[obsolete] Compiz-Fusion Puplet for testing -- aka "W...

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#81 Post by MU »

On an Athlon 1050 mhz with Ati Radeon 9200 is runs very fast.
Had to tweak nothing, worked out of the box.
The window-decoration disappeared after some minutes, but this might be fixed if some effects are disabled.
After a reboot it worked longer, and I did not wait to see, if that happened again, as I'm busy on another machine.

Really great eyecandy, and well created compilation with drivers and tweaked xorgwizard *applause*.

I shotly worked on a new, very fast laptop with Windows Vista, that is slow and boaring compared to this puplet on the old machine. The eyecandy really blows vista away :)

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#82 Post by Volsung »

I don't think you can even compare this to vista since most users don't even use aero...
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#83 Post by tombh »

@topjohn: Glad you're enjoying Puppy :D I guess that means the ATI.pet is working, if you ever manage to replicate what you did to get the wobblies then do let me know :wink:

@Volsung: So you didn't actually manage to get Compiz-Fusion going at all on that ATI laptop? What card was it? I suspect that if it's a very recent card (as in a 5th generation one) then I suspect the radeon driver was to blame as it is probable compatible enough to talk a little bit with your card but not enough to get it doing all its stuff properly. Mind you the only time I recall seeing anything like you describe was when I was messing about with the ATI.pet.

@MU: Yes, it's all been a lot of fun for me. Maybe what has been more amazing though has been realising that an operating system is only as good as the community that made it. Like I said on my thread when I first got Compiz-Fusion to work at all, it was like my laptop had been waiting all its life for it. Whereas what I 'hear' my laptop saying when it runs windows is, 'Do I have to do this? :( I can do so much more you know". Microsoft is a community that wants to make money, Puppy is a community that wants to use computers. Oh the irony! Sometimes I think that I never really knew what a computer was until I used Puppy!
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#84 Post by tombh »

ATI.pet updated again -- see previous post for link.
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#85 Post by topjohn »

after few more retries, i've narrowed down a process that works. may not be the best. i used tombh's wnop.iso for install.

1) copied devx_301.sfs and kernel-src_301.sfs to my puppy install partition.
2) rebooted. bootmanager came up and imported devx and kernel-src files
3) installed the ati driver (45meg) (i was wrong, i tried using ati.pet but it didn't work for me)
3) edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf. replaced "vesa" with "fglrx"
4) restartx. ctrl+alt+backspace. type "xwin"
5) copied fglrx_dri.so from "/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so" to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/fglrx_dri.so
6) restartx. ctrl+alt+backspace. type "xwin"
7) then in terminal type "SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager"

so everything is working great. now if someone could help me get this to autostart, i would be so grateful. now when i reboot with "save session" the desktop comes up with no borders. i have to manually put in "SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager" to get wobblies and borderes back.
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#86 Post by Caneri »

I'm wobbly..OMG

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 989#156989

This is the best!!!!!

Can I make a remaster out of this runnig setup? I've never done a remastered iso..but I'd love to be able to take a cd with me and show people about wNOP...one for nVidea and one for ATI.

Well done guys!!
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#87 Post by rarsa »

Woow, Thank you!

I've been following this thread but I thought this laptop didn't support acceleration.

When I saw the post about the i915 module, I tried and I have a wobbily puppy!

This is a Dell Latitude D610

I'm also experiencing the random window not being rendered correctly.

Now, should we open a thread regarding the distro itself? or does that belong to the NOP threads? (problems I'm having with the distro itself unrelated to 3D)
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#88 Post by Volsung »

@tombh: I think it has something to do with the ATI module too as far as loading compiz is concerned... Like I said, it worked before... but since the problem happened right after it said it was trying to load the ATI module... Works fine most of the time...

