Puppy 4 Beta 2

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#61 Post by HairyWill »

glade-3.desktop has an incorrect icon entry
It is missing the .png file extension. In addition the icon's current location at /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps is not in the jwm icon path.

the desktop file needs the full icon path
the icon needs to be copied somewhere in the icon path
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps needs adding to the icon path in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc

I notice that $HOME/.icons has been removed from the icon path. Surely this is a sensible place to encourage users to customise their icons.

Please change this so that it actually invokes some sort of editor. So that when you click on a text file in rox that doesn't have a defined mime handler you actually get to see the contents of the file. Obviously this mechanism needs to be sensitive to the fact that X may not be running when vi is called.
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#62 Post by Feverfew »

Hi. In the first help screen the screen-caps are still "Citrus Themed"

so here's some new ones. y'all have good day.
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New partition/drive icons omit DVDROM

#63 Post by rerwin »

I have added a Lite-On Combo SOHC-5232K DVD-ROM/CDRW drive as slave, to the master Lite-On DVDRW LDW 851S. Those are the names Pmount displays for them, as hdd and hdc, respectively.

The only DVD device in /dev is "DVD", which seems vague. Should there also be a DVDROM, at least (since CD/RWs are linked as "CDROM")? The icons include only one "DVD", linked to hdc.

I plan to use the new drive for on-the-fly copying of video DVDs. I assume pburn can handle that. It does show both hdc and hdd as a candidate devices.

Also, and I think it has already been reported, if you use a hard-drive icon to mount an NTFS partition, you cannot write to the partition, even though there are indications that it is mounted read-write. Using Pmount instead does permit writing to it.
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read / write from home icon

#64 Post by GeoW »


This is just to add to the data to help in solving the problem
you described.

>Also, and I think it has already been reported, if you use a
>hard-drive icon to mount an NTFS partition, you cannot write
>to the partition, even though there are indications that it is
>mounted read-write. Using Pmount instead does permit writing to it.

After reading your post I did the following:
1. Clicked on the home icon
2. Opened menu.lst and changed the default, closed & saved
3. Reboot - went to the new selection

I am running off a single 16G NTFS HD.

This seems to conflict with your data. Perhaps the fact that it is
my boot disk is saving me. Beats me.

Hope this helps someone.



I later realized that this was not a good test because my home
directory was already mounted before I clicked on the icon.

I reran the test after booting with pfix=ram - same result.

The one remaining difference is that rerwin refers to an NTFS
partition while I have an NTFS disk. I cannot check that.

No -that is not true. Since I am running a frugal install off the
hard disk, it has been opened during the boot process even
though the icon indicates it is not currently open.

I would need to burn a cd and boot from that to test this aspect.

Last edited by GeoW on Thu 24 Apr 2008, 13:04, edited 1 time in total.
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#65 Post by HairyWill »

If I set the boot manager to do "super fast boot" my sound system comes up with the pcm channel zeroed and muted.

I have confirmed this is not caused by absvolume.

Starting sgmixer re-enables the sound. I was curious why

Code: Select all

# sgmixer --help
Usage: sgmixer [--minimized] [--read-from-mixer]
  --minimized        start minimized
  --read-from-mixer  read channel settings from mixer, not from config
sgmixer stores its own version of the sound channel state and reads this by default on startup. This is helpful for fixing the above problem but could be considered irritating if you had used a different mixer to make sound adjustments.

Whilst I appreciate that "super fast boot" is probably going to have issues in some cases the warning that it gives just concerns changing hardware. This might be a hard one for some people to track down if they can't make the connection.

Super fast boot doesn't seem to save more than a couple of seconds on my laptop so I wonder if it is worth the grief.
Does anyone else have a similar problem?
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Re: Feedback on wireless by new tester of wireless

#66 Post by barriew »

rerwin wrote: Regarding improving the wizard, I am willing to work with others to polish the human-interface aspect of it, with more walk-throughs. Maybe we need a new "project" thread to work together on.
One thing that would help is if all the redundant commented out code were removed. I have limited experience and I gave up trying to understand the script because of all the redundant lines.

Just my view - I don't have the skills to work on this seriously.

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#67 Post by xekarfwtos »


My laptop, sometimes, crashes when I select to reboot, shutdown or exit to prompt. The problem appears in frugal and full installation on internal hard drive. I didn't have this problem with puppy 3.01. My graphic card is intel 915gm. In xorg.conf the correct driver (intel) is selected but the module i915 is not loaded.
My xerros.log
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#68 Post by MU »

I must run
modprobe ehci_hcd
in a console or from /etc/rc.local, or my external USB-harddrive with attached mouse is not usable.
This was the same in Puppy 3, so I added this command to the startup-files of Muppy.

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#69 Post by floborg »

Update on the invisible volume control:
* No tray volume control
There is a blank placeholder in the tray, but no speaker icon. I went through the ALSA wizard twice, selecting the same things I do every time. My jwmrc-tray file has no volume control in it, but the process is running. I don't, however, have any sound. I normally probe for legacy cards and select ES18xx. I have an onboard ES1869.
I was using the "super fast boot" option. When I disabled it, the volume control magically reappeared. NOTE: This did not happen in Puppy 3.98. The tray volume control was always there.
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#70 Post by HairyWill »

floborg wrote:I was using the "super fast boot" option. When I disabled it, the volume control magically reappeared. NOTE: This did not happen in Puppy 3.98. The tray volume control was always there.
I think Barry is going to replace the volume control because of its relatively high resource usage.
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#71 Post by linuxcbon »

youtube doesnt show videos full screen in seamonkey.
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#72 Post by HairyWill »

linuxcbon wrote:youtube doesnt show videos full screen in seamonkey.
1. standard jwm can't cope with fullscreen flash
2. I don't think the default flash version does fullscreen.

I tried patching jwm so that I could at least get a stand alone maximiseable window and upgraded flash using the It worked but only at about 5-10 frames a second :-(. I also tried flash with the same result.

I'm not sure if the X server has an effect on this. I tried using the xorg vesa driver and also Xvesa
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#73 Post by BarryK »

linuxcbon wrote:I dont have DRI enabled, not sure if needed though (does it make Xwindow faster ?) It needs the r200_dri.so :?
Also glxinfo, glxgears not there. Should I try with full_dri pet ?

Code: Select all

# qt3to4
qt3to4: error while loading shared libraries: libQtXml.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Same with other qtconfig,qtdemo.
Same with lrelease and lupdate

Code: Select all

# linguist
linguist: error while loading shared libraries: libQtNetwork.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Code: Select all

# pmirror
grep: /root/.pmirror_config: No such file or directory
grep: /root/.pmirror_config: No such file or directory
grep: /root/.pmirror_config: No such file or directory
date: invalid date `+%s'
expr: syntax error
expr: syntax error

Code: Select all

# gaimshell
/usr/sbin/gaim-autosetup.sh: line 56: /root/.gaim/accounts.xml: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/gaim-autosetup.sh: line 76: /root/.gaim/blist.xml: No such file or directory
/usr/sbin/gaimshell: line 5: exec: gaim: not found
Run PETget, choose 'qt4' package if you want to run Qt4 appliations.

Run PETget, choose 'xorg_xorg_dri' package to add DRI and extra GL functionality. However, it is currently missing the r200_dri.so module -- I have just added that, will be updated on ibiblio soon.

Pmirror is maintained by zigbert. I sent a pm to him about it.
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#74 Post by BarryK »

I think that the version of Xorg 7.3 in Dingo is not the best. There were some reports that 7.2 is better in some respects. I haven't investigated this in depth. I'll probably do an upgrade to a later Xorg for Puppy 4.1.
In fact, I intend to upgrade lots of packages for 4.1.
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#75 Post by linuxcbon »

In seamonkey Flash can do full screen with dailymotion.com but not with youtube.
I guess qtconfig,qtdemo, lrelease, lupdate, linguits shouldnt be there if there is no qt4.
I will try xorg_xorg_dri tomorrow :)
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#76 Post by linuxcbon »

When running pprocess :

Code: Select all

# pprocess 
sh: locate: command not found
And pprocess appears twice in process manager.

Also got "sleep 10" and "sleep 4" in process manager. Dont know why.
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SmartLink driver update for special requirement - NOT NEEDED

#77 Post by rerwin »

EDIT 4/28: Further analysis shows that the ALSA modems that the script supports will be handled last and only if no other modem drivers are detected. The requirement applies only to the ALSA modems, so that they are not used if another modem is supplied. Please disregard the attachment.

In response to the requirement that "A Smartlink modem should only be chosen if there is no alternative driver found.", here is the slmodem update I promised you in my PM. If any alternatives are found, they are removed.

Before setting up for the SmartLink modem (USB or PCI) the slmodem script removes any other modem drivers that might also be loaded in addition to the SL driver(s). It also avoids the need to rename slmodem to zzslmodem, because now it does not have to run last. I included removal of the new agr... modem drivers. I excluded USB-serial converters (like pl2303) because they could be used for other serial devices.

I have tested with the SL USB modem and an intel536, successfully both with and without the fix. But this should avoid surprises.

I inserted the following line after line 14:

Code: Select all

for onemodule in agrserial agrmodem cdc_acm esscom Intel536 Intel537 ltserial ltmodem mwave pctel; do modprobe.bin -rq $onemodule; done  #v3.99 remove any other modem drivers, but not for usb-serial converters - As new modem drivers are added to Puppy, include their names in this "for" list.
The script and its difference listing are attached.

Please consider this for the final, as it is a minimal and seemingly low-risk change. Thanks.

BTW, using "modprobe -r" for the drivers resulted in their scripts being copied from zdrv to /etc/init.d. Shouldn't removals be sent directly to modprobe.bin, since no special treatment is needed?
To test, copy file slmodem to /etc/init.d/.
It belongs ultimately in the zdrv /lib/all-firmware-all/slmodem... folder.
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#78 Post by John Doe »

linuxcbon wrote:When running pprocess :

Code: Select all

# pprocess 
sh: locate: command not found
that happens when a gtk app can't find an image it's trying to display.
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#79 Post by BarryK »

Last edited by BarryK on Sun 27 Apr 2008, 02:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#80 Post by BarryK »

Flash wrote:Upgrading multisession Puppy 3.01 DVD to Dingo 4 beta 2 breaks SeaMonkey.

To upgrade, I boot the 3.01 multisession DVD, use burniso2cd to burn the Dingo iso to a DVD+RW, then shut down. As I understand it, Puppy then automagically saves the part of 3.01 that's in RAM, as the first session on the Dingo DVD. When I boot the Dingo DVD, it asks a few questions and tells me there are some missing dependencies and what it thinks they are (a very helpful touch, by the way. :) ) But when I click on the "browse" icon, nothing happens. I open a console and type "mozilla", and get this:
# mozilla
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.8/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 13695 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
I reboot the multisession Dingo DVD, only this time with "puppy pfix=ram". Dingo boots clean, I run the connect wizard, and SeaMonkey opens when the 'browse' icon is clicked. So it appears there's nothing wrong with the SeaMonkey in either 3.01 or Dingo beta 2, but upgrading somehow breaks SeaMonkey.

I really like the new mounting scheme, which shows all the partitions right on the desktop. :)
Would you mind setting up that scenario again, Running 3.01, burn new 4.00b2 DVD, reboot.

Then, look at

and let me know if these exist and if so what's in them. Also report if they are symlinks, and to where.
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