SVG developed by EVE problem

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SVG developed by EVE problem

#1 Post by aschatte »

I am attempting to embedd an SVG file developed in the EVE program into a Freescale NE9S12NE64 microprocessor set up as a simple web server. When I attempt to access the attached file I get the followng error:

Use of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported. Error processing resource ''. Line 7, Position 3

I was really hoiping to be able to put these files into the web server and was wondering if I could get a little help with this problem. When I view the HTML document that contains it outside of the web server, it looks OK.

Thanks for your help,
The contains a simple web page with index.htm being the head and Incubator.html and System1.svg being referenced by it. My web server handle Incubator.html OK, but it looks like the System1.svg causes a problem.
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#2 Post by Flash »

I think I speak for everyone when I ask, what's this got to do with Puppy Linux?

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#3 Post by Lobster »

Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page :D


#4 Post by Ted_DOG »

try downloading the DTD (which looks good) and host it on your server.
hardcode for now the ref to your server in the DOCTYPE and concate the 2 & 3rd line.

Code: Select all
change PUBLIC to PRIVATE (again for now) check with and without this change.

you'r server maybe on the wrong side of a NAT where browser versions would work and your webserver is 'internet of one'

Just a guess. I tried stuff like this years ago and memory is faulty

It appears that this is a reference to another BerryK EVE product. So, I would understand he would not think this is exculsive to Puppy Linux. Back Flash Back :twisted:


does Windy Meadows Chicken ship to central Texas?

#5 Post by Ted_Dog »

pulled from your files, and being nosey, I wonder do you know if they ship the chickens outside of the Dallas area? :o mmmm, chicken


file:///C|/Documents -WHAT is it? windows, Mr. Schatte

#6 Post by Ted_Dog »


Code: Select all

System1.eve</a> - This is the system diagram which will invoke the EVE editor
<a href="file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Alvin%20Schatte.FAMILY-R03JP2TL/My%20Documents/Digi-Key-Freescale%20Design%20Contest/Design/System%20Diagram.svg">file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Alvin%20Schatte.FAMILY-R03JP2TL/My%20Documents/Digi-Key-Freescale%20Design%20Contest/Design/System%20Diagram.svg</a> - This is the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file which can be specified in an HTML document.
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Are you running this inside a windows machine try search and replace to your server code to unlink it with windows.

Maybe we can help download Puppy Linux, burn it to a CD (or DVD) copy and test with the little blue fish. We promise it will NEVER link to a windows file by force only by choice. sic em Flash..

:twisted: :evil: :evil:

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SVG developed by EVE problem

#7 Post by aschatte »

Thank you all for your comments.

Yes, the is not a Puppy Linux problem, but, rather, an EVE editor artifact. I was unable to discover how to direct this question to Mr. Kauler or someone who would be able to help. Please, forgive me!

Thank you, Ted_Dog, for your suggestion which I will attempt as soon as I am able to get back to this. You are correct in assuming that this is an internet of one!. The server is a Freescale NE9S12NE64 microcontroller running OpenTCP stack and no OS. I am attempting to use it to develop a webserver (very simple) to allow a Web browser interface to a control program that it is running, change control parameters, and download archived data. As far as Windy Meadows Chicken is concerned, contact them via their web page. They raise pastured, free range broilers in the Commerce, TX area. They are very good.

Regards to all,

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cool sounding product

#8 Post by Ted Dog »

I checked the motorla lit. and could not find the NE9S12NE64 is it like the MC9S12NE64? only $75 dollars for a evalboard, I might get one :D

I wounder if it can run linux? 12K C (what version? K & R?)

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#9 Post by Flash »

Okay. Sorry, I forgot that Barry did something besides Puppy. :oops:

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re: MC9S12NE64

#10 Post by aschatte »

Hello again,

I have been called away from this project and have not been able to attempt the recommendations that you made regarding the SVG file reference. I hope to sometime in the near future.

Regarding the NE9S12NE64 processor, you are coprrect, it is really the MC9S12NE64 and the development board for it is very nice. I am sure that the demo board that you refer to is also a nice platform. I think that it might be a challenge to get Puppy to run on it since its code space is around 64K. However, the larger version of the chip does have an external memory bus which might allow something like puppy to run on it. It has a lot of nice peripherals embedded in it especially if you are wanting to embed an Ethernet interface. Here is a link that I have to its data page: ... 468636K100

Best regards to all,

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