Anyway... the messed up color I think has something to do with my LCD screen cable b/c a similar (this time not color related, but still a major graphical issue) happens when I boot windows (sad part is that I can still use puppy, but windows I can't even read most of). It isn't happening atm (using the comp right now without problem), so I think that the graphics is just a cable going bad.
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#89 Post by tombh »

@topjohn, @Caneri, @Volsung, @The Jinx, @'owners of newer ATI cards' The only major remaining hurdle is this ATI.pet. We have clearly proven that the 8.42.3 fglrx driver is the solution to the ATI problem but in order for wNOP2 to properly and automatically support ATIs the ATI.pet *must* work! I know it's a crazy situation that I'm trying to package it and don't even have a new enough ATI to test it on but if any of you (who do have a newish ATI card) are willing to try it and post a wNOPdump that would be great.

@topjohn: That's gold my friend. Well done! Thanks for going back and finding those steps and posting them. That's good you got it all autostarting too. I have noticed that I have developed a strange habit -- when I'm on the computer and thinking rather than doing something I will idly grab a window and let one of its edges touch the edge of the screen causing a slight sticking which, when I try to unstick, makes the window stretch. Lost in thought I will try to see how far I can stretch the window until it suddenly 'pops' off! Ah the joy of simple pleasures :)

@Caneri: I knew you'd get it :) Yipee! Remastering shouldn't be a problem. Though I must say that the whole point of wNOP is to create an ISO that will automatically boot wobbliness onto the majority of graphics cards. And this is the immediate goal of wNOP2, though it could be a few more weeks until its ready. However, please don't let that stop you giving remastering a go, it is one of the many beauties of Puppy. Barry has made a wizard for it, I don't have that much experience with it and it does require a little knowledge of Puppy's filesystem but there is fair amount of help on the forums and the wizard itself is well commented. The contents of /bin /etc /lib /usr will be significant for including the ATI driver into your new ISO.

@rarsa: About the random window rendering problem -- have you tried adding:

Code: Select all

Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
to the "Device" section of xorg.conf? If that doesn't help then some of these may also be of use:

Code: Select all

Option     "backingstore" "true"
   Option     "EnablePageFlip" "true"
   Option     "SubPixelOrder" "none"
   Option     "AccelMethod" "XAA"
   Option     "RenderAccel" "true"
   Option     "AGPMode" "4"
   Option     "ColorTiling"   "on"
   Option     "DynamicClocks" "on"
   Option     "mtrr" "on"
   Option     "VideoOverlay" "on"
   Option     "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
   Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
   Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
Well I'm certainly going to be opening up a new thread for wNOP2 and hope that it will be less concerned with the 3D driver side of things. wNOP is not actually that much of a major reworking of puppy, it's essentially wNOP with an added boot script. I don't see the harm in opening up a new thread, of course the more distinct the topic of a new thread the better. But then if it is a problem more concerning NOP itself then the issue might be better dealt with over there.

@Volsung: Let me know how that goes then, sounds like temperamental cable or something, try offering a sacrifice to it -- too often I have found that fixing problems like that requires divining the correct angle of pressure, then applying a leaning monitor onto an unhappy cable connection!
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#90 Post by Caneri »


Hey, I'm in for a bit of wobble tests...this is just too much fun.

I am a tad busy so I'm not always ready to test, but I'll be around and put in my 2 cents.

73 and DX
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#91 Post by topjohn »


bear with me, these are dumb questions...

the ati.pet file should be installed instead of the ati driver from amd? it should be installed at what was my step 3?
also, you said that the ati.pet was updated, so i can get it from the original post where you first introduced your ati.pet?

i'll see if i can get another go at running your ati.pet file on a fresh puppy. i'll report back.

wobble wobble.
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#92 Post by topjohn »

well, i had a fresh install of puppy on a usb drive. i added the devx and kernel-src files then installed the ati.pet. seemed to go fine. i then checked xorg.conf and found vesa and replaced it with fglrx and saved. reboot. nothing changed. resolution was still off when i came up. fglrx had been replaced with vesa again. i figured this was a stop point, but i tried to run "SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz-manager" and it killed x. so i think it's no good fo rme.
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#93 Post by The Jinx »

okay please tombh please bear with me and my dumb questions.

