How to get latest version of Google Chrome?

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How to get latest version of Google Chrome?

#1 Post by PappyPuppy »

My Google Chrome does not trigger updates. I don't know why.

Also, which of the many versions should I install - I can't find my original install anymore - it ultimately goes into the opt/... directory under google and has pointers from usr/bin. But I forget - they don't have GNU/LInux version, just stuff like debian, ubuntu, puppy linux, gentoo, SUSE, etc.., etcc.

I want to update Chrome first to see if it helps me with a bug that cropped up yesterday that has bad security certificates unless I'm browsing with Nightly (Firefox 38). Once in a while I can open Nightly on the yahoo site, then later Chrome will work. But most of the time I have to run with Google Chrome for most of my browsing (or SeaMonkey), and then I have to use Nightly just for yahoo since last evening. Did I do something with my Aptana Studio work without know ing it? I don't know.

Any guidance appreciated.
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I remember *.deb is what I had downloaded

#2 Post by PappyPuppy »

So I'm downloading now.
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I'm getting end of file when I try to convert to fatdog

#3 Post by PappyPuppy »

So I'm going to do an undeb.

But when I run undeb -c etc.deb on the google chrome file, it never runs it acts as if I entered undeb --help.

I can't get undeb to do it's thing.

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#4 Post by Flash »

Are you running as root? Maybe it doesn't like that.
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#5 Post by PappyPuppy »

Flash wrote:Are you running as root? Maybe it doesn't like that.

Yes, I am logged in as root according to the w command.
Can I log in as a superuser or some other - such as spot or whoever.

I can't remember how to install stuff as an admin anymore - or perhaps as a non-admin?

My cat etc/passwd includes Spot the Happy Dog, anyone know his password - I would guess that I didn't change it much as I never use him much.

Is it woofwoof?

I realize that Google 70 may be a stretch for my machine but I guess it'll probably work in the end.
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I reran tar -xvf again only part way through it

#6 Post by PappyPuppy »

I had forgotten that there might be files that have to be over-written.

Anyway, this time I did NOT get an EOF error - so I assume it made it all the way as the last 2 files written were google-chrome, and then xdg-settings.

I am struggling since I cannot get tar -t to list the contents. Stuff's not working right right now.

So now I need to know how to get the lastest chrome to be picked when things start. So far it keeps running version 58 when I start it. I would expect version 70 to start - not yet sure why it isn't starting that version.

I tried what I thought was a new desktop file. Perhaps the new version Google chooses for my machine is identical to the old version. So version 70 is really just version 58?
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#7 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ PappyPuppy:-

What, exactly, is it you're trying to do? I can't quite figure it out. I'm hazarding a guess you're attempting to install Chrome to FatDog, yes?

If that's the case (although some folk seem to regard me as the Chrome 'expert' :roll:), I'm going to bow out right now. I don't know the first thing about FatDog, and don't care to; the only time I ever tried it, I had a bloody awful experience, and gave it up as a bad job. (Everything's been written from scratch, and nothing works the way I expected it to. It's full of unique, one-off utilities which I couldn't make head or tail of.)

It's pointless my trying to give advice, since I understand that FatDog has a special, dedicated utility specifically for installing Chrome, and I haven't got the foggiest idea of how that works. Sorry..!

Perhaps you'd get a better response by posting on the FatDog threads/website? There must be plenty of FatDog users who know exactly how this works....

(BTW, the Linux version of Chrome has never auto-updated. If you're expecting it to behave like the Windoze version, you'll be disappointed.....although it does at least auto-update PepperFlash nowadays.)

Which Puppy are you running? It helps to let people know; advice can be better tailored that way....

We're not mind-readers! :lol:

Mike. :wink:
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#8 Post by mikeslr »

Hi PappyPuppy,

LIke Mike Walsh I'm guessing that you are running FatDog64; and as he wrote it's probably best to post your issue to the FatDog thread. So when I read this thread the first time there wasn't anything I could think to add. Then I read the thread on which you're seeking guidance about setting up a webserver and realized that you were either (a) far more advanced than I or (b) far more a glutton for punishment. :lol: Hopefully the former, but in either event maybe you'll find the following suitable.

Some time ago, drunkjedi provided this recipe he used to make an SFS of Chrome for FatDog, ... 966#921966. Unfortunately, you may not be able to follow it exactly. I think at that time FatDog, like Puppies, located the spot folder in /root, i.e, /root/spot. I think as of FatDog64-720, it is now located in /home/spot. So the script drunkjedi provided would have to be edited.

[The fact is, that as of his last build of Google-Chrome Mike Walsh also locates it at /home/spot. You might try loading the SFS available here, ... QVfrDnr5w-. If it works, great. If not, you haven't lost a lot of time. His google-drive also offers a pet, but working or not it may cause problems on FatDog and/or with your current version of Chrome. Backup your SAVEFILE/FOLDER before experimenting with it].

