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What works, and doesn't, for you. Be specific, and please include Puppy version.
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puppy 3.98 on a low spec laptop

#21 Post by recycler »

For the record I'm delighted to be able to say that puppy 3.98 is running a little slowly but usably on a Toshiba Portege 3110CT pentium II 300mhz with 64MB ram. I'm hoping to upgrade the ram but I'm really pleased to be able to use puppy and revive a previously unused laptop.

I tried previously installing puppy 2.17 but X wouldn't start up. That was using a wake pup floppy with a USB stick since this machine has no CD rom and at that point had no HD either. Now after setting up a 6gb hd via an adaptor to an old desktop machine with cd rom and the puppy 3.98 beta live CD it has been possible to get a full install working! The display looks great and I'm very pleased with puppy. Best of all is my modem has been setup automatically and I'm on the net with dialup with no hassle. Thanks to all involved especially Barry for this remarkable program.
[i][quote] [/quote]
[/i]Puppy 412 and 430
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#22 Post by ZAPPDOG »

amd 1.667 - 1 g ram

p4 1.8

p4 2.0

amd 500

PII 350 (x 3)

PI 166

they all run 3.01 better than any o/s out there.
P4 2.6 G
P4 2.0 G
P4 1.8 G
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From Clunker to Sprinter

#23 Post by dcbevins »

I have a 486 clocked to 463mhz with 196ram.

I am amazed how spry puppy is on this old pc. It out paces dsl-n by a good margin, (didnt like the interface anyway). It blows xubuntu out of the water on speed, (though firefox bloats xubuntu).

It opens web pages and apps faster than my winxp pent4 2.0ghz 512mbram pc, but slower than the winxp p4 3.2ghz 1gbram.

This system was in storage forever. It has rust on the inside. The floppy is dead. The hard drive used to stop spinning periodically, but I put it in the freezer overnight and turned it upside down and it hasn't died yet.

I even got the old isapnp sound card to work. It plays mp3's ok, as long as i dont do much else. It performs better than newer usb sound card.

I am happy to breath some life into this thing. Now my kids have a pc for web browsing or music so they wont have to beg for my pc or my wifes.

Gonna try wine next and see if some older games for toddler work.

If you got an old system don't junk it! Puppy it!

Update: I got the dvd to work! In 1280x1024 no less. Another place to park the kids. :)
Last edited by dcbevins on Sat 03 May 2008, 04:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: From Clunker to Sprinter

#24 Post by paulh177 »

dcbevins wrote:I put it in the freezer overnight and turned it upside down and it hasn't died yet.
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#25 Post by irv »

Several old NEC Versa VXI laptops, which run puppy 4.0 just great,
with 1 gz PIII and 256 megs ram. These do everything I need to do to make
money (programming & web design), and the cost was nothing. Throw aways from a business upgrade.
These old computers are barely usable with Ubuntu,
but blazing fast & stable with Puppy.
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#26 Post by brymway »

Yup. Puppy to the rescue. Puppy gives new life to perfectly good computers. I went over to my sister-in-laws house and popped Puppy in an old computer they had. If I'm right, it was a 433 processor with 64 megs of ram. Puppy 3.01 ran and was capable but I wouldn't want to have it as my sole computer. Although it might be a candidate for a text version of Puppy.
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#27 Post by Linsomer »

I'm running Puppy 2.17 on a P3 933MHz at 1050MHz, 256MB ram, refer to sig for the rest. It's in an old beige mATX "Avado" case which I think suits the small footprint of Puppy LInux. Funny thing is: I actually gave this box to my aunt *with XP Home on it* and she returned it about 2 months later saying she bought a new D3LL laptop. :twisted:

I took it back and shelfed it for 6 months mainly cuz it was so loud. I did a bunch of minor silencing mods to quiet this machine before reviving it with Puppy. Why are old computers so loud!?! Anyway, I'm using it now and am very happy with it. Using an old 17" CRT monitor thats been in my garage for months. The onboard sound works flawlessly unlike my ubuntu 7.10 box with an ECS MB (using its onboard audio).

Sadly the old DVD-ROM drive I have still can't play DVDs like it couldn't in Windows (what a surprise!) :roll: ... that's another thing on the to do list for this machine.

