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#41 Post by richard.a »

that is rather nice, afgs.

May I make a suggestion for the forum? Could you post it here as a 640x480 sized image for the thread? That would save having to keep scrolling sideways. I have made one you can use if you like, and posted it here and saved the original as 01.jpg in the same directory

It occurs to me that this thread's timing is quite opportune.

Some weeks ago I was pointed by an on-line IRC friend, to the site where the original of the "Penguin-in-the-pew" pdf file is located.

I came across it researching a Linux for churches called Ichthux, the developers of which are to be commended. The product of course, not being based on Puppy, is extremely slow in comparison.

I have saved the pdf here, (and some of the Ichthux project pages too) locally on one of my vhosts because of the great importance (imho) of Christians not succumbing to copyright breach in the congregation where I worship due to determined well-intentioned people who "help out" by installing all sorts of unauthorised software. It doesn't just end there, but I won't bore you guys with the details.

The author of that document is a pastor, highly qualified in the field of software engineering, who has now actually planted a new congregation and used opensource software in so doing, perhaps partly because of refusal by the board to listen to his concerns about piracy.

The opening chapter or two of his book describes a sadly too-frequent scenario. I believe that while Ichthux looks good, its overhead is probably better replaced with ChurchPup. That is imho, of course, and I guess that of others on this thread :) :D

I myself backed out of helping our church secretary resolve issues with her computer which has win95 osr2 CDs, and office 97, and a hardware specification and age that would match. "Someone" had "upgraded" to XP Home and Office to match and then left in a fit of pique, and afaik the whole thing is illicit. But nobody is listening.

So there we go :)
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#42 Post by richard.a »

Nathan F wrote: As you mentioned though it is just as easy, and actually usually easier, to use a card reader.
I use a very (relatively) cheap Vivitar digital camera, which is a 2nd grade Ricoh, of course.

Both it and its predecessor have some wierd generic name, but I'm quite content for them to appear as an USB drive when I plug them in. I don't understand what's important for them to need to be identified as a camera, when all they are is a repository for jpg files.
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#43 Post by afgs »

The second wallpaper, more to go. (After last Sunday service, I suddenly get more ideas).
Sorry, they still in 1204x768 pixels format. I dont know where to upload them besides in this forum.
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#44 Post by cb88 »

will this puppy be based on 2.16 or 2.17 whitch may be a little buggy due to the newer kernel or maybe not if based on the latest puppy more hardware would be supported like modems

by the way gtkam detects my fujifilm s700 ditital camera but mut and pmount still don't. the program crashed a few times possibly due to combination of new camera with large files in it slow processor and usb 1.1 but it worked after some trail and error. I have not tried it on my sempron based computer yet it has usb 2.0 might be worth including the drivers should be in the zdrv.sfs though to keep in line with the official puppy. I would much rather mut detected my camera a drive.

sorry to veer off topic earlier in english yes I am KJV only. eternal security yes. I'd rather be on the safe side if you know what I mean.
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#45 Post by LOF »

2.17 is the aim, unless anyone has any problems with that?

Nice wallpapers BTW.

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#46 Post by richard.a »

richard.a wrote:May I make a suggestion for the forum? Could you post it here as a 640x480 sized image for the thread? That would save having to keep scrolling sideways. I have made one you can use if you like, and posted it here and saved the original as 01.jpg in the same directory
Well, I've done the same for you here for the second one too. Forums are not designed for extremely wide images. Both your desktop wallpapers have been reduced to 640x480 as copies of the originals (not replacements) with the originals being saved under a slightly different filename - and that could have been done in puppy using mtPaint before you posted them. I used PaintShopPro v3 in Windows2000 because this general purpose computer runs Windows.

All you need do right now is to copy the two files I resized under the same names which ought to over-write the larger ones on the forums, and then put a link in a line of text below saying where the full size images are. Like this...