Current Chromes have gtk3 as a dependency. I don't know if gtk3 is built into FatDog64-720. If not, see this post: ... 019#957019 and, if you're using the 32-bit compatibility SFS, that entire thread.

Take particular notice of drunkjedi's statement "/usr/lib64 (In this folder all libs from /usr/lib64/seamonkey/ are symlinked)"

What I think is important here is that the libs relating to nss were made available to Chrome. Your post suggest that they currently are not. Maybe try creating such symbolic links as your first step. It's possible that may be all that is needed.

And particularly note how often I've qualified my statement with "I think" or similar. About the only thing I can state without qualification is "backup your SaveFile/Folder" before experimenting. And re-read my first sentence on this post.

another Mike
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Thanks Mike 1 and Mike 2

#9 Post by PappyPuppy »

1) My everyday work machine is still running Fatdog 7.02. I use it for email, browsing, much of my software development, etc..

2) It runs well and reliably for the most part. And I can browse with Google chrome, SeaMonkey, and Nightly - not bad at all.

3) I just have certificate problems as of two days ago - mostly with Yahoo and a couple other sites. So I need to analyze WHY I have those problems. But in typical computer fashion, we sometimes try a reinstall to mask over these problems. And we ALSO don't check what's going on when we DO install stuff. So I'll look at those scripts you pointed me to, and I'll try to come up with something reasonable to resolve this issue. It's not a real bad issue - I can live with it for a month if need be. I can still get to Yahoo by other means.

4) I hadn't realized that there is a forum thread for Fatdog - I'll try to post there in the future.

5) I will stick with Fatdog as my everyday for a while - I like it - it's just a wee bit harder to install stuff than Linux Mint or Redhat (which I have a slight problem of login credentials which is troublesome but at least my Redhat is working). I would like to even contribute more to Fatdog when I have time. Perhaps we can improve our ability to install and comprehend it better. I am more a user of Fatdog - not a "power-user" yet. I'm task-focussed, not what's under the box until I get some free time.

6) At that link you pointed me to (of drunkjedi), Mike Walsh commented that you can install Google Chrome directly from Google's site. I might try that even if it DOES break some of my access to localhost and CUPS. I might have to compromise a little here.

Yesterday, I was able to convert the downloaded .deb file to txz, then install from that. Today it's not working. I run the undeb command and it acts like I did it wrong and gives me the --help option.

I will use ar vx gooxxx.deb this time. I just need to take the path less traveled.

Update blog 2:
Ok, I now have a subdirectory of Downloads called GoogleChromeAr, which contains three files: control.tar.gz, data.tar.xz, and debian-binary.
I ran the command tar -xvf data.tar.xz and it has now created three directories called etc, opt and usr, and the -v option printed what it was doing to the screen so I could watch it finish correctly. I have looked into those directories and there are files and stuff in there. Now, can I analyze the dates on those files and if I find that it's Oct 15 or something like that, wouldn't that mean it's the latest build. And so then I can proceed from there to somehow get that crap into some directories and run it. But can I do it separately from my version 58 stuff in case the s..t hits the fan? Basically, can I have two different versions of Google Chrome so I can study the security problem at Yahoo and many other sites?
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Can someone explain how to run as spot

#10 Post by PappyPuppy »

I am logged on as root as most Fatdog users would be logged in as.

But it's better to run as spot. I am going to try to run Google Chrome out of a different directory than version 58 as I have version 70 in a new directory I've created. I realize there may be issues with this approach but I want to try it.

But I have no idea how to run something as spot. No clue.

This article does NOT explain how to run something as spot while logged in as root - can some comment be added to that article?

It has something to do with this Exec=google-chrome-spot %U in the .desktop file?

Somehow I stumbled on this:

exec /usr/bin/run-as-spot

If I can somehow understand and perhaps modify the below script, perhaps I can have two versions running. It might take some tweaking.

SPOT_HOME=$(awk -F: '$1=="spot" {print $6}' /etc/passwd)
#{ chown spot $SPOT_HOME/Downloads;
#chown spot /aufs/devsave/Downloads; } 2> /dev/null
cd $SPOT_HOME/Downloads
exec /usr/bin/run-as-spot /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --user-data-dir="$SPOT_HOME/.config/chrome" "$@"
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So far I've tried running the script James posted in 2016

#11 Post by PappyPuppy »

SPOT_HOME=$(awk -F: '$1=="spot" {print $6}' /etc/passwd)
#{ chown spot $SPOT_HOME/Downloads;
#chown spot /aufs/devsave/Downloads; } 2> /dev/null
cd $SPOT_HOME/Downloads
exec /usr/bin/run-as-spot /aufs/devsave/Downloads/GoogleChromeAr/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --user-data-dir="$SPOT_HOME/.config/chrome" "$@"

So I simply left everything the same but changed the directory where the google chrome stuff is. I only get Permission denied.