Man is Puppy a perky OS, I had no idea what I was missing!
[size=75]Puppy Linux 2.17 : Intel P3 1050 MHz - GA-6PMM mATX - 256MB SDRAM - 10GB Fujitsu 5400rpm - GF4 MX440 64MB[/size]
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Re: List your system

#28 Post by earl »

HP Omnibook 900B

Puppy 4.00 on HD dual boot with win98

CPU Pentium III
RAM 126Mbytes
HD 11 Gbytes - 7 dedicated to Linux Puppy

Only one USB type 1.1 which I used for a RTL 8187B Wlan

This computer has 2 PCmcia card slots but they are 16 bit type and my old LAN and WLAN cards are not supported. The above Wlan worked seamlessly in both Puppy' 3.01 and 4.00

I am using Openoffice in a folder and Devx.

This machine crashes after 1/2 with windows and runs for days in Puppy - and Puppy' free!!!!

I hae a desktop that has applications requiring netx so I can't get rid of Windows XP completely yet - maybe someday...

I did try Ubuntu on this machine but it just could not handle the low memory. I'm so pleased with Puppy I may try to find extra memory for this special 3 pound computer.
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#29 Post by alienjeff »

System du jour:

Commercial grade, circa 2001, HP Kayak XU800
dual 800 MHz Pentium III processors
NO hard drives
NO swap partition/file
1 gig RAM
Puppy v2.12 frugal on Micro Cruzer 2 gig USB stick
Wake Up Pup boot floppy

Back-up system:

Low-end consumer HP Pavilion XE736
Celeron 600 processor
9 gig IDE hard drive
256M swap partition
256M RAM
Puppy v2.12 full install

To-go box:

Cool in its day Gateway Solo 5150 lappy
233 MHz mmx Pentium II processor
4.1 gig hard drive
288M swap partition
288M RAM
Puppy v2.12 full install

N.B. - Both the back-up box and lappy have been deliberately maxed out with RAM. The Pavilion came with none and the lappy with 32M of hardwired mobo RAM, so this decision was a personal one based on experience with Puppy.

I've found adding RAM the most cost effective way to boost operating performance of these antiques.

I have yet to bind up or crash the Kayak, so have had no crying need to move up from 1 gig. Should cheap RAM cross my path, I just might kick it up, though.
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#30 Post by cb88 »

alienjeff try using gimp to do animaiton (bad idea) will make your kayak sink like a rock ..... that or use bash to calculate a factorial (another bad idea)

sempron 3100+ 1.8gz OCed to 2.0
512mb ram nvidia geforce 2 mx400 80gb HD Debain Etch 4.0 have booted puppy from usb on it before read speed was very slow before kernel loaded

tyan thunder 2 atx 512mb ram dual PII 300 Mhz each and a dinky harddrive OS in flux ...Haiku one day ubuntu another whatever i feel like has scisi support up to 30 disks.... not that i ahve any

grandparents gateway pentum 4 northwood i thing maybe prescott 512mb PC 800 80bg hd normally runs XP use it to test livecds ocassionally also nvidia geforce 2 mx 400 (an oldie but goodie video card)
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#31 Post by smiler82 »

IBM A22m laptop
PIII @ 866
128 RAM
20Gb HDD

booting 3.00 and 4.00 and both run just fine...

tempted to load the Pup onto my main quad core rig sporting 4 gigs of ram though....
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#32 Post by alienjeff »

Gimp? Surely you jest! Mtpaint does everything I'll ever need, thank you very much. And I never divide by zero ... ;)
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My Puppy PC's Specs

#33 Post by jellymann »

My Computer's Information (Everything I know about it):
Age: 6 years, bought second hand from a friend
Manufacturer: Sahara
CPU: AMD AthlonXP 1GHz, 133MHz FSB
RAM: 512Mb sdram @ 100MHz
Graphics: nVidia GeForce 5200 FX 128mb
Sound: A pair of budget Creative speakers (very good sound for what I paid for them) coming through a AC'97 sound card
Display: Dell E771p 17" CRT
Mouse: Standard GeniusPS/2
Keyboard: Chicony Electronics AT keyboard that I converted to PS/2
Software (in no particular order):
Standard Puppy 4.00 Dingo with devx
IceWM with Platinum theme installed
Platinum icon theme
Gimp 2.4
Blender 2.46
Eclipse Europa with Java 1.6 update 6
Wine 1.0 rc3
Firefox 2
Flock 1.2
Opera 9.27
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#34 Post by KF6SNJ »

