Changing Palemoon’s profile name

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Changing Palemoon’s profile name

#1 Post by jrb »

Palemoon is my main browser and I think it’s great, but the profile name, /root/.moonchild productions has always bothered me. Names with spaces just don’t belong in linux, they just mess things up. I finally figured out how to successfully change the name and in the process figured out how to run different versions of Palemoon without having them share the same profile.

I gather most people run Palemoon from /opt/palemoon/palemoon so I will use that in this howto. Myself, I use /mnt/home/0_common/0_hardrive_apps/palemoon27/palemoon and also, now, /mnt/home/0_common/0_hardrive_apps/palemoon28/palemoon. Easier to type /opt/palemoon. So if you have your /palemoon folder somewhere else, substitute that for /opt. I’m using palemoon 28.0.1 for this howto but it works equally well in 27.9.4 and I presume others.

1) First find the file /opt/palemoon/application.ini. Move or copy this file to the /opt/palemoon/browser folder. Once it’s there open it in a file editor and add the Pofile= line as below:

Code: Select all

; This file is not used. If you modify it and want the application to use
; your modifications, move it under the browser/ subdirectory and start with
; the "-app /path/to/browser/application.ini" argument.

Vendor=Moonchild Productions
Name=Pale Moon


You can use whatever profile name you choose. It will show up in the /root directory. This one will show up as /root/.palemoon

2) Create a script, /usr/bin/palemoon. Right click in /usr/bin and choose New->Script. You can name it whatever you like. I named it /usr/bin/palemoon28 to distinguish it from /usr/bin/palemoon27 which I am also running. I then symlinked /usr/bin/palemoon28 to /usr/bin/palemoon since that’s what my /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser looks for. Open it in a text editor and:

Code: Select all

cd /opt/palemoon
./palemoon -app /opt/palemoon/browser/application.ini
For some reason it reverted to the awful /root/.moonchild productions if I didn’t cd in first and then execute palemoon.

I should mention that if you're going to copy your profile from the present /root/.moonchild don't just rename it. Open /root/.moonchild productions/pale moon and copy its contents into /root/.palemoon, or whatever you called it. Mine contains odh50rfj.default and profiles.ini.

I'm sure given my awesome explanatory powers there will be many questions (and much confusion), so don't be shy. I will be happy to make edits and additions in the pursuit of clarity.

Cheers, J

Note1: I don't seem to be able to run two versions at the same time. Whichever one is already running will open again when I try to start the second version. If I close then open the second one first it then dominates. :?:
Last edited by jrb on Sat 15 Sep 2018, 19:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changing Palemoon’s profile name

#2 Post by greengeek »

jrb wrote:2) .... I then symlinked /usr/bin/palemoon28 to /usr/bin/palemoon since that’s what my /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser looks for.
I got a bit lost here - how do I symlink the new script to the orginal /usr/bin/palemoon script? cheers!
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Re: Changing Palemoon’s profile name

#3 Post by jrb »

greengeek wrote:
jrb wrote:2) .... I then symlinked /usr/bin/palemoon28 to /usr/bin/palemoon since that’s what my /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser looks for.
I got a bit lost here - how do I symlink the new script to the orginal /usr/bin/palemoon script? cheers!
If you have named your script something besides /usr/bin/palemoon then right click on it and choose Link... Then type in /usr/bin/palemoon.
If there is already a /usr/bin/palemoon then you can delete it or rename it, maybe /usr/bin/palemoonA
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#4 Post by greengeek »

Thanks - I am using a slightly unusual .pet (palemoon with "glibctweak"). Not sure where I got it from, but it runs palemoon from user/lib/palemoon so I modded the application.ini profile to specify that.

Now getting this:

Code: Select all

# palemoon
application.ini path not recognized: '/usr/lib/palemoon/browser/application.ini'#
I will reread your instructions and try to figure out how they apply to this slightly different setup.

(I only ever run without savefile so am trying to build your mod into the palemoon pet I normally load after fresh boot)
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#5 Post by jrb »

greengeek wrote:Thanks - I am using a slightly unusual .pet (palemoon with "glibctweak"). Not sure where I got it from, but it runs palemoon from user/lib/palemoon so I modded the application.ini profile to specify that.

Now getting this:

Code: Select all

# palemoon
application.ini path not recognized: '/usr/lib/palemoon/browser/application.ini'#
I will reread your instructions and try to figure out how they apply to this slightly different setup.

(I only ever run without savefile so am trying to build your mod into the palemoon pet I normally load after fresh boot)
Is application.ini in the /usr/lib/palemoon/browser folder?
What does your Profile= line say? Also maybe post your /usr/bin script as well.
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#6 Post by greengeek »

jrb wrote:Is application.ini in the /usr/lib/palemoon/browser folder?
Actually - no, it was missing. I must have moved the application.ini file in my system rather than the one I was trying to build into the pet.

Corrected that mistake and now all is well.

The palemoon profile directory is now shown in /root as .palemoon27.3.0

Thanks jrb!
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#7 Post by Puppyt »

Hi jrb,
i bit the bullet and tried to update my v 27.9.x with ... 1_i386.deb in my Dpup Stretch 7.5 (RC3) setup. I followed your instructions but have come to a halt with the following message from terminal:

Code: Select all

# palemoon
Error: Goanna:MinVersion not specified in application.ini
How do you think my geko/goanna problem might be resolved? Cheers

UPDATE: 2 mins after my post and while defaultbrowser / Pale Moon selection from startmenu is ineffectual, I can reload 27.9.4 from opt/palemoon/palemoon and opt/palemoon/palemoon-bin . I hadn't uninstalled the older version first - is that my problem?
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#8 Post by jrb »

Puppyt wrote:Hi jrb,
i bit the bullet and tried to update my v 27.9.x with ... 1_i386.deb in my Dpup Stretch 7.5 (RC3) setup. I followed your instructions but have come to a halt with the following message from terminal:

Code: Select all

# palemoon
Error: Goanna:MinVersion not specified in application.ini
How do you think my geko/goanna problem might be resolved? Cheers

UPDATE: 2 mins after my post and while defaultbrowser / Pale Moon selection from startmenu is ineffectual, I can reload 27.9.4 from opt/palemoon/palemoon and opt/palemoon/palemoon-bin . I hadn't uninstalled the older version first - is that my problem?
Yes, I think you might have some conflicts there. Take a look in /root/.packages and look for palemoon_28.0.1~repack-1_i386.files. Open it in a text editor and see where it placed the palemoon-bin file. If it placed it in opt/palemoon then we have a problem. Otherwise go to where it placed it and try using it to start Palemoon. Let me know what you find.

I got that same error message at one point when I was fooling with this and I think it was because I had just left the modified application.ini in /opt/palemoon instead of /opt/palemoon/browser.
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#9 Post by greengeek »

I have made a pet of Palemoon 27.3.0 which includes jrb's application.ini mod so that it will not overwrite your existing profile - it will create a profile as /root/.palemoon27.3.0

This version of palemoon is sse-only (to suit lightweight older PC's) also contains the glibc219tweak (i think from darry1966) and also some controls on adware servers as suggested by HerrBert here: ... 321#992321

It is intended primarily for use on Slacko 5.6 used in "live" mode - without savefiles.

This pet will bring up some warnings during installation advising the user not to use it with savefiles in case it corrupts existing files. It gives the user the chance to back out of pet installation. I think it is safe but I really don't want to stuff up anyone's system so please treat it as something to try only on a system booted in pristine form with no savefile.

I find HerrBert's adblocking mod really useful on websites such as where so many ads and scripts weigh down the performance of any browser.

Pet available here: ...
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#10 Post by Puppyt »

Hi again jrb,
well I opened up the pkg file and found no palemoon-bin listed anywhere. A search of my entire system also failed to find any second palemoon-bin to the one associated with 27.9.4. I think I may have grabbed the first palemoon_28.0.1~repack-1_i386.deb on the page - which is the test version, whereas the other two available are for debian 9 and debian 8. I'll uninstall the repack now and wait it out for a Puppy-friendly version for 28+, Cheers
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#11 Post by Puppyt »

Sorry just further to my meddling - a check of dependencies revealed missing files where they were supposed to be found - I don't know quite how to address the misdirection that seems to have occurred with this installation of palemoon_28.0.1~repack-1_i386.deb
Screenie of files being where they are supposed to be??
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#12 Post by jrb »

Puppyt wrote:Sorry just further to my meddling - a check of dependencies revealed missing files where they were supposed to be found - I don't know quite how to address the misdirection that seems to have occurred with this installation of palemoon_28.0.1~repack-1_i386.deb
Not to be unhelpful, but I think you'll get more and better help with this problem if you post it in the pale moon browser thread. We're getting a bit off topic here.
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#13 Post by Puppyt »

jrb wrote:<snip>... We're getting a bit off topic here.
True- and thanks for your earlier suggestions.
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