SMplayer 20.6.0 / SMtube 20.6.0

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Mike Walsh
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#121 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hallo, Norgo.

Sorry for the late reply; I've only just found this! :oops: Been busy since the week-end.....

Gosh, you didn't need to go to all that effort with MPlayer....but it's very much appreciated, nonetheless. I've downloaded the relevant .pets into their own folder, and time permitting, will see how it all goes. I'll let you know what happens, of course.


Questions:- Which particular version of 'ca-certificates' are we talking about here? EDIT:- Never mind; I've installed ca-certs-20161130 from the PPM. Is it 'new' enough? :lol:)

A 'stripped' Qt-4.8.5 is permanently loaded in my 570, so libQtwebkit's already there. Will 4.8.5 do?

As for gstreamer; gstreamer-0.10.36 & gst-plugins-base-0.10.36 are currently installed. Are these sufficient, or do I need the gst-plugins-good-0.10.31 as well?

Sorry for all the questions, but I like to clear this sort of thing up as early as possible! Oh, two more points, while I think of them. Will this MPlayer install over the top of the existing one, or will I need to uninstall the old one first?

(Current version's 1.0.8b; probably the one that came with Slacko, if the truth be known.....)

And I guess the existing SMPlayer and SMTube need removing first, too?

Mike. :wink:
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#122 Post by norgo »

Hi Mike,

you are welcome.

To overwrite and older version by a newer one is a bad style and not to recommend.
It's possible yes, but to uninstall the old and to install the new version is the better way.

your question about dependencies:

ca-certificates_20161130 okay
Qt-4.8.5 + libQtWebkit okay
gstreamer-0.10.36 / gst-plugins-base-0.10.36 okay ( no other is needed )

In other words, perfect conditions if mplayer is working too :lol:

I don't know the age of your computer, the used CPU and GPU.
If an Nvidia GPU is used and capable for hardware decoding, give me a sign.
In this case I would recommend to use mplayer with enabled vdpau support.
Alternatively you could use mpv, there should be vdpau and vaapi support already included.
This reduced CPU usage drastically. (only a hint )
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#123 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Norgo.
Norgo wrote:I don't know the age of your computer, the used CPU and GPU.
Soon remedied, mate.

13 years old.

Dual-core Athlon64 X2 3800+.

ATI Radeon Xpress 200 graphics chip, built-in to the SB400 southbridge. In other words, fairly basic, but it gets the job done.....and after all these years, it's still a lovely sharp picture.

I'm curious. MPlayer 1.0.8b (the built-in original) is an executable. Yet this 1.3.0 seems to be a shared library (a là Chromium), not an executable at all. How the hell does it run?


I'll report back when I've tried SMTube, and let ya know what happens. :) Stay tuned.....

Mike. :wink:
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#124 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi again, Norgo.

Well, SMTube starts and runs fine.....but when you want to play something, SMPlayer starts up.....then MPlayer crashes.

Here's the log read-out:-

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -slave -identify -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -vo xv, -ao alsa, -nodr -double -stop-xscreensaver -nomouseinput -input nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -nokeepaspect -wid 67108900 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -osdlevel 0 -subfont-osd-scale 3 -progbar-align 80 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0 -ass-font-scale 1 -noflip-hebrew -ass-styles /root/.config/smplayer/styles.ass -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -volume 44 -prefer-ipv4 -vf-add screenshot=/tmp/smplayer_screenshots/shot -noslices -af-add scaletempo -softvol -softvol-max 110,sn-aigl6ner&mm=31,29&ipbits=0&id=o-AGHDSwJbMro5ur-tffPKo4QUec266i8D1NTP-3pxh6TN&sparams=dur,ei,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,ratebypass,requiressl,source,expire&mv=m&mt=1523394287&ms=au,rdu&ip=

MPlayer 1.3.0-4.7.1 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team

libavformat version 57.25.100 (internal)
libavformat file format detected.
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xb7586440]Protocol name not provided, cannot determine if input is local or a network protocol, buffers and access patterns cannot be configured optimally without knowing the protocol
[lavf] stream 0: video (h264), -vid 0
[lavf] stream 1: audio (aac), -aid 0, -alang eng
VIDEO:  [H264]  1280x720  24bpp  25.000 fps  1053.3 kbps (128.6 kbyte/s)
Opening video filter: [ass auto=1]
[ass] auto-open
Opening video filter: [screenshot=/tmp/smplayer_screenshots/shot]
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
libavcodec version 57.24.102 (internal)
Selected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)
Clip info:
 major_brand: mp42
 minor_version: 0
 compatible_brands: isommp42
 creation_time: 2018-04-04 22:13:24
ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE3=2018-04-04 22:13:24
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, floatle, 125.6 kbit/4.45% (ratio: 15698->352800)
Selected audio codec: [ffaac] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg AAC (MPEG-2/MPEG-4 Audio))
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch floatle (4 bytes per sample)
[Mixer] No hardware mixing, inserting volume filter.
Starting playback...

MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.
  Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and
  disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.
  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your
  gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read
  DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and
  won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.
And this is always with an 'Exit code 1'. (Sorry for the width of this; I copied it from the log as it showed up in SMPlayer, and this is just how it turned out..!)