So far I have:

1. Boot up wNOP and downloaded the latest ATI.pet
2. Rebooted and created a pupsave.sfs
3. Installed the latest ATI.pet but obtained:


4. Then i proceeded to download the wNOPdump.tar.gz file you posted up and installed it (by double clicking i assume)


1. Did i mess up the install of the ATI.pet?
2. If i did indeed install the wNOPdump properly, where do i go to run it or where can i find the file it should generates?
3. Where do i go to find "xorg.conf"?
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#94 Post by Volsung »

I can answer the last 2 questions for tom...

2. I thought I had installed it improperly when I first ran it too... It makes the file on your desktop (when you run it, it doesn't look like it does anything till you look there)

3. xorg.conf is located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I suggest you makes a backup before you change anything and after you change something and it works, that way if you run xorgwizard again (or it is run for you like happens to me sometimes) you can restore the right config without having to retype everything.
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#95 Post by tombh »

@ATI Testers -- Caneri, The Jinx, topjohn: Thankyou for your efforts -- none of your questions are dumb!

The ATI.pet is meant to completely replace the standard method of downloading the installer from the ATI website and so therefore the devx and kernel-source SFSs are not needed.

Here is some good news -- kirk has packaged the latest ATI video driver and no doubt it will certainly work and won't need testing -- although we may still need a little tweaking to get the wobbles. So I still need some help to see exactly what tweaks (if any -- fingers crossed :)) are needed to get full wobblifaction (the technical term!).
All that needs to be done to try kirk's package is:
(1) Clean, fresh, 'pfix=ram' boot of wNOP
(2) Download (or by whatever other means) kirk's dotpet
(3) Double click it to install
(4) Add

Code: Select all

Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Enable"
to the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf
(NB this step is only needed for Compiz-Fusion to work, not the driver)
(5) Restart X
(6) If X still works then try typing

Code: Select all

in the terminal.

Then if wobbles are not working --
(1) Download the wNOPinspect.tar.gz from the first post of this thread
(2) extract the wNOPinspect script using Xarchive -- xarchive opens automatically when you double click on any *.tar.gz file
(3) Run the script by double clicking on it (I should have programmed some indicator to show that the script has run successfully, but I didn't, sorry)
(4) After the script has run a file called wNOPdump.tar.gz will be placed on your desktop -- which you can then attach to a post on the forum.

Good Luck everyone 8)
Last edited by tombh on Sun 02 Dec 2007, 17:20, edited 2 times in total.
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#96 Post by Caneri »

ok,,this is my first shot with the new ati_flgrx-7.11.pet.

So far no joy...but I'm still half asleep and only had one coffee so far.
I'll rerun everything in a bit.

Dump is attached..thx
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#97 Post by tombh »

!! My previous post is edited !!
!! I forgot to mention about adding

Code: Select all

Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Enable"
to the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then restarting X

Caneri your wNOPdump is perfect! Kirk's driver works :) Hurray!

I reckon we're pretty much there. Just add that code and all should be tickityboo.

But if wobble fails, I'll need the output of

Code: Select all

this time.

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#98 Post by Caneri »

I think a web page here on puppy.ca is in order....

I put up a fast test page...what do you people think about a web page just for wNOP....with all the updates and .pets that go with this puplet.

EDIT..ok a test page is now up...thx cb88 for the video.
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#99 Post by The Jinx »

I also do not have the wobbily after installing the kurk dotpet. :(

Attached is the output of wNOPinspect:
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#100 Post by tombh »

The Jinx,
Thanks for that. Your wNOPdump is perfect too -- kirk's dotpet has installed perfectly. Also I see you added the Option "Composite" "Enable" code to the end of xorg.conf, but still no wobble :(

Okay so seeing as EVERYTHING is setup perfectly the only thing left to report any errors is the command

Code: Select all

run from the terminal.

Then post what it says...

Thank you :)
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