gxine and seamonkey seem to clash

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gxine and seamonkey seem to clash

#1 Post by Getnikar »

On my Toshiba laptop at least, switching to gxine from seamonkey usually freezes the system completely, with the screen all stripey colours. That very pretty but not helpful for getting work done. It matters not whether I run gxine, gxineshell, or wrapper gxineshell to place the mozilla load libs at the back of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Perhaps mozilla has called a library function that has set the system to a state that clashes with how gxine works. I tried changing gxines config item 'engine.performance.memcpy_method' eg to probe libc and mmx, but it had no effect, so that is probably barking up the wrong tree.

It might just be laptop, or maybe its a bug. Does anyone else have this sort of problem?

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#2 Post by GuestToo »

gxine used to crash if run from Firefox ... i'm not sure about Seamonkey (i usually use Firefox) ... i'm not sure which versions of Puppy this affected, i think Puppy 214 was affected

i tried gxine in Puppy 216 with the Firefox library files, and it not longer seems to crash

i usually don't use gxine, because it doesn't work well with the 2.6 kernels video drivers ... i get a lot of coloured confetti in windows ... mplayer usually doesn't have this problem (though i just noticed that gxine can seek in a .flv file, but mplayer can't)

also, there are certain video files that will instantly and completely crash my entire system if i try to play them ... this is definitely a problem with the 2.6 kernel ... i have tried other live cd's with the 2.6.18.x kernel (Knoppix, Vector, PClinixOS) and they all crash my system completely if i play those particular video files

so yes, i get that problem too, and the problem seems to be that the 2.6.18 kernel's drivers are not really compatible with my hardware

maybe the 2.6.21 kernel will work better

if i use the x11 (xshm) video driver, there is no problem with the coloured confetti and no problem with the system crashing

also, it doesn't matter which video player i use, the system crashes whether i use gxine or mplayer

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#3 Post by GuestToo »

the confetti is probably because the video card is using shared ram, and the video drivers are letting parts of the ram that is being used by the system (for applications or buffers or caching) be simultaneously part of the video ram ... that is, the video drivers are buggy

installing a video card that is not using shared ram would probably work around that problem

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