Full size image here

Full size image here

Just a thought, for the convenience of others :)

I would be happy to host them for you, although the drive my vhosts are on is getting very full. I may need some downtime on the server shortly, so that I can ghost the contents on to a larger HDD.

Like I did for Warren (WhoDo), I can also provide an extra hosting for whatever isos's etc come out of the project. I think the 215ce final edition iso and squash files are probably still there :) And I imagine that the EzPup will probably also have a directory there somewhere too.

All the best,

Richard in Adelaide.

PS if you are interested in a "Real Life" church scenario, this is a concept the Assistant pastor and I have started to document as part of a sharing of ways in which to reach the people... and go up one level to see the unofficial site for our congregation.
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#47 Post by LOF »

Hey all.

Thought I'd add in the wallpapers I've already done. Thanks again to everyone who is contributing.




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#48 Post by PrairieDog »

Say, I really like those wallpapers,LOF. Do you have any High Rez versions handy?
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#49 Post by LOF »

Just because you asked.

All 1024 by 768. Enjoy.

I should probably admit that I used Photoshop in evil Windows. I'm a bit of a graphical designer.

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#50 Post by PrairieDog »

LOF wrote:I should probably admit that I used Photoshop in evil Windows.
We Forgive you :D
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#51 Post by jcagle »

I'm a Linux-onlyist. :wink:
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#52 Post by dmsmith »

I am a developer for BibleDesktop/JSword and I noticed that you have expressed some interest in putting it on ChurchPup. If you need any help please contact me (dmsmith at crosswire dot org)

You might be interested in a portable version of BibleDesktop (BD). You can find it The key to this is that it has an embedded version of Java's jre. (Actually, there is one for Windows in there too, which you'd want to wack).

It is well within Sun's license for Java for it to be packaged this way: part of a program distribution.

You can also wack the Java installation on it as well and the shell script will search the standard locations for Java. It will work with any Java from 1.4.0, including the most recent 1.6.0. That said I recommend Java 1.5 from a bug fix and performance point of view. But if there is not enough room, then Java 1.4 is a smaller choice and a good one.

In His Service,
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#53 Post by afgs »

Another wallpaper
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#54 Post by djringjr »

cb88 wrote:Don't put the NIV or any "modern" trasnslation in. <snip> There is absolutely nothing wrong or hard to understand about the KJV it fairly acurate and was translated by people who actually cared. If you don't understand the bible don't go changing the Word of God around till it makes sence just ask questions untill you know the answer. <snip> The KJV works. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Please if you value your place in eternity leave out every translation but the KJV (Read the last few verses of Revalations) every other "modern" translation changes the meaning of the words so much I can't even say that it is the Blbie any more
The problem is that if you wish to study the KJV, which translation do you wish to use?

Here is the original from the KJV:

The original KJV included the Apocrypha, but many of the KJV sold at the bookstores, don't have those books.

Here are some errors in the KJV which as the text explains very understandable due to what the authors had to work with.

I recommend JSword as it is platform independant and I believe will be the most likely to be the forerunner program of eSword.

The original KJV of 1611 was an excellent bible - but I find the original difficult to understand. The current so called "KJV" is a later translation of the old KJV.

Few people read the original KJV of 1611 - one local Baptist pastor used to tell people that his people consider their version of the KJV inspired, but he laughs at them because he tells them that what they're reading isn't the same KJV as the original one!

Modern translations are needed - or education of the meanings of the words in the original Bible are needed. The English of 1611 isn't the same as the English of 2007. Worship used to mean "worthy of admiration", "aweful" used to mean "full of awe", if I say "I find the faith of the Apostles, aweful." - it means something different today.

Include as many translations as possible, even going back to the Geneva Bible (which was an English version predating the KJV 1611), or the Vulgate - a great bible - but in Latin, modern translations do an admirable job of communicating

Acts 12:4 in the KJV 1611 said:
And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

Both of NKJV, NASB, YLT and the NIV correctly translate pascha as Passover.