When I did a direct run-as-spot from within opt/google/chrome I get more verbose that it can't cd to that directory so perhaps I have to make it easier for spot to cd - give him a fenceboard to crawl under.
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I cannot run-as-spot on google-chrome in opt/google/chrome

#12 Post by PappyPuppy »

I can run simply as ./google-chrome and in this case it complains about an atk bridge library file:

I've seen this before.
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#13 Post by PappyPuppy »

As long as the executables allow, I should be able to change the path in that shell script? Whatever it is. I need to find google-chrome-spot somehow.
It's in /usr/bin. I hope it's a script.
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I've now created 3 sets of files

#14 Post by PappyPuppy »

And another 2 sets of files for versions 69 and 70.

So my google-chrome.desktop file has google-chrome69.desktop and google-chrome70.desktop versions which in turn call on google-chrome69-spot and google-chrome70-spot. I then run the following script from the command line, a script someone published on the Internet in a forum:

awk -F= '/Exec=/{system($2); exit}' google-chrome.desktop

awk -F= '/Exec=/{system($2); exit}' google-chrome69.desktop

The first of the above two commands runs fine and launches Google Chrome (version 58). The 2nd one leads to permission denied. One thing I have NOT tried is to copy my version 58 to a directory similar to what I did with versions 69 and 70 and see if it's simply WHERE the stuff is located. I might try that and see if I get permission denied.

I've now created the same scenario by creating a new .desktop and -spot sh script for version 58 and copied opt/google/chrome to the google58 style of directory and run it using the above awk command and it DOES in fact give a Permission denied error. Thus the location of the files might be what's messing me up. I need to make the whole thing work by finding what variable is causing the permission denied. Or what permission. Something leads to the Permission denied if I just naively move the whole working google stuff to a different directory and modify the two files - .desktop and -spot accordingly. I need to delve into this and figure out how to get around this bugaboo so I can run both versions. Anything but copy all the stuff over my only working version of Google Chrome on this machine - :D

Wait a minute, I changed the permissions on google-chrome58-spot script and it got past that statement this time and erred later in the scripting. Now the dash shell says it can't find google-chrome - hmm?

I fixed that path error and I can now launch version 58 of Google Chrome from under the Downloads/google58 directory (leaving etc, usr, and opt) as they were. So I can move the location of where google-chrome is but still get Google Chrome to run. Hmm? Not sure this is productive but at least it's better than nothing. There is no permission denied. I realize that the google-chrome is in the root for version 58 and it's NOT in the root but under opt/google/chrome for versions 69 and 70. I need to do something - but I don't want to overwrite my "rooted" opt, etc, and usr. I need to sort this out somehow.

I have now gotten past the Permission denied in the 69.desktop version by changing the permissions to all Exec like the google58 directory had (which I had not realized). Now it is looking for so perhaps I can work on this a bit. This file is not on my machine and obviously is not needed by Google Chrome version 58.

Update (progress):
I download the missing and the symlink and put them in lib64 under usr and now it finds them but cannot find yet another: so I need to find that and hope I can use it.

It will take a long time to get all the dependencies installed, if it's even possible - I'll keep trying after I hang it up for a while now as I'm beat.
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#15 Post by Mike Walsh »

@ PappyPuppy:-

Oh, boy. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it possible. I've never seen anyone make such a hash of installing Chrome in my life..... :lol: :lol:

But, I'm not one to stop folks enjoying themselves. BTW, since you're obviously having fun doing this the hard way, you might just find these useful:-

I believe you'll find these are all the missing libs Chrome will complain about wanting....

The other option is to install my .pet or SFS package.....and save yourself all that hassle:-

(BTW, there's a reason why the Chrome package has all those libs in a self-contained directory within the Chrome one. Certain libs required by Chrome are much newer versions than come with most Pups, or Puppy-related distros; if you install those to /usr/lib or /usr/lib64, you run the risk of over-writing older versions which certain apps may be depending on not to alter. Thus, you run the risk of breaking some of your apps.

The 'wrapper script' within /chrome tells Chrome specifically where to look for the libs it wants....and nowhere else. And that way, you don't interfere with existing system versions....)

Mike. :wink:
Last edited by Mike Walsh on Fri 19 Oct 2018, 21:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Yes, it's a hassle to analyze it in so much detail

#16 Post by PappyPuppy »

Mike Walsh wrote:@ PappyPuppy:-

Oh, boy. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it possible. I've never seen anyone make such a hash of installing Chrome in my life..... :lol: :lol:

But, I'm not one to stop folks enjoying themselves. BTW, since you're obviously having fun doing this the hard way, you might just find these useful:-

I believe you'll find these are all the missing libs Chrome will complain about wanting....

The other option is to install my .pet or SFS package.....and save yourself all that hassle:-

Mike. :wink:
I will take a look at your links (after the dinner hour is over) and see if I can proceed with anything you have or else I'll have to keep going through a long list of missing stuff and hope I get it all - then, at least publish it for the world to use on Fatdog 7.02. Perhaps your links will be of use, as I should be able to simply browse your packages and do some sort of delta or use the lists of debian package dependencies and eventually boil it down. But this way, I have a chance of running either version - it MIGHT work, MIGHT not. I guess if it fails, I can make the big decision - either try to upgrade using your more smooth way or simply forget it and keep my old Chrome.
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I'm backing up my usr/lib64

#17 Post by PappyPuppy »

I just want to be careful, then fire up Google Chrome and see what happens.
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#18 Post by Mike Walsh »

Make sure to read the extra section I added to the bottom of my previous post; I was editing it while you posted. It's important that you do, otherwise you run the risk of borking half your system up.

That package has been refined over the past couple of years, with input from a lot of different individuals. There's reasons for why everything has been done the way it has..! If you want clarification on anything, just ask. There's no reason why you shouldn't carry on the way you are going......but do try to make sure the overall structure follows the same pattern.

If you need to copy/borrow bits out of my package, feel free.....but remember; two years-worth of work has already been done for you. Be especially sure to check permissions/ownerships on directories.

I shall be around for a couple more hours, then it's off 'up the wooden hill' for me. The Sandman will be calling.....

Mike. :wink:
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I should report on my attempts so far as I'm sanding up a

#19 Post by PappyPuppy »

Mike Walsh wrote:Make sure to read the extra section I added to the bottom of my previous post; I was editing it while you posted. It's important that you do, otherwise you run the risk of borking half your system up.

That package has been refined over the past couple of years, with input from a lot of different individuals. There's reasons for why everything has been done the way it has..! If you want clarification on anything, just ask. There's no reason why you shouldn't carry on the way you are going......but do try to make sure the overall structure follows the same pattern.

If you need to copy/borrow bits out of my package, feel free.....but remember; two years-worth of work has already been done for you. Be especially sure to check permissions/ownerships on directories.

I shall be around for a couple more hours, then it's off 'up the wooden hill' for me. The Sandman will be calling.....

Mike. :wink:
I did actually bork things up enough to make Chrome 58 fail to start but it was easy to fix that so Chrome runs now with one very minor error that I don't anticipate any trouble resolving. I can still browse after not being able to.

But to be safe - I took all of your two years worth of libs and put them in a directory, then prepended that path to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH for when I want to run version 69. This way I assume that it will pick up all the 69 stuff first and ignore what's in my actual /usr/lib64 (should work I would think). That way I am not borking up my lib64 directory at all other than possibly one file related to libnss3, libnss3utils, gtk3.0 or gdk3.0 - one of those has a slight hint of borkness but not much - I'll fix that later. What the real honest problem is, is this: When I try to run google69 version, it's asking for a I did not (or at least not yet) find that one in the set of library files you gave me.

So either:
1) I lost it somehow
2) You lost it somehow
3) It's somewhere - but I just can't find it (and the program can't find it)
4) I need to get it (recommended choice).

I don't think the error - "Failed to set referrer policy" will be hard to track down with google58.

Finally, I go back to your post - that last little bit you wanted me to read, and I realize that you had already warned me about what I warned myself about too - yes, I too realized that the version over-writing is not a great idea - it will definitely break stuff so I'm close to being back (other than perhaps one file - and I have a backup of that dir anyway). So now I guess the wrapper can help me somehow but I think I just need to find libpcre. whatever and keep trying to start chrome. At least it's just missing something so far.
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I copied the libpcre stuff and it now is satisified

#20 Post by PappyPuppy »

Still some errors on startup - but no complaints about missing libraries. But when I browse to Help - About it still shows version 58, not 69 as I would have expected.

The errors might be why?

ERROR: ... Error etc/machine id contains 32 characters, expecting 32 characters hmpph, ...
some font config warning some element blank
then finally "Created new window in existing browser session".

The result of all this was I have two versions of Google Chrome running - but both are version 58. Apparently, it doesn't want to start up version 69 which is what I'm trying to start.

So far, each version of Chrome with the about box version 58 showing, CAN in fact connect to Yahoo's site without error - but is this just a random lucky thing? I don't know yet. I'll have to do more testing.

I should mention that I believe that there are some libc6 dependencies that I need to look into for libpcre - I need to get their latest from the repository I'm using to fill in the missing libs, as I did NOT download the ones that are needed for libpcre and I would doubt that I have them.
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