Processor : AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1800+
Memory : 223MB (72MB used)
Operating System : puppy
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Sat 07 Jun 2008 11:09:49 AM GMT-8
Resolution : 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Unknown
X11 Vendor : (null)
Audio Adapter : EMU10K1 - SBLive! Value [CT4670]
Audio Adapter : NFORCE - NVidia nForce
-Input Devices-
AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse
-Printers (CUPS)-
CUPS-PDF : <i>(Default)</i>
-IDE Disks-
-SCSI Disks-
Maxtor 2 F040L0 Rev:
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#35 Post by russ »

It seems like puppy was made on a machine just like mine. Everything wo,rked right "out of the box".

Toshiba M35X-S311 Centrino laptop

768mb memory (added 256mb to original)
60gig hd
Pentium M 1.5gh
Intel 2200 wifi
SmartLink AMRMO modem (winmodem)

I use the liveCD 3.01 with a Cruzer 4gb flash drive for the settings.
The winmodem went bad so had to buy an external modem:
Actiontec EX560LKU external USB/Serial 56k hardware modem. (25 bucks on ebay [modem $8.99 + $15 S&Handling])
I had a little trouble setting the new modem up. This site explains the setup:
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#36 Post by 106498 »

My computer:

hp e-vectra 700(i think)
256 ram
10gb harddrive

Runs puppy great! Nice and small (and relatively quiet) computer.
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#37 Post by markofkane »

Dell Dimension 4400

OS= Windows XP Home SP3, and Frugal install Puppy Linux 4

CPU=Intel P4 1.6 Ghz (although Puppy says it's 1.4 Ghz)

Sound Card= Sound Blaster LIVE! LS

Video Card= Nvidia G-Force 5500 PCI video card.

1 GB of RAM (I forgot the type)

2 Hard drives, the 1st drive(160 GB) has 2 partitions, and the Second, (120GB) only one. Both are Western Digital.

4 USB slots, 1.1 (slow)

Sony CDRW CRX230E CD/RW ROM drive.

I have a HP PSC 1315v printer, but only use it in Windows for now, maybe until I figure out how to make it work in Puppy. 8)

(I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 too)
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#38 Post by timothyli »

ASUS EeePC 701 (1st generation),
upgraded to 2G RAM,
4G SSD factory O/S (Xandros) untouched,
Pupeee on an 8G A-Data Turbo SDHC card,
XP pro SP3 on Virtualbox on same SD card, seamless mode

I carry this machine around with me where ever I go as it is so flexible and mobile.
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#39 Post by timothyli »

ASUS EeePC 701 (1st generation),
upgraded to 2G RAM,
4G SSD factory O/S (Xandros) untouched,
Pupeee on an 8G A-Data Turbo SDHC card,
XP pro SP3 on Virtualbox on same SD card, seamless mode

I carry this machine around with me where ever I go as it is so flexible and mobile.
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#40 Post by brymway »

I've since been thru another phase. My "fast" now runs Dingo primarily although it also has my experimental learning Puppy using 3.01 as a base, HurtMePlenty, and Muppy on it as well, all frugally installed. My slow computer still has a stripped down 3.01 on it as the cd drive seems to not work well. We have an e-machine that runs windows but my wife wanted a distro for all the young children to use when they come and visit so I have tried TEEN, Pupeez and now HappyLinux (an amazing, but un-popular Puppy derivative) because my kids need flash to play games online and so far Happy is the only one that comes ready to go. The e-machine has 512 megs of ram with about an 800 mhz processor. All the puppys I've tried has run flawlessly and very fast on even the e-machine, although I must use Xvesa on it. So far, every computer I've attempted to run Puppy with, I've been successful, not me so much as Puppy has just worked.

So I have Puppy running on a computer with 192 megs ram, 512 megs ram, and 1 gig ram.
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