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#21 Post by puppian »

It seems working now... great!! 8)

May I have please?
[url=] - Community home page of Puppy Linux[/url] hosted by Barry (creator of Puppy), created and maintained by the [url=]Puppy Linux Foundation[/url] since 2005
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#22 Post by Maud_Dib »

Hey All !
Congratulations on the Move !

At 11G a day , and ~ 50MB per Puppy iso download , that's 200 - 220 downloads a day limit. Might be a problem when a new iso comes out.
Using a Torrent for the first X days or weeks would help , I'd be happy to let one rip ! I had Puppy 1.0.5-Mozilla running for days , but had no takers ...
I'd be happy to use my Broad Band for a Download site also , But I'd need some help setting up an FTP site.
( I've only got 10 Boxes running Folding@Home right now , but two are Dual CPU ! :) )
I usually set my upload limit to 40 KB/s with Bittorrent ( Bits On Wheels on my Mac Mini ) , but have hit 60 KB/s a few times. I think 260 KB/s downloading. My Insight account is ( supposed to be ) unlimited. Would love to test that theory out :D

So , If one of you , as an Official PupRep , would like to help me with the set up , PM or e-mail me and we'll get started !
Or start a thread in the appropriate forum We can use.

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get started

#23 Post by raffy »

Hello, and thanks for your offer. You may get started here and there, and start a new thread if bugs come out.

You may also consider using Xitami, a high-performance server, although Puppy has its own, as discussed in those threads.

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#24 Post by Pizzasgood »

Don't remember... should go asleep
I don't know whether that was a typo, mistranslation, or on purpose, but it definately gets the point accross. :)

I'm hoping I can get to bed at my normal time this week, because I've been up late three times so far, and it's beginning to impair my focus at school.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#25 Post by BarryK »

I'm still porting wiki pages across...
problem is, I didn't realise just how big the wiki has become, and I keep getting interrupted...
one of my sisters phoned me yesterday, her computer has broken down,
had to take my daughter to a end of school function last night,
and so on. daughter has a teashirt with "No I will not fix your computer" on it... I need something like that.

Anyway, will finish it off after reading this forum, and also port lots of pages from the old, and start putting links from the old
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#26 Post by BarryK »

Oh yeah, the reason I was unable to import the dumped mysql database to may have been because they are running mysql version 4.0.23.
They have informed me they plan to upgrade to 4.1.x soon.
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New email accounts

#27 Post by BarryK »

Have created

And sent personal messages to puppian and raffy with the details.

This handing out of email accounts could get out of hand!
So, have drawn a halt to it.... unless you are one of our longtime
contributing Puppy participants.

Have deleted the account.

Note, as mentioned earlier, all these email addresses have "active filtering".
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#28 Post by aahhaaa »

Barry- you seem to be working in dog years; 7 times the growth rate of any other distro! :D once again- thanks much...
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