A good web page about translations is here:

Best to all,

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#55 Post by PrairieDog »

djringjr wrote: I recommend JSword as it is platform independant and I believe will be the most likely to be the forerunner program of eSword.
I'll have to Amen Davids endorsement of JSword for ChurchPup. and thanks to dmsmith for the news about the "portable" version. It works Great on Puppy! Since it doesn't come with any built in Bibles, just a daily Bible reading program, The end user can decide what version of the scriptures or what other books or study aids to install. It is a rather large file though. with the windows and Mac components removed it makes a 31 meg .pet or a 32 meg .sfs file. Worth the space in my opinion.

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#56 Post by LOF »

@PrairieDog- I can't seem to get Bible Desktop portable to work. I'm probably doing it wrong. Can you take us step by step please?
And I agree it's worth the space.

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#57 Post by richard.a »

I've set up a repository for wallpaper specifically for this project at ... ackgrounds

When the project is more advanced I'll move it into which is an humungous collection sorted into different directories according to projects. Some have an index file with a gallery, some don't yet, it's a question of getting a round tuit.

Any scripts posted here I'll see if I can put into which currently has reduced size backgrounds suitable for posting here.

Hope you find it useful.

BTW Micro-hard is a play on words of Microsoft :) I host it and several other low traffic urls from home.

Richard in Adelaide
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Bible Desktop

#58 Post by PrairieDog »

Hi Everyone,
LOF, to run the portable version of Bible Desktop all I did was download from (Thanks again,DM) and extract it with pupzip. Anywhere will do, I put it in /root/my-applications/. Find the file /root/my-applications/BibleDesktop/ and drag it to the desktop or just click on it where it is. It runs even if you have no java installed on your Puppy!
I'll post a link to two Bible Desktop .pet packages I've been playing around with as soon as I can upload them. It may be a little while, my broadband isn't very broad in that direction.

keep the faith,


Added Later: Here's a link to the files I mentioned

Two DotPets for Bible Desktop. The 32 meg file includes a cut down Java install and the tiny one does not (It's the caffeine free one......No Java! It's a Joke!! Oh never mind.) If you already have java installed the smaller file is all you'll need. The large one is just DMs portability kit with the Mac and Windows components removed. Both can later be removed via PetGet and you can ignore the long list of missing dependencies on the java version It will still run fine.

One disclaimer: I don't even pretend to know what I'm doing in packaging a DotPet.

Oh and Hi michaewlewis, Welcome!
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#59 Post by michaewlewis »

I'm new to the scene here and just wanted to give my two cents. I have a computer that was recently donated to my church and has literally 3mm of dust on the motherboard and windows 98 installed.
I was thinking of setting up a kiosk in the foyer area for people to browse the internet (approved sites only) or take a look at the church website and maybe powerpoint shows and calendars, etc. Obviously windows is out of the question because no one wants to use 98 xp would hang before it starts up. My favorite flavor of linux (OpenSuSE) is a little too bloated for this pc, too.

A few things I'd like for churchpup to have is internet filters that could possibly block every site except some approved, definable sites. Powerpoint (Impress?), firefox, a calendar, Bible browser, contemporary religious graphics and wallpapers and not so much of the overused ones (like the cross, communion, angels, etc.), and kiosk functionality.

I'll start working on some wallpapers and icons and other graphics for churchpup. (Unless they're already done) I'm not much of a programmer but can throw together a website if need be.
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#60 Post by jcagle »

michaewlewis wrote: A few things I'd like for churchpup to have is internet filters that could possibly block every site except some approved, definable sites. Powerpoint (Impress?), firefox, a calendar, Bible browser, contemporary religious graphics and wallpapers and not so much of the overused ones (like the cross, communion, angels, etc.), and kiosk functionality.
I'm with you on staying away from using the overused graphics. While the Cross and communion are important, it's become quite cliche to use them in graphics. Can't we think unique ideas (or actually ask God if he has any ideas) for the artwork in ChurchPup?

I'll see if I can come up with some wallpapers in my sparetime for ChurchPup.
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