Mike. :wink:
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#125 Post by norgo »

Hello Mike,

please start SMplayer and select under
Preferences->Video Output Driver: x11 (slow)
Preferences->Audio Output Driver: null

close and restart SMplayer

If Mplayer is playing now ( of course without sound )
select Preferences->Audio Output Driver: alsa
what's now ?
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#126 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello Gents,

I think the 1.0.8b might be gnome-mplayer front end rather than mplayer itself is it not?
The mplayer executable does compile to look like a shared lib but it is executable. It has been this way for some time. Not sure of the reason. Same with all executables in recent Debian and Ubuntu distros. You can change it with elfedit if you really want to, but I don't think it makes any difference other than executing from the file manager.

Compiling mplayer seems to work best if you use the switch --enable-runtime-cpudetect (or is it --enable-runtime-cpudetection I forget). This MAY be the cause of the crash, I think this was an issue in Slacko at some stage.

I have some builds of mplayer from SVN checkouts which are newer than the 1.3.0 release.
They were built with that switch and they have GUI enabled as well.
Oscar in England
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#127 Post by norgo »


Hi Oscar,

mplayer has been compiled with option --enable-runtime-cpudetection

tested on three different computers and CPU's without problems
nevertheless thank you for hint
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Mike Walsh
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#128 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Oscar.

Well; that's 'done the trick', all right!

By using a combination of Norgo's SMPlayer & SMTube, and your MPlayer SVN build, everything's working as it should, at long last. TBH, that's the first time I've had a properly working SMTube set-up on any of my Pups. In fact, I now know where the included MPlayer build for Racy 5.5 came from, 'cos it's identical to yours.....

Does yours have the 'controls' GUI with it? (Looks like a hi-fi receiver, or something similar.....and if so, how d'you switch it on?)

Anyway, I'm a 'happy bunny' now! Cheers, mate.

Mike. :wink:
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#129 Post by OscarTalks »

Hi Mike,

I'm not sure which control GUI you mean.
To get the main one you have to be opening with the command gmplayer
Even though gmplayer is only a symlink to mplayer the behaviour is different somehow, which is rather unusual.
The .desktop file has gmplayer on the exec line, but if calling it by some other method or via another program you may need to change something.

Also, if running as gmplayer there should be the "floating control" in fullscreen mode which pops up if you move the mouse to the bottom of the screen. I think this can be enabled or disabled in Preferences (misc > Enable playbar).

If you mean a different skin, there are lots of those to choose from on the website. The one I included may not be to everybody's taste.

If you are using SMplayer as the front end then the GUI settings are controlled within that, but I have never tried to use SMtube at all so I have no experience of how that works.
Oscar in England
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#130 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Oscar.

Nah, that's OK. I've figured out how you get the 'GUI' to show. Just right-click, choose 'Skins', and it appears.

I've got a few MPlayer skins I'd downloaded for the Racy SVN build, so I'm using those for now. Thanks for the link to more skins; I've found quite a few I rather like. I'd no idea there were quite so many..!

I know in the context of this thread we only want MPlayer as a 'back-end'.....but I sometimes like using MPlayer by itself, so naturally I want it to look good!

Once again, thanks are due to Norgo for his SMPlayer/SMTube, and yourself for this excellent MPlayer build. This current incarnation of Slacko 570 is getting to be so unlike its forbear, it's unrecognizable; I've installed a lot of stuff I didn't know how to do properly the first time round.

It now really is the Puppy 'workhorse' I always wanted.

Cheers, guys!

Mike. :wink:
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SMplayer 18.4.0

#131 Post by norgo »

SMplayer version 18.4.0

compiled under Slacko 700 RC3 / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt 5.6.1 libs

compiled under Slacko 630 and shared qt 4.8.6 libs
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SMplayer 18.4.0

#132 Post by norgo »

SMplayer version 18.4.0 - statically

compiled under use of Slacko 632 / Slacko64 632 and statically qt-4.8.6
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#133 Post by backi »

Good Job Norgo :D :D :D

Thanks again . :) :) :)
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SMplayer 18.6.0

#134 Post by norgo »

SMplayer version 18.6.0

compiled under Slacko 700 RC3 / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt 5.6.1 libs

compiled under Slacko 630 and shared qt 4.8.6 libs
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SMplayer 18.6.0

#135 Post by norgo »

SMplayer version 18.6.0 - statically

compiled under use of Slacko 630 / Slacko64 632 and statically qt-4.8.6
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SMplayer Themes 18.6.0

#136 Post by norgo »

SMplayer-themes version 18.6.0

contains a new dark theme
new dark theme
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SMtube 18.9.0

#137 Post by norgo »

SMtube version 18.9.0

compiled under Slacko 630 and shared qt-4.8.6 libs.

qt-4 webkit
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#138 Post by backi »

Hi Norgo !

Good Job ....... :D
Thanks again :D :D :D
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SMplayer 18.9.0 / SMtube 18.9.0

#139 Post by norgo »

SMplayer version 18.9.0

compiled under Slacko 630 and shared qt-4.8.6 libs.

compiled under Slacko / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt-5.6.1 libs.

SMtube version 18.9.0

compiled under Slacko / Slacko64 700 RC3 and shared qt-5.6.1 libs.
smtube - smplayer 18.9.0
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#140 Post by backi »

Thanks again Norgo !
Much appreciated :) :) :)
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