New Puppy Logo!

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Choose your preferred Puppy logo

Poll ended at Mon 16 Jul 2007, 08:09

Kelpie pup
Round glossy pup
Puppy paw - any color
Rasterpax original
Square rasterpax with ears
Total votes: 30

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#261 Post by rastapax »

Thanks for the translation and I have changed
Been very useful to me
Thanks Lobster :P

Now I am working on more icons to show
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#262 Post by klu9 »

¿puedes darnos el texto original? así podemos intentar traducirlo.

what I can do so far...
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It's not enough to have a great design and a strong technology platform, it is more than that. It's also about having some ingenuity; like Puppy Linux, which gives great solutions in a single system. But I feel that its interface could be better streamlined for the inexperienced user.

... "That may open even more expectations" ...
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#263 Post by rastapax »

I finished the first line of icons
Hope you like it
Ubuntu is a macos win etc etc

But trying to maintain the independence graphic for you puppylinux
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#264 Post by rastapax »

klu9 wrote:@rastapax
¿puedes darnos el texto original? así podemos intentar traducirlo.

what I can do so far...
Puppy Linux
Smaller but now simpler
Puppy Linux microsite
It's not enough to have a great design and a strong technology platform, it is more than that. It's also about having some ingenuity; like Puppy Linux, which gives great solutions in a single system. But I feel that its interface could be better streamlined for the inexperienced user.

... "That may open even more expectations" ...

I did it with google translator but lost the text
The ideal thing would be someone who would take good drafting the text and translate
Keeping the original idea

I am an editor for there is no serious great for the mini site
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#265 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi I really like your icons, The only one I found too dark was you console, So I messed around with your images and came up with this one, Hope you didn't mind, Great work, Do you plan of maybe making new icons for the start menu? those icons are truly dated. thanks for your hard work :)
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#266 Post by rastapax »

ttuuxxx wrote:Hi I really like your icons, The only one I found too dark was you console, So I messed around with your images and came up with this one, Hope you didn't mind, Great work, Do you plan of maybe making new icons for the start menu? those icons are truly dated. thanks for your hard work :)

To apologize on the programs as freehand or use flash
But not given and the next step to potoshop I leave by the end

have icons also prototypes
But after the climb I ... Going slow but sure

:wink: :) :) :)

PS? You can make a logo or something interesting that although not much a greeting something ....
For example, when you put ubuntu do not see numbers while loading time icons or percentages
During his instalcion
To think that there is a puppy OS that installs and installs easily and that would be a plus
''Or not
I am not an expert on linux user's basic love make it accessible and friendly

Thank the animo
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Are clean icons

#267 Post by dansolo »

I' think that rastapax is making a very good and secure job with the new icons. They have a clean design, they are very purist and professional. And I'think that is a good idea if in the future, when he finish his work, can be some versions of colors combinated , so the puppy' users will chosse a personal palete.
This icons are realy nice, simple, serius and candy at the same time. I' think so.

Congratulations . . . :lol:

spanish traslation:

Pienso que rastapax esta haciendo un muy bueno y seguro trabajo con los nuevos iconos. Tienen un diseño limpio, son puros y profesionales.
Pienso que es una buena idea que en el futuro, cuando termine su trabajo, se disponga de algunas versiones con distintas combinaciones de colores, para que de ese modo los usuarios de puppy opten por su paleta freferida.
Estos iconos son realmente bellos, simples, serios y dulces a la vez, eso pienso.

Felicitaciones . . . :lol:
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#268 Post by inged »

Good work rastapax. I like all your designs, the cute puppy with yellow background looking up, the minimalist puppy face of the avatar, the one with a 3D button shape,... just amazing.

I was thinking, how they would look if the puppy face was a bit tilted as on the avatar? IMHO it would look even better!

Lobster, I was lost trying to follow up the translations asked, I guess klu9 nailed down. I'll try to check more often this thread for translation if needed.

Buen trabajo rastapax. Me han gustado todos tus diseños, el del cachorro en fondo amarillo mirando hacia arriba, el diseño minimalista del rostro del cachorro en el avatar, aquel con la forma de boton en 3D,... sencillamente asombrosos.

Estaba pensando, como se verían si el rostro del cachorro estuviese ligeramente girado como en el avatar? En mi humilde opinión personal se verían mejores!

Lobster, Me perdí tratanto de seguir las traducciones que se preguntaban, creo que klu9 hizo un buen trabajo. Intentaré revisar más a menudo esta página en caso de traducciones.

PS. The rastapax design is so good that I chose it for the IceWM taskbar menu button, and as my first avatar!
PD. El diseño de rastapax es tan bueno que lo escogí para el botón del menú de inicio en IceWM, y como mi primer avatar!.
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#269 Post by Lobster »

Lobster, I was lost trying to follow up the translations asked, I guess klu9 nailed down. I'll try to check more often this thread for translation if needed.
Thanks guys - it is just a courtesy as some people struggle with English
I do to :)

I do too! :oops:
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#270 Post by rastapax »

who dares to make a logon or welcome
or who I can send the parts necessary for an item IceWM
so I send a proposal to whoever needed

Aing thanks for offering to translations
so eager to give more work


quien se atreve a hacer un logon o bienvenida
o quien me puede enviar las partes necesarias para un tema ICEWM
asi les envio una porpuesta a quien lo requiera

gracias ainged por ofrecerse a las traducciones
asi dan mas ganas de trabajar

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#271 Post by inged »

quien se atreve a hacer un logon o bienvenida
o quien me puede enviar las partes necesarias para un tema ICEWM
asi les envio una porpuesta a quien lo requiera

gracias ainged por ofrecerse a las traducciones
asi dan mas ganas de trabajar
my rough translation of what rastapax means could be like:

This is an open proposal to anybody interested:
Is somebody willing to do a logon or welcome screen for puppy (splash screen?), or who can point out what is needed to create an IceWM theme?

Thank you to inged for the translations,
Now I'm really eager to do more work!

From a rastapax PM:
la idea es ir simplificandolo.... no por que sea pequeño
no deba tener calidad grafica...debe mejorar la comunicacion para su interfaz tener su identidad
The idea is to simplify... because it is a light distro doesn't mean it has to sacrifice the graphical interface... Puppy should deliver better its image, its own identity.

My 2 cents,

The splash screen (or maybe the default wallpaper) could be something similar to the rastapax image on
The one with the yellow/white theme would fit nicely for a citrus-like theme. In case rastapax means a splash screen, I guess Pizzasgood mentioned he was working in something like that sometime ago. Well that is what I can remember from the top of my head at this time.

I guess WhoDo will know where to point out for creating a new theme with a new set of icons. The one published by rastapax here sounds to me like a good minimalist-retro-like theme idea.


Mis 2 centavos,

La pantalla de bienvenida (tal vez el papel tapiz por defecto) podría ser algo similar a la imagen de rastapax en
Aquella con el fondo amarillo/blanco quedaría muy bien para un tema similar al citrus. En el caso que rastapax se refiera a la pantalla de bienvenida, creo que Pizzasgood mencionó que el estaba trabajando en algo similar hace algún tiempo. Bueno, eso es lo que me viene a la cabeza ahora mismo.

Creoq que WhoDo puede indicar lo necesario para crear un tema-visual nuevo con un set nuevo de iconos. El que rastapax publicó acá me suena bien para una buena idea de tema retro-minimalista.
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#272 Post by inged »

klu9, I guess I can use a bit of your help here. From a rastapax PM I got the sense for what he wants on his He is creating a personal website for collecting ideas on what the Puppy graphical interface should look (at least wallpaper and desktop icons, I guess). He lost the original text, but he was kind enough to re-phrase what he means.

from rastapax
No basta con tener una grandes agencias y ni una plataforma tecnológica ultimo modelo
es mas simple...
es tener un poco de ingenio y sentido comun, para darse cuenta de las proyecciones de puppylinux y empezar a buscar las soluciones
en este sitio voy a mostrar mi trabajo para mejorar la interfaz del usuario y lograr hacerla mas intuitiva
cualquier ayuda y cometario es bienvenido
para que en un futuro llegue a cualquier tipo de usuario que a fin de cuenta sea accesible para todos que ... sea simple

llegar a todos... eso abre las expectativas

from klu9
Puppy Linux
Smaller but now simpler
Puppy Linux microsite
It's not enough to have a great design and a strong technology platform, it is more than that. It's also about having some ingenuity; like Puppy Linux, which gives great solutions in a single system. But I feel that its interface could be better streamlined for the inexperienced user.

... "That may open even more expectations" ...
Taking the klu9 suggestion, I made a few modifications, but still I don't feel is like it should be. Still English is not my mother tongue.

my twisted transliteration
Puppy Linux
but now simpler to use

Puppy Linux microsite
It's not enough to have a great design and a strong technology platform, it is more than that. It's also about having some ingenuity; like Puppy Linux, which gives great solutions in a small size.

I am working on improving the look and feel of Puppy Linux. My purpose is to make it more intuitive. My work will be showcased here. Puppy should be accessible to everybody even to the inexperienced user, because Puppy should be, just ... simple.

Reaching everyone... That may open even more expectations

Suggestions and comments are more than welcome.
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#273 Post by Pizzasgood »

In case rastapax means a splash screen, I guess Pizzasgood mentioned he was working in something like that sometime ago. Well that is what I can remember from the top of my head at this time.
That would be a splash during the boot. Additionally, you can put another splash before the boot. Right now, Puppy uses that time for displaying the list of boot options. In Puppy 1.x.x, we had a graphical screen there instead. Many distros (including the Puppy derivative pcPuppyOS) use a graphical screen that pauses for you to type options and has a brief text message as part of the image saying "press [F2] for more options", and then a screen more like what Puppy has now that appears when you press [F2]. Also, though Puppy doesn't currently do this, that same feature can be used for USB installs.
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#274 Post by inged »

Thanks Pizzasgood for the clarification, the only I knew was that you were working on something. Personally, I don't prefer the splash when booting. I want to see if everything looks right. But I'm sure there is a lot of people who would like to see something like the other distros and OS. To me that is a way to hide the slow booting, I can bear the 35 seconds when booting 3.01 on my laptop. 8)

Well, who knows if in the future some rastapax design is chosen for a boot splash. :o
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#275 Post by Pizzasgood »

I prefer seeing the text too. My long term goal is to have it split-screen.
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#276 Post by rastapax »

this is a good game
something like the animal skin
ironic macos

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#277 Post by inged »

rastapax, that's a good looking design!. I just found that member asf did a nice new design:

Good Work!
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#278 Post by Jaybekay »

rastapax - Awesome job on that logo, I think it is perfect. You have a lot of talent. I'm using it everywhere on my Puppy like on my wallpaper.

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Testing 1, 2, 3 . . .

#279 Post by Feverfew »


By the way rastapax. Good job with the tilt face icon it's now the de facto standard 8). ... 539#196539
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#280 Post by rastapax »

greetings and state lost some time but here goes again something
and had little time
but I always try to raise something
:D :D
good jobs icons
while less better

****menos es mas******
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