tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11.5 (made via a woof-next fork)

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#41 Post by s243a »

It occured to me that since I can't find a pet for cdrtools I can get the files by copying them from dpup stretch. Here is the list of files:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

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#42 Post by s243a »

Here is my first remaster attempt in tiny_puduan:
tiny_puduan_ascii-PreA11-Remaster_1-s243a.iso (267MB)

The only thing that I tested so far is the firefox-ESR browser on a hard drive installation of tiny_puduan.

Some comments
- This install comes with the firefox-ESR browser because I haven't created a script yet to trim (or modularlize e.g. ADRV) it after the remaster
- If you are running in pmedia=usb mode then there will be a script called after snap merge puppy called /usr/bin/fix_initrd. This script will recreate the pup_ro1 link if it is broken. in other modes I don't think this script does anything yet.
- busybox is now a wrapper script that will call one of two multi-call binaries (either busybox.suid or busybox.nosuid). It does this by using the symlinks in the folder /bin/bb_utils
- many changes were made to the script /usr/sbin/pkg these changes were mainly to use variables instead of explcit paths so as to allow better instegration with mistfire's PPMv3
- added missing dependencies for the remaster script to work.
- used recent remaster script from master branch of woof-CE
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#43 Post by s243a »

I'm calling this 11.1 because there are easy improvments that I haven't made yet:


Testing has been limited to installing firefox-esr and testing pmount. The remaster script should work now but I haven't tested it yet. The above busybox wrapper improments are also included.

To install firefox-esr first update the repo db and then install with the following commands:

Code: Select all

pkg --get libjsoncpp1
pkg --get libvpx4
pkg --get firefox-esr
Alternatively you can use JRB's portable browser installer which is available via the menus. Note that in pmedia=usbflash mode you'll get better perofmrance if the browser is installed in the save file/folder but if it is installed on a hard drive (or usb 3.0) then the ram savings of installing ouside of the save area might justfy the io cost of not running in ram.

DIsclaimer, there is a possible segmentation fault issue in the script:

but this script seems to suceed in updating the repo databases. Another way to update the repo databases is with the command:

Code: Select all

pkg --repo-update
This latter command uses 0setup if the repo is added in the puppy way but uses it's own scripts if the repo is added the debian way. Refer to the pkg wiki for more information:

Last edited by s243a on Sun 28 Jul 2019, 06:19, edited 3 times in total.
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#44 Post by darry19662018 »

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#45 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:
darry19662018 wrote:Well this Pup is quite a journey.
It's quite preliminary but the bugs posted in this thread thus far will help alot. :)
Got .pet installing working by finding a missing link to .petget in /usr/sbin which links to /usr/local/petget
Alternatively, one could create a script that calls "pkg -i". Thanks for noticing this :). What I think I will do is create a script that calls "pkg -i" by default but if not installed will try some fallbacks like petget.
Here's a first draft of the script /usr/sbin/petget:

Code: Select all

PKG_PATH="`which pkg`"
if [ ! -z "$PKG_PATH"]; then
  "$PKG_PATH" -i "$@"
  CUR_DIR=dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")" #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/get-the-source-directory-of-a-bash-script-from-within-the-script-itself
  cd "$CUR_DIR"
  PETGET_PATH="../local/petget/petget" #See if a relative path is possible (useful in prefixed systems)
  [ ! -x "$(readlink -f "$PETGET_PATH")" ] && PETGET_PATH="/usr/local/petget/petget" #otherwise use absolute paths
  "$PETGET_PATH" "$@"
I'll test it now.
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#46 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:I have been working with this iso and have go quite a lot working including mpv and a working firewall, isomaster, retrovol, pfind, xarchive and peasy firewall monitor as well as getting ntp, ntpd set-up working for correct system time.

I made an iso using isomaster as remaster2 wouldn't work here is my first working iso
https://archive.org/details/tiny_puduan ... a11revised

iso: https://archive.org/download/tiny_pudua ... sed%29.iso
Do you prefer "peasy firewall" or the standard puppy one "firewall_ng".


I will add one of these either to the official release or one of my remaster tests. Note that as an alternative to having these installed to the base system; in my last commit (6527a450c07635dfec081131661260e0225a5520) I added, a script to install a package directly frome the woof-CE github code folders:

Code: Select all

#CURDIR="`realpath .`"
#. ./build.conf

mkdir -p "$SVN_ROOT"
cd "$SVN_ROOT"

BRANCH=trunk #either "trunk" or "branches/branch"
#Checked out revision 1.
FOLDER="$1" #rootfs-packages
mkdir -p "$REPO/$BRANCH/$F_PATH"
#TODO add check that dir is empty then do svn command
if [ ! -d $FOLDER ]; then
F_NAME_DIR="$BASE_URL/$REPO/$BRANCH/$F_PATH/$FOLDER" #Keep this for historical reasons. See: https://pastebin.com/q3J2eEVu
( cd $F_NAME_DIR; find . -name '*' ) | cpio -pd "$TARGET_DIR"

To use this script one must install it's dependencies as follows:

Code: Select all

pkg --get subversion
pkg --get libsvn1
pkg --get libapr1
pkg --get libaprutil1
pkg --get libserf-1-1
It doesn't install the package metadata yet but I'll add that functionality shortly :)

Regarding woof-next, I could add an option in the pinstall.sh script to automatically install these dependencies. Normally dependencies should be installed by the package manager. By adding these dependencies to the metadata one could have either the package manager or the woof-next build scripts install the dependencies. Also if one doesn't want to install the dependencies they can use the import detective in woof-next.
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#47 Post by darry19662018 »

I prefer Peasy Firewall Monitor - thats what I am using in 431 redo.
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#48 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:I prefer Peasy Firewall Monitor - thats what I am using in 431 redo.
I'll give that a try in my next remaster. In this remaster I've added firewall_ng

**Requires patching. See notes below

Currently, I'm proceeding as follows:
1. Official Releases will not include a browser:
2. Remasters will include additional aps (e.g. firefox_esr).

I'm doing this both to test the remastering functionality as I go and also to give people the option of a more full feature version. The puppy remaster scripts might miss important stuff in either the /etc or /root folder because in the puppy remaster scripts this info is taken from the orginal iso, unless one chooses to add "hardware customization" in which case a small select amount of files are updated based on the save. I've created two scripts to add futhere updates to these folders than is provided by the standard puppy remaster scripts. See post:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 45#1033645

These updates should not include hardware customization. On should also check the folders which this script updates and makes sure that no private info is in these folders. The scripts are heavily commented. This remaster includes the ability to install packages directly from github (as noted in the previous post), which means subversion and the dependencies are installed.

I've updated the zdrv and fdrv of this iso after testing due to some issues with modprobe. Once tested I will add it as an option in the original post..
On the fiewarll:
1. The firewall appears to work.
2. Unlike previous versions the generated firewall is added to /etc/init.d/rc.firewall.
3. The firewall script is generated by the script firewall_ng. Once upon a time the firewall use to generate code in /etc/rd.c/rc.local This seems to be no longer the case.
4. Start the fiewall with the command /etc/init.d/rc.firewall start


Updated shortly...
1. The list of user-installed packages doesn't seems to be taken from the original iso rather than the save file. This should look like https://pastebin.com/tHVy8WRs . I'm not sure if this is an issues with the remaster script or an issue that is due to mistfire's puppy package manager mods.
2. The remaster script doesn't seem to create the file /var/packages/woof-installed-packages.
More issues will be listed shortly...

Here is the list of additional packages that are included in the remaster beyond the official release:

Code: Select all

# /usr/sbin/pkg --list-installed
*Removed the following files from the output since they were in the officila iso: cdrtools-3.02a06-i686-precise-20160317 CLInet-0.8 libgnome-menu2_3.0.1-4_i386 ppm-mod-3.0 PupMenu-6.2 uextract-3.36
**These removed files from the output were the ones that were install via pkg in the build process rather than dpkg.

To patch:

Copy the following files (to /var/packages) [1]: woof-installed-packages, user-installed-packages, layers-installed-packages.

Also updating /usr/bin/pkg with the following code
might be helpful. The difference is that when I'm searching for searching files I"m using filenames instead of whole names. This change seems to avoid the script getting hung when certain files are missing.

Finally I'm missing the lists of files within packages in the folders builtin_files and package-files. I'll provide a tar file containing these files today.

TODO: Figure out why the remaster script didn't create the above missing files.

1 - On pastebin on must either copy and paste in row mode or convert the line endings of the dlownloaded file. Line endings can be converted either in geany or using the dos2unix script.

Edit 1: The files mentioned above, which need to be patched, can be found in the following archive: tiny_puduan_ascii-PreA11.1-Remaster_1-s243a_patch.tar.gz The archive also has an untested script to replace said files with the files in the archive.

This is the untested install script:

Code: Select all

#CURDIR="`realpath .`"
#. ./build.conf

F_NAME_DIR="`realpah .`"
( cd $F_NAME_DIR; find . -name '*' ) | cpio -pdu "$TARGET_DIR"
I'll test this shortly.
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#49 Post by darry19662018 »

Sounds like a great plan I will get back to testing these releases soon.

Real world stuff at the moment.
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#50 Post by s243a »

At some point I'm going to have to figure out the html5 issues with firefox_ESR. After looking at Mike Walsh comment (see post), I think that fredx might have figured this out (see post).

There are some related thread about this, which I'll add within this post below (eventually).
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#51 Post by s243a »

Here's another remaster:


In addition to the extra packages noted in my previous post it also has:

Code: Select all

I think these are all dependencies for espeak-ng. I suspect that espeak probably has fewer dependencies than espeak-ng so if I include text2speach again I'll probably use espeak rather than espeak-ng.

Anyway, the big change here is in the remaster secript /usr/sbin/remasterpup2. I'll discuss more on this later.

As I previously noted remasters will have extra packages in addition to what is included in the official release. The intent here is both to test the remaster script and to provide a more full feature option.

P.S. I also made a change to the package manager (i.e. pkg) to better handle spaces in file paths. The fix can be found in commit acf5fe8569a6b9ebbcb035616620ca7a049d03f1

What I did was change an ash style for loop:

Code: Select all

						  for f in $(find /tmp/$PKGNAME \( -type f -o -type l \))
into a bash style while loop:

Code: Select all

 while read f 
done < <(find "/tmp/$PKGNAME" \( -type f -o -type l \))
the bash style syntax is much easier to understand with regards to handling spaces. I could do this in ash if I use file descriptors. The bash syntax in <(...) automatically creates the file descriptors. However, doing this with file descriptors (or alternatively temporary files) would be more awkward and I don't know if I would need to do any clean up. (e.g. do I need to close them and do I need to do this with a trap statement). Anyway, I may eventually try to revert these types of changes to ash but for now it is easier to develop with bash syntax. Better space handling was important for installing expeak-ng because in espeak-ng-data the paths for some of the voices had spaces in the filename.
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Re: tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11 (made via a woof-next fork)

#52 Post by oui »

s243a wrote: A minimal Philosophy?

The reason that I wanted to experiment with some CLI networking tools is that I'm interested in minimal systems. The current iso isn't that minimal 213mb but I think it's probably about 100mb smaller then the typical puppy equivalents (ie.g. dpup stretch or puduan ascii. This is probably mostly due to not including a browser. There are lots of stuff that I could remove but I both wanted a system that works well, and didn't give me any error reports due to missing files.

Some of said errors (I would get if I stripped out some non-essential packages) would be due to puppy doing things at start-up that aren't strictly essential. Others might be due to unnecessary library dependencies that are compiled into the library. In the first case we can rectify the error by modifying the puppy startup script and in the latter case we need to use different binaries for some libs (e.g. recompile). In the latter case I might rectify these errors by re replacing a lib with the tinycore version.
the idea is fantastic!

but, after a lot of weeks reading that message, I don't see the real progress especially compared with the first Wary 64 bit from BK ((very) good working (really), size was a dream, 64 bit = probably more heavy than 32 bit, and supplied with a complete package of usual great applications! so I am actually searching for the event. devx for it). it is in my opinion the optimal stage to be better :wink: in matter of minimal philosophy: the cli or no bone or one bone version has to become a bit smaller as Wary to succeed as new minimal leader of Puppy minimalistic in the extended Puppy family (as it is not (yet) a real Puppy, exactly as the first Wary 64 is not some real Puppy but simply a Quirky Wary...)

But ...
Why the name tiny_devaun?

The name tiny_devaun is for two reasons. The first is that it is somewhat minimal and I eventually plan to make it more minimal by pushing more things to optional sfs files. The second is that both libc6 and busybox is from tinycore. I also included some other random tinycore stuff just to see what it is but anything that I thought would interfer with the system (statup stuff and user related stuff) is not included.

The tinycore components are from the tinycore9 iso which uses a newer version of libc6 that both devaun ascii and debian stretch. I will think about how I might implement more tinycore components
... I don't know what a Devaun is! perhaps it would of course explain my bad comprehension...

According the " subject" of the thread I suppose it is simply a wrong spell?


As s243a is knowing this different stuff:

- SliTaz

I miss a bit a main clear design for a minimalistic project (BK did abandon some kind of absolute minimalistic: no cli, no no-bone, no one-bone, always about complete distributions, -excepted in one older Quirky beeing a bit more that a one-bone-).

SliTaz did have an answer to that design problem: the splitted initrd working like the Russian dolls:

- just starting (through grub) and working (the CL interpreter)
- working in CLI with all old (SliTaz specific) absolute minimal tools like clex, nano, retawq (is compilable for AMD64 and works as well or bad as for i386), rhapsody irc, and the 4 major SliTaz specific tools, especially TazPkg to handle with all extensions, also in CLI mode (you can add other text mode browser, email and messaging client, samba, cups and gutenprint, sound, as well as a x-window client, today xorg. But also you can also begin to install tools to begin to develop (in Puppy would a minimal devx have the same function).
- starting in xwindow with adequate tools but no real applications for some work excepted system work
- usual set of applications with the beautiful Slitaz panel on TazWeb (build on webkit first version; this is the reason why SliTaz did continue to stay on webkit first version, espec. concerning Midori, Midori is only a little package as added to webkit first version, but would be a big package more, if it would be actualized up to date)

I miss such a clear design of stages / domains of development in tiny puduan or analog projects...

next point, is important, alexej (the actuel contributor of SliTaz making a lot of development) did immediately explain in the wiki in detail (step by step) his methods to allow other really to stick to the exact methods of development from scratch. I did observe that a lot of willing-supplementary-developer did be defeating and explain it in the Puppy forum without to see real improvement of that situation and it can be the reason why the Puppy attractivity seems to be decreasing: nobody needs a Linux where you can about only do what it was yet possible in Puppy 1.0, a small set without differentiate all purpose extensions confronting you to main unsatisfied dependency problems if you use the depositories of some Ubuntu, Debian or Devuan because of a cribble design of the minimal core set compared to those of Ubuntu, Debian or Devuan...
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Re: tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11 (made via a woof-next fork)

#53 Post by s243a »

oui wrote:
s243a wrote: A minimal Philosophy?

The reason that I wanted to experiment with some CLI networking tools is that I'm interested in minimal systems. The current iso isn't that minimal 213mb but I think it's probably about 100mb smaller then the typical puppy equivalents (ie.g. dpup stretch or puduan ascii. This is probably mostly due to not including a browser. There are lots of stuff that I could remove but I both wanted a system that works well, and didn't give me any error reports due to missing files.

Some of said errors (I would get if I stripped out some non-essential packages) would be due to puppy doing things at start-up that aren't strictly essential. Others might be due to unnecessary library dependencies that are compiled into the library. In the first case we can rectify the error by modifying the puppy startup script and in the latter case we need to use different binaries for some libs (e.g. recompile). In the latter case I might rectify these errors by re replacing a lib with the tinycore version.
the idea is fantastic!
Thankyou :)
but, after a lot of weeks reading that message, I don't see the real progress especially compared with the first Wary 64 bit from BK ((very) good working (really), size was a dream, 64 bit = probably more heavy than 32 bit, and supplied with a complete package of usual great applications! so I am actually searching for the event. devx for it). it is in my opinion the optimal stage to be better :wink: in matter of minimal philosophy: the cli or no bone or one bone version has to become a bit smaller as Wary to succeed as new minimal leader of Puppy minimalistic in the extended Puppy family (as it is not (yet) a real Puppy, exactly as the first Wary 64 is not some real Puppy but simply a Quirky Wary...)

That would be an interesting project :)
But ...
Why the name tiny_devaun?

The name tiny_devaun is for two reasons. The first is that it is somewhat minimal and I eventually plan to make it more minimal by pushing more things to optional sfs files. The second is that both libc6 and busybox is from tinycore. I also included some other random tinycore stuff just to see what it is but anything that I thought would interfer with the system (statup stuff and user related stuff) is not included.

The tinycore components are from the tinycore9 iso which uses a newer version of libc6 that both devaun ascii and debian stretch. I will think about how I might implement more tinycore components
... I don't know what a Devaun is! perhaps it would of course explain my bad comprehension...

According the " subject" of the thread I suppose it is simply a wrong spell?
Sorry. This was a spelling mistake:

As s243a is knowing this different stuff:

- SliTaz

I miss a bit a main clear design for a minimalistic project (BK did abandon some kind of absolute minimalistic: no cli, no no-bone, no one-bone, always about complete distributions, -excepted in one older Quirky beeing a bit more that a one-bone-).

SliTaz did have an answer to that design problem: the splitted initrd working like the Russian dolls:

- just starting (through grub) and working (the CL interpreter)
- working in CLI with all old (SliTaz specific) absolute minimal tools like clex, nano, retawq (is compilable for AMD64 and works as well or bad as for i386), rhapsody irc, and the 4 major SliTaz specific tools, especially TazPkg to handle with all extensions, also in CLI mode (you can add other text mode browser, email and messaging client, samba, cups and gutenprint, sound, as well as a x-window client, today xorg. But also you can also begin to install tools to begin to develop (in Puppy would a minimal devx have the same function).
- starting in xwindow with adequate tools but no real applications for some work excepted system work
- usual set of applications with the beautiful Slitaz panel on TazWeb (build on webkit first version; this is the reason why SliTaz did continue to stay on webkit first version, espec. concerning Midori, Midori is only a little package as added to webkit first version, but would be a big package more, if it would be actualized up to date)

I miss such a clear design of stages / domains of development in tiny puduan or analog projects...
I hope eventually to make it more of a layered design like you discuss.
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#54 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:At some point I'm going to have to figure out the html5 issues with firefox_ESR. After looking at Mike Walsh comment (see post), I think that fredx might have figured this out (see post).

There are some related thread about this, which I'll add within this post below (eventually).
I'm going to try installing the following and see if it helps:
https://packages.debian.org/stretch/libavcodec-extra57 (related post)
s243a wrote:I'm calling this 11.1 because there are easy improvments that I haven't made yet:


Testing has been limited to installing firefox-esr and testing pmount. The remaster script should work now but I haven't tested it yet. The above busybox wrapper improments are also included.

To install firefox-esr first update the repo db and then install with the following commands:

Code: Select all

pkg --get libjsoncpp1
pkg --get libvpx4
pkg --get firefox-esr
Alternatively you can use JRB's portable browser installer which is available via the menus. Note that in pmedia=usbflash mode you'll get better perofmrance if the browser is installed in the save file/folder but if it is installed on a hard drive (or usb 3.0) then the ram savings of installing ouside of the save area might justfy the io cost of not running in ram.
To get all html5 formats to work with firefox-esr. I might have to do something like:

Code: Select all

pkg --get libavcodec-extra57
p.s. for chrome based browsers one needs the following instead:
chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra. I also see some settings like "--with-system-libvpx" which may or may not be useful for firefox based browsers. Another setting that might be useful is media.libavcodec.allow-obsolete=true.
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#55 Post by s243a »

Here's a new version.

tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11.2.iso (210M)

So far I've only tested installing firefox-esr:

Code: Select all

/usr/local/petget/0setup #update package database
pkg --get libjsoncpp1
pkg --get libvpx4
pkg --get libavcodec-extra57 #Needed for some html5 videos
pkg --get firefox-esr 
This is a official release so it doesn't come with a browser installed. As noted above browsers will only be included in remasters.

** I've went to a versioning system where major versions will be new builds from scratch and minor versions will be where I modify the rootfs of a previously built version.
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#56 Post by darry19662018 »

s243a wrote:Here's a new version.

tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11.2.iso (210M)

So far I've only tested installing firefox-esr:

Code: Select all

/usr/local/petget/0setup #update package database
pkg --get libjsoncpp1
pkg --get libvpx4
pkg --get libavcodec-extra57 #Needed for some html5 videos
pkg --get firefox-esr 
This is a official release so it doesn't come with a browser installed. As noted above browsers will only be included in remasters.

** I've went to a versioning system where major versions will be new builds from scratch and minor versions will be where I modify the rootfs of a previously built version.
Hi s243a,

Test Machine:HP Pavilion dv6000.

Unfortunately it boots to desktop - then freezes and crashes.

Sorry I am out for this release. Last couple of Iso's could not get package managers working. I wonder if it is my machine? Not sure
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#57 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote:
s243a wrote:Here's a new version.

tiny_puduan_ascii-PreAlpha11.2.iso (210M)

So far I've only tested installing firefox-esr:

Code: Select all

/usr/local/petget/0setup #update package database
pkg --get libjsoncpp1
pkg --get libvpx4
pkg --get libavcodec-extra57 #Needed for some html5 videos
pkg --get firefox-esr 
This is a official release so it doesn't come with a browser installed. As noted above browsers will only be included in remasters.

** I've went to a versioning system where major versions will be new builds from scratch and minor versions will be where I modify the rootfs of a previously built version.
Hi s243a,

Test Machine:HP Pavilion dv6000.

Unfortunately it boots to desktop - then freezes and crashes.

Sorry I am out for this release.

That's unfortunate. It works on my machine :(
Last couple of Iso's could not get package managers working.

I've only been testesting lately with scotmann's package manager (i.e pkg) from the command line. I should test the gui's though and PPMv3 as well. One issue that I was having though is that I have to frequently update the package database with either the command:

Code: Select all

/usr/local/petget/0setup #This is the one that I've been using
or alternatively

Code: Select all

pkg --repo-update
I'm not sure if this is because devuan linux frequently updates their package databases or if there is some other reason.
I wonder if it is my machine? Not sure
I'm not sure. I don't yet have it working well on a virtual machine. Maybe once I get it working well on a virtual machine these issues will be sorted out. For instance, if I boot via virtualbox with the option pfx=nox then it seems to freeze when setting up networking.

On the 32bit laptop that I've done most of the testing it has been working quite well. I've also been testing on a 64 bit laptop and it also has worked without issues. It it is a quirk with your hardware then it's going to be very difficult for me to troubleshoot shince I don't have your hardware.
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#58 Post by s243a »

Since the last release seems to be freezing for darry19662018 and I'm not having the same issue. I thought I would mention some log files.

One important log file is /tmp/xerrs.log. I will pick out a reported error in this file and see if it is an issue. One thing I see is the following:

Code: Select all

Can't locate utf8.pm in @INC (you may need to install the utf8 module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/urxvt /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl/5.24 /usr/share/perl/5.24 /usr/local/lib/site_perl) at /usr/lib/urxvt/urxvt.pm line 399.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/urxvt/urxvt.pm line 399.
Compilation failed in require at -e line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
urxvt: unable to initialize perl-interpreter, continuing without.
I seem to be missing the following line from /etc/profile (that I included in

Code: Select all

export PERL5LIB="/usr/lib/urxvt:/etc/perl:/usr/local/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl/5.24.1:/usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl5/5.24:/usr/share/perl5:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl/5.24:/usr/share/perl/5.24:/usr/local/lib/site_perl:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/perl-base"
This shouldn't be a major issue though but I'll keep looking.

Here is another reported error in this file:

Code: Select all

(geany:2652): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to set the permissions of `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: No such file or directory
THis might be an error that one want to ignore for privacy reasons but I'll create the directory "/root/.local/share/" and see if it goes away.

Here's another error from the same log file:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/filemnt: line 144: defaultfilemanager_x: command not found
I think this is why pmount won't automatically open the folder for me. I'll check woof-CE here. I think that defaultfilemanager_x is a new thing. I saw some discussion on woof-CE about it. Perhaps I'll copy the latest version of this file.
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Posts: 2580
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#59 Post by s243a »

s243a wrote:
Here's another error from the same log file:

Code: Select all

/usr/sbin/filemnt: line 144: defaultfilemanager_x: command not found
I think this is why pmount won't automatically open the folder for me. I'll check woof-CE here. I think that defaultfilemanager_x is a new thing. I saw some discussion on woof-CE about it. Perhaps I'll copy the latest version of this file.
That seemed to fix the issue of pmount not being able to open the folder :)
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Posts: 2580
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#60 Post by s243a »

darry19662018 wrote: Sorry I am out for this release. Last couple of Iso's could not get package managers working. I wonder if it is my machine? Not sure
Was the issue dependency resolution? Thankyou for your testing. :) It lead me to look into this issue and as a consequence I found missing "/"'s after the tmp directory (related to dependency resolution). See fix:

https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/w ... 77e364c8af

However, I have to review this fix a bit more to make sure that it isn't installing things that it shouldn't.

This issue was actually caused by a previous fix. See post:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 38#1030838
Find me on [url=https://www.minds.com/ns_tidder]minds[/url] and on [url=https://www.pearltrees.com/s243a/puppy-linux/id12399810]pearltrees[/url].
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