard, which incorporates this feature. Moreover, 4.xx uses a new database format for the profiles. This is the right thread for 4.xx users who want to autoconnect: ...
by urban soul
Sun 07 Dec 2008, 21:42
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

Well, sadly enough, I have to agree with all of you... So here is a principle thought I had in mind for a long time: The question is how in a democracy (given that the majority of people have good will a priori) the will of the people can be respected and how manipulation of the voting people can be ...
by urban soul
Sat 06 Dec 2008, 10:59
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

a) the term reparations pulls the discussion in a missleading direction. Nobody in the forum, no politician, no one I know talks about such nonsense. b) The Hague is important. Cynicism is missplaced. Not the army or individuals are responsible. Read the articles of Lifton and Zimbardo ('Stanford ...
by urban soul
Fri 05 Dec 2008, 10:37
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

To make one thing clear: I love America, I love the people there, just as much as any other people. The only people I don't like are those who commit war crimes. Period. (This answers 3.) Unfortunately I do not have a feeling of nationality. I don't know why but I never missed it. I don't feel ...
by urban soul
Fri 05 Dec 2008, 04:20
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

Scott, you might have the best intentions... but... as you can see in over 50 years (every 10 years military equipment is outdated), the decrease in "troop deployment" is more than squared by new technology and also new strategies: informational warfare e.g., drones, etc.etc. In fact the chart shows ...
by urban soul
Fri 05 Dec 2008, 01:31
Forum: Pour les francophones
Replies: 8
Views: 5753


Code: Select all

umount -a
Quel réponse?
by urban soul
Thu 04 Dec 2008, 23:44
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

El Cid wrote:..but like i said if you are not american then your opinion of our politics does not count...
Did you ask the Irakian people, too ?! :shock:
by urban soul
Thu 04 Dec 2008, 02:09
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

@Aitch :lol: remember Mustapha Mond's great speech at the beginning? Its in there something like: Long lives Ford... I have the original, but yesterday I heard i a german version on the radio (colour: silver with blue knobs). I had to laugh about Huxleys humor... well... almost.
by urban soul
Wed 03 Dec 2008, 12:38
Forum: Truly off-topic conversations
Topic: Congrats, USA!
Replies: 504
Views: 61238

First I have to credit AJ when you said: look at your own countries first! - this includes all too wellminded congrats in MHO. The power of Obama comes from the world giving him credits for things he didn't do yet. It does not come from within himself. Read his statements about the Mumbai